Im getting the damn Write Failed [ER1] I got the new bin (293T) I tried using Downloader and Blacklist Updater programs. COM1 works so its not the cable or the port. I have had no problems with writing bins in the past. I tried turning the receiver on and off and every friggin possible combination but am still getting ER1. I'm out of ideas. Any suggestions would be greately appreciated.
a cable could be defective the first time u use it...or sometimes they send the wrong one...and how do u know that the comport is working? (but not with your receiver)...U must have had something else using it to know that its working....and a factory reset means your receiver had corrupted memory from too much garbage bins or use or a bad bin...U should clean it out ocasionally anyways..but U already have all the answers, so u don't need us here..
Sol: BIN 290T and now 293T - similar problems in uploading. With the 290T I used to suggest loading 280T or 281T and then try the latest. Same sequencing may work with 293T. No harm in trying. If you load 280T and then 289T, and can watch TV after manual key update, you will know that your cable works fine. In short you have all the knowhow and tools to test it out.