Class action lawsuit


New member
Username: Dont_call_a_lawyer

Centreville, Virginina US

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-07
Hi All,

Saw the threads about starting a class action lawsuit, forget it. The ONLY ones that make out are the Lawyers. 40% of the award goes to the Lawyer and then there is the time consideration. FOREVER - YEARS. So, to the guy that didn't have a TV for 2 months, how about 2 years?

DON'T CALL A LAWYER!!!!!!!!!!!!

New member
Username: Angelodileonardo

Elmer, N.j. Usa

Post Number: 8
Registered: Apr-07
we should contact fedral trade commision

Bronze Member
Username: Turbo15479

Post Number: 80
Registered: Mar-06
I have been involved intwo class action lawsuits and I made out okay both times. So what if the lawyer gets a good salary. He is not the one that mislead you into buying a product that did not perform as stated. I would rather see him get the money rather than the company that ripped me off keep it. If your tv is broke what does it matter what the time frame is? Without a clas action suit you are going to own a broken tv forever anyhow unless you want to pay for a repair. Any avenue to force he company to spend money is going to get results. Bob
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