Hi! I have Viewsat Ultra and I download new bin , and now it's freezin every 5 min and shut off hem self... What happend ?? What I need to do ?? Thank you!!!
Yes! I know...Thank you! I try everything..I maybe try use RS232 cable tomorrow in my work computer, because my laptop don't have the serial port.. Thank you! Everybody ...for help..
viktor im curious how you do it. do u insert the usb flash first and then turn the power on or how u do it . and what error message you get . cuz this happen tyo me the first time i got ultra . when u locat the usb you hit ok and u get nothing is that what you got .? this way we can work on the problem. and i heard that flashing with the factory bin the ultra may give you a problem . so dont flash the factory for no reason . see u
Hello , i hope someone out there can help me with a problem that i am having with the viewsat extreme.When i turn on the power switch located at the back of the unit all i get are four green dash's across the display window.When i press the on/off button on the front of the unit the four green dash's remains there and nothing happens.I can not get into the menu and it will not work using the remote as well and yes remote is set on stb.The reciever has work before so is not a first time use.If any one has any information they can pass onto me it sure would be nice and thank you.
thats FTA 101 ..its called "night rider " lights and is VERY common and a VERY simple to fix, with a simple upload of the factory or any older bin....most newbies who have read for 1 hour would have fixed that issue..
Kevin reno.. thanks but no help again I want to use USB at my laptop to down load bin in my receiver... because I have USB to SERIAL RS-232 DATA CABLE, but I don't know how to use it. please help me and let me know how to use it. thanks
CARTIER1 : Yes when I insert my USB and try to click OK, NOTHING HAPPEND , looks like can't read usb or something..All this happend when I am download the new bin. 070328...
Yes Linda when you got the adapter for the USB it came with a disc you have to install that into your computer make sure it is installed you can go to device manager and see what comport it is in and then it is all the same as a regular computer
most the USB use in COMPORT 4...try that...if not try all the COMPORT in the loader until the download move than that is the 1....but first you have to install the USB first...
linda you have no help here. go away . you jst hijacked the thread. it means that you are selfish and you dont give fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk . you only look at yourself. no that you change the term of the thread the guy will never get help . linda go pay someone to do it for you .
victor yopu only have one solution use the cable just to flash the factory bin and then download onlyyyyyyyyyyyy from totalfta the latest bin and it will works smooth using your usb. we just got the same problem . and thais is the solution . it's the first bin you dowloaded from dsstester that was bad or corrupted .
cariter1: if you don't want help-- it's fine- but you have to shut your mout--fucccccccccccck- you are the one selfish--motheeeeerrrrrrrrfuckkkkkk--go to hellllllllllllll