P4 for sale


p4 seller
Unregistered guest
i got a p4 card for sale at 65 usd does anyone want it...if anyone is interested please let me know post a message

p4 seller
Unregistered guest
or send me an e-mail at specialopsteamleader@hotmail.com

p4 seller
Unregistered guest
anyone want it?

Unregistered guest
sorry you cant get your money for booze that way

p4 seller
Unregistered guest
what do u mean i dont want booze...im switching to charlie and i dont want daves cards so im selling it to get money for charlie things

Unregistered guest
naw tell the truth your selling it so you can get a bottle of booze couser your a wino

kendra h
Unregistered guest
I think that it is very foolish of you to assume that p4 seller will use the money he earns from his p4 card for purchasing booze. From everything I've heard about this guy he'll probably use it for crack co caine.

p4 seller
Unregistered guest
and may i ask what you heard of me? and you guys are being rude...mayb im just going back to try abd get free tv by selling my dave things to get charlies equpment

Unregistered guest
no go for the crack you will fell better lol

p4 seller
Unregistered guest
why are you people all being so mean...you dont even know me...maybe some else here with the same name did something wrong but not me

Unregistered guest
couse you are a crackhed moron

Role Call
Unregistered guest
Hey self-proclaimed "Boss:" I've only recently come across this site, and it is plain for all to see that you are a very insecure speck of a human being. You were probably _molested_ as a child, never knew your father, resorted to performing _sexual_ favors to gain acceptance and admiration among your piers...that didn't work, so you found a website where you could pretend to be somebody worth a crap, yet still; everyone knows you're a joke...so why don't you just give up. Somewhere, somebody might give a damn about you, but it sure as he!! ain't here!

On another note, they do have _penis_ enlargement procedures that you could look in to, you know. Or, if that's not the issue, maybe you could borrow a few bucks from p4 seller, and buy yourself a 9mm and spare us all your pathetic attempt at acting like someone important. If these suggestions don't seem to help, post another one of your end-all be-all epiphanies and let us all flame you stupid a$$ some more.

kendra h
Unregistered guest
Role call sure spouts off a lot. I bet he just finished turning tricks on p4 sellers male lover for
a dimebag and a glue stick before finding out that he was suckin' cockk for hollow rock.

Unregistered guest
roll call you are the one who is insecure . you are the one who has been malested as a child since you know all about it.i dont think having my penes enlarged would be a good idea couse 10 inches is pleny for my girlfreind but then again im not positive ill have to ask her.but im sure shes happy with it she walks around all day with a huge smile, so im thinking that you and your boy freind should consider the procedure.by the way is your bicth such a wimp the he needs you to spout off for him lmao

Mr. Whitefolks
Unregistered guest
Boss why do you think that ho of girlfriend of yours is smiling?Is it because she gets a laugh out of the fact that you spell at a fifth grade level? Its obvious that you don't test,you can't f!@# and you certainly can't flame so go to a site where you might be looked up to cause it aint here!!!

New member
Username: Notvforme

Post Number: 10
Registered: May-04
hey boss a$$ go play some were else the grown ups are talking!! fa_g

Role Call
Unregistered guest
Yo, "Boss:" See...told you your stupid _ass would get flamed! You are too damn predictable, just like every other moron I have seen on forums who tries to act smarter than they are. BTW, the spelling thing I agree with:

Hookt on Foniks Wurkd For Mi! Mayb u shood twy it!!! LOL, you're an IDIOT! Have a nice life, douche-bag.

kendra h
Unregistered guest
Spelling certain words incorrectly is necessary in order to avoid "censorship". Err...sencirsheep. This whole thing started out pretty harmless and funny when boss man accused p4 of using his money to buy booze. He didn't curse and what made it extra funny is that p4 is one of those rare people who fell for the whole thing. That's why I added the crack part. p4, I'm sorry if I caused you any grief. Without DTV I needed some comic relief. Sorry for the comments I made to you, roll call. They were uncalled for. Sarcasm is better when the profanities are absent. It also takes more talent to do it that way.

Unregistered guest
p4, just sell it on ebay

kendra h
Unregistered guest
He wants to trade it for cheap wine.

Unregistered guest
you were right the first time its for crack he got busted last week for it

Unregistered guest
Nothin wrong with crack and cheap wine thats how i get down on friday nights

Unregistered guest
This is the most USELESS forum I have ever been in. It would seem all you guys do is slander other users. Really, WTF, do you guys have nothing better to do? I was here looking for pertinant information, but I can see this is just a big Phucking joke. (yes, i kno, gramatically incorect, but rules for post) Really, of all the posts I have evesdropped in, not one conveyed any usefull informaion. GET A LIFE! THIS FORUM IS USELESS.

New member
Username: Jennifersomers

Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-04
Anyone here from Canada selling P4 cards. Let me know!

Kendra H.
Unregistered guest
You spelled useful, information, know, and incorrect wrong. I don't think that there are any rules against spelling those words correctly. You must be from Kentucky.

