I recently purchased a 40" samsung lcd, and am using a Motorola HD cable box from Charter Cable. I'm trying to get the proper picture. The settings I am using are (and in brackets are my current choices): TV TYPE: [16:9], 4:3 letterbox, 4:3 pan scan YPbPr OUTPUT: [1080i], 720p, 480p, 480i 4:3 OVERRIDE: [OFF], 480i, 480p, stretch However, with these choices, the picture and text on any HD channel has a slight shadow to it. In fact, if I change the YPbPr OUTPUT to 480i, then the picture actually looks good, but the image does not fit the whole screen. At 480p, the image is small, and faces become narrow. At 720p, the image is like 1080i, everything has shadows. I'm confused....
Call your local cable company tech support This sounds very unusal It could be be from a simple setup problem in your cable box, to a problem in your cable utilty
They can walk you to setup the wizard, I'm not familiar with motorola boxes
H, this could be a cable problem, but I would try some video adjustment experiments on the TV first. While in the "Custom" picture setting mode, try taking the sharpness all the way down to "0". Also try putting the Picture Mode on something other than "Dynