My pansat 2700a works fine,my vs ultra works fine.Both sets worked fine for a coulple of months,now I have a problem with the pansat losing signal on all sats ,as soon as the vs is turned on in the other room.The vs works fine reguardless of the pansat on/off.I checked all coax connections ,replaced switches again!and still the same problem.I replaced coax from lnbs to the switches also.I'm running duall standard and duall dp lnb's,with disecq and 22kz switches,all is good until the vs turned on then signal diappears on the pansat,never a vs problem though.whats causing this?Also connected new ground wires to switches,no difference.Also all left lnb terminals are to pansat and all right lnb terminals are connected to the viewsat.This problem occured from nowere on its own after months of working fine.What can cause this?
nope i've reset the settings and rescanned,both recievers,It's driving me nuts,I thought a back feeding issuse so i grounded the switches,but didn't help.
make sure you are runing the cable from the same side of the lnb to the same receiver. use left side lnbs to one and the right side of the lnbs to the other.
sorry i did not pay attention about using left to pansat and right to viewsat . from my experience pansat has this problem of losing signals and not reliable . try to flash again and see what will happen . but the best is have an other dish only for pansat cuz you will for sure get crazy . i hate pansat i will say it the rest of my life. satscanner using profanity is against my religion .
Yeah,already did that and replaced the coax too,but thanks for trying to help cartier.I'm thinking like King,some kind of voltage or backfeeding issue,but only place the the sepperate systems combine is the power outlet,wich is fine and correct parity and gfi and surge protected.And at the lnb's,but since there duall's it should operate independatly ,reguardless of what lnb or polarity the vs is operating on .I mean I just completly rewired and installed all new switches,double checked and marked all new coax with proper connections and same problem as before.I factory reset and rescanned,both work fine until vs turned on then signal lose on pansat
It can't be the lnb's,maybe one could go bad, but six at once?I also switched around the switches from pansat to vs ,with out any difference.So that leaves two possible faults,either the pansat software[bin] or defective pansat tuner?But again works fine without vs turned on.Anyone heard of this problem before?
Oh, the Vs has a longer cable run to the dishes,about 50ft. longer, the pansat is closest.Go figure eh? but good thinking LK.Its late so I will tackle this again tommorow night.thankx
Viewsat is SW switch friendly, the Pansat is not...also Pansat antenna/dish setiings must be correct...I believe one of these is the cause of your problems..either your cable/switches configuration or the Pansat settings
I am using a VS and pansat receiver, I have almost the same setup, but the way it works for me is using the LNB's power off in the VS setup, and using the same diseqc # en both receivers
Scanner 6 LNBs a lot!!! List to me all the hardware parts LNBs, switches, dishes Sats etc . I will sketch to you a complete diagram to follow.
Also it doesn't mean if it was working before that it was setup correctly. You may try setup PS first followed by VS or vice versa with fewer SATs. Also possibility just one internal SW of dual LNB went bad causing strugle of voltage switching thru out all other LNBs. Start with a list and will take it one step at a time. Whatever you do don't reflash. Well get it fixed, Piece a cake!!!
Ok,I changed the lnb's,no difference.The antenae settings are the same for both recievers and there are connected in the same the order.I switched the pansat and viewsat locations.I factory default and rescanned again,no difference.I used to run a inline amp on the pansat but removed it ,because it might have been causing the problems,again no difference.It's definatly a pansat issue,either it's the tuner or its the bin.Either way,pansat sucks! I could have bought another ultra for what I spent on switches ,cable,lnb's and had money left over for beer!
And it doesn't matter even if the pansat is on bev,with a sepperate dish,as soon as vs is turned on ,even to dish,I lose signal on bev.I will try the lnb power off on vs,I can't think of anything else to try,other than another "new ultra/cooolsat 6000",scrapping the pansat.
Hey juan ,I turned off the lnb power and then there is no power to the lnb's, so no signal at all on the vs.How can that work for you? It can't even make the viewsat work without lnb power.
Ok, sorry for the delay in reporting,here it it is short and sweet,
diseqc 1 sat:129w echo5/t7 22kz off
diseqc 2 sat 121 echo 9 22kz off diseqc off .[not using linear at this time,only during ecm/emm]
diseqc 3 sat 119 echo 7 22kz off
diseqc 4 110 echo 8/10 22kz off
diseqc 1 nimiqc 1/3 22kz on
diseqc 2 nimiqc 2 22kz on
diseqc 3 echo 3 22 kz on
both receivers are same antanae settings and both locations same wiring set up.
unit 1 is vs ultra and unit 2 is pansat 2700a
All lnb's are DP duall's and standard duall's
After starting from scatch,installing new lnb's ,new quad shield silicone coax cables,with "O" rings and silicone jell sealant on terminals,all new swicthes,I have located the problem!
It was a defective new out of the box vs diseq switch.The benefit to upgrading the coax cables and switches and re-aiming the dishes is a 30% increase in quality and a 10% increase in signal. I now pin the signal meter in quality in most sats and tp's, AWESOME !
Thanks to all for your support,having so many swithes and connections and two recievers is a nightmare when a problem like this occours.
King , my linear is a round 33" with duall standand linear lnb.I can move it seperatly to most sats I choose,[the tree in the way problem excluded].My brother has pet beavers that can take care of those trees overnight. lol
what doesn't make sense is that if the problem was a disque switch, then why didn't it affect the Viewsat receiver when U flip flopped it with the Pansat?...that makes NO sense!..and why didn't the Pansat work then too?...your explanation isn't making sense..
Thats,what I thought too,but if you touched the dishes you could get a shock,tingling voltage leak,even after grounding the switches.I'm thinking a voltage leak from the switch,and maybe the vs has more power output?But they both worked independatly ,only when the vs powered up the problem occurred.All I can say after setting it up from scratch ,testing as it was being rebuilt it came to the new switch out of the box.My only fear is that for some reason I seem to go through a lot of switches,maybe the pansat has something failing inside the unit causing exess voltage output burning my switches.Other than that I have no other explaination for this.Your guess is a good as mine.
i have a VS ultra and i also have gone thru 3 switches in the last 3-4 months since i got the Ultra.
and it switches fine now but the quality isnt alsways very high. i might also have to change the cables, but the Ultra just eats a lotta switches for me
First try a simple test like: 110/119 just like you got above along with 82/91 with same settings above. Without all other sats. You may also do PS before Vs or vice versa as process of elimination
Whatever it is nothing but voltage conflict or pulse conflict. It can damage your equipement
King it's ok now, I got it fixed.But I just thought of something,Wev'e had a few big thunder and lighting storms here last few days,some I have seen the lightning bolt strike the ground and all power go off right when it hits,My dishes aren't grounded,maybe thats the cause of my problem this time ?Lightning !!! ?
No it is not Grounding is for static electricity found in the air. And can prevent damage to house equipement in case of lightning getting picked by the metal antenna. It is a good precaution but that is not why you having this issue.
Like I said the simple test can be a start to know what is really wrong.
Before there was hack for bev,only dishnet worked,so I used a dp34 switch on echo 3,8/6,7.My lnb's are/were dp duall's.I never had any switching issues,Still have that switch in a box .Then after bev fix was out I upgraded to more sats and used diseqc with 22kz switches.The 22kz work well with little or no failure.Diseqc is cheap troulblesome and low quality ,every diseqc gives a different signal % strengh and are prone to crapping out at will,there inexpensive and no quality control on them.I have had many bad ones right out of the box,and all have different switching carracteristics and performance.We need better quality more expensive 4/1 diseqc switches,that last.
i never knew how empty fuckerrrr you are . i insult who ever insult me and i respect the ones who respect me .you are just asssssssss kisser no dignity no fuckkkkking respect for you ever as long as im in life . by the way you know nothing and you are fuckkkkking poor miserable squirel living in fuckiiiing dirt. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu faggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
SW-44 designed for modern receivers 2 sats 4 receivers Four different polarity combinations 14V, 18v, 22K, 0k If set-up right no polarity problems for up to 4 receivers