Role Call
Unregistered guest
"This is the most USELESS forum I have ever been in. It would seem all you guys do is slander other users. Really, WTF, do you guys have nothing better to do? I was here looking for pertinant information, but I can see this is just a big Phucking joke. (yes, i kno, gramatically incorect, but rules for post) Really, of all the posts I have evesdropped in, not one conveyed any usefull informaion. GET A LIFE! THIS FORUM IS USELESS." by LookingForUsefull_info.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! If you go through the other threads and read what "The Boss" has written, you'll see that all he has done is flame people to death acting like he works for Dave. That was my reason for posting in here in the first place. You're not finding useful information because there is none, therefore; apparently no one does have anything better to do!


p.s. to Kendra H.--If you're going to spell check everything, you ought to be more thorough...you neglected to mention pertinent and eavesdropping as being misspellled.

New member
Username: Wantedman

Post Number: 5
Registered: May-04

Unregistered guest
Role Call--Well said!!!

I know when i first come here it was to try & help educate some ppl on testing & hacking the P4 cards, but i have seen as this forum has grown it has become alot of BS not all are to blame,alot of the ppl here wanted to learn & help others!!, but now it has turn into a cluster phuck (that makes me feel like i'm at the Nations again)

So i will say this once & this will be my last post here at ecoustics, the p4's are NOT Comprimized "Yet" (very soon), but untill then yall need to stop take a breath & Chill the Hell out & if you are one of the 1's who just want to Piss & Moan about everything go to Leakers site i'm sure he will welcome you with open arms!!

So Good Luck to Everyone Here & BYE

Unregistered guest
Thank you Captian Obevious (LookingForUsefull_info)

Ofcousre people have to much time on their hands what do you expect when their Tv's don't work.

Who said watching TV was a waste of time anyway?

New member
Username: Jennifersomers

Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-04
Well it looks like too many ppl are strung out with not having the P4 software. All I read is Bichin with no info sharing!! "GREAT", this way it will take longer for the ones who do have the hack, and it is out there already, to respect this forum to hint it out to us. KEEP UP the rudeness, the immature attitudes. You'll have a long time to wait.
Thanx alot, I had high hopes here in this forum.

SOOOOO< NEVER MIND what I have to post!

Role Call
Unregistered guest
Jennifer...prove to me that the hack is available and I will give you $10,000 right here and now to deliver it to me!!!! For real!!!!

You need to substantiate these claims when you post them. You're complaining about not getting help, but you and people like you are the reason everybody is getting flamed in DSS forums all over the internet! People are tired of hearing that the hack is "out there already" with absolutely no evidence to back it up! That's BS! You don't know what's "out there."

Rudeness is not the problem...it's ignorance and fraudulent claims like you displayed in your last post that is the problem! I suggest you show some validity to your claims before you start you're rambling in here. If you want help with the P4 hack, why don't you learn how to test and write code like real hackers do? You're just like every other hobbyist looking for a free fix and are getting pissed that you can't find it now! Don't come _bitchin' in here when you can't fix you're TV!!

I'm done with you..........NEXT!

New member
Username: Jennifersomers

Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Post Number: 3
Registered: May-04
Role Call,

What are you writing to me!! Are you really desperate!! You miss the feel of reloading every DirecTV card that you had once done many times before for yourself and others. $10,000.00 for what!!!!
1st, I live in Canada.
2nd, hocking DirecTV is not illegal nor legal in are Country.
3rd, USA authorities would love to have your azz
in prision for your "PIRATING" !!
4th, Your a wimp nerd
5th, men in prison will love you
6th, what makes you think I do not have your IP
7th, Shall I find your state, city then ummm your, you know!! : ) : )
8th, you started this with me!!
9th, I SUBSTANTIATE NOTHING TO ANYONE TILL I SEE FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I want to know is who in Canada sells the P4
cards. Then I will Know Who Will Possibly Betrayed me by trial and error!! Cuz the ppl Im interested in from CANADA will respond back to me. The ones who do, I will by trial and error understand their
motives. Is it GREATFULLNESS or bullshet!!

I am pregnant with you know who of all people from DirecTV who shares knowledge. Don't you think I want to get him back!!

He reads this, I know this, thats the point.

$10,000.00, shet once he finds this bulletin, I will know and $10,000.00 is boo all!! The point is, offer me $150,000.00, visit me in Winnipeg. OK wait, THE BEST IS >>> TO KEEP THE P4 PROGRAM and block IT for yourself!!!!!! I NEED SAFETY, SO DO YOU!!
Visit, cuz face to face, only way for me!!


New member
Username: Jennifersomers

Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Post Number: 4
Registered: May-04

10th, whose complaining bout not gettin info, I'm not. I don't need to. I need to ask ppl who have information, so I can trust!!!! OK!!!!
11th, I was complaining bout ppl like you!
12TH, YOU ARE SOOOOOO INSECURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bronze Member
Username: Notvforme

Post Number: 18
Registered: May-04
ummm.... you are a complete wacko lady! A little scary if you ask me this site is going to hell. When i first came on here it was very helpfull. now not so!

Kendra H.
Unregistered guest
Yeah, she makes us bitchez look crazy.

You have a pm.

Propecia Manigga
Unregistered guest
Thank god that beeotch azz ho is gone. Her stank azz puzzy was wiggiddy-wiggiddy wacked yo.

New member
Username: Wantedman

Post Number: 7
Registered: May-04
glad i can change my isp at will, you think she knows that can be done, wonder if she needs some one to show her how that is done. not lol
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