hello everyone, please dont take it the wrong way when i say canada only. im curious to know from canadian buyers if they ran into this problem with there jvc rear projection tv's if its that bad, a lawsuit should be in place. and i will start one if my tv goes!!! please state your concerns here. i have spoken to my lawrer about this, all he said is that in order to start a lawsuit, i will need to get many complaints from others along with all there personnal info, name address etc etc. US residents can also place there concerns as well. but i will be sending canadian reports to my lawyer.
John, I can't resist asking this - Are you having problems with your TV, or are you expecting to have problems with it? Did you buy it to watch and enjoy, or to hope you have a problem so you can start a lawsuit? I thought we in the USA were lawsuit crazed, but I guess that extends to our northern neighbors as well.