Horrible Reflection off shiny/metallic objects


New member
Username: Johnr29

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-07
I bought a Panasonic HDTV plasma a couple months ago and am very happy
with except for one thing. When I'm watching sports, white jerseys
reflect a ton of light to the point that they blur when they move.
Metal benches at a Nascar race as the camera pans around do the same
thing. Does anyone know why I'm getting such a crazy light reflection
that's making everything so shiny and then blurry? Thanks so much,
it's driving me nuts!

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York, NY

Post Number: 1021
Registered: Oct-06
It could be a simple color setting problem or TV maybe bad
Try to reset colors to factory default
Specify if U got cable, Satellite or antenna

New member
Username: Johnr29

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-07
There's a race on now and I turned picture (contrast) all the way down and there was no change. Then I tried brightness and no change. I tried both and even though the screen was practically black, I still had the reflection! What in the world??? I am using Comcast digital cable with the HD cable box. Unfortunately the factory (default) reset didn't help either. . . What else could this be? Other DVD channels like Discovery, etc, are great. . .

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York, NY

Post Number: 1025
Registered: Oct-06
It is hard to tell without first hand tests.
Since the TV is relatively new call Panasonic Tech Support. It sounds like a faulty Op-Amp.
In many cases you can drive the TV to a local repair center without shipping your TV.

Always possibility connection between Decoder box and TV. Just try 5 wire connection from box to TV, or S-VHS, Different HDMI cable, etc.

But it does come to one simple remark. When you adust brightness and contrast with no effect I strongly believe it is TV set.

New member
Username: Johnr29

Post Number: 4
Registered: Apr-07
Yuck! I hate the thought of lugging that huge thing or worst case shipping it! I hope it turns out to be something else. . . I do plan to clal Panasonic tomorrow though.

Any chance do you think it could simply be a problem with the cable box?

Another question-I have an HD box from the cable company--but do you have to sign up for HD service officially with them?


Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York, NY

Post Number: 1028
Registered: Oct-06
- Everything possible (try the cables I listed above)
- If you got HD box and receiving digital channels 2 to 300 your HD chan will be 700, 701, 702, etc.
- If you got HD box but no channels out of it I doubt if you can use it at all without activation

Check my HD thread:

New member
Username: Johnr29

Post Number: 5
Registered: Apr-07
I'll try swapping the cable box and also the cable. My HD channels are in the 200s (Forsyth County Comcast, zip 30040) and I do get them so I'm worried that I'm already "subscribed" to that service. Thanks for your help.

New member
Username: Johnr29

Post Number: 6
Registered: Apr-07
I did learn this morning that I am subscribed to getting the HD service thru Comcast so my fingers are crossed that it could be the box--and not a problem with the TV???

New member
Username: Johnr29

Post Number: 7
Registered: Apr-07
Let me start by saying I am an idiot. That's probably the nicest way that I can say it. When I originally bought the TV, I was using a direct coax from the cable box. A few days later, a friend prompted me to purchase an HDMI cable which I did and hooked up. So #1, I had both the coax and the HDMI cables plugged into the TV from the cable box. I then proceeded to watch TV. However, I was continuing to go to the "TV" input on the TV--NOT THE HDMI!!! When I originally was watching TV the first couple days, I just got in a habit of going to that input and never made the switch! Now that I have unplugged the coax cable and am using the HDMI-1 input on the TV, I have NOT ONLY solved my problem, but I'm actually getting PHENOMENAL quality images!!! So there you go. I'm going to have to tell my wife a totally different story or she'd laugh for the next week. Thanks for all your help and I guess we learn something every day, right?!?!

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York, NY

Post Number: 1047
Registered: Oct-06
I'm glad yo got it working John
Theoritically it doesn't matter how many connection yo got Cuz yo must select one input

Coax is never a good choice to HDTV
HDMI is best choice for HDTV
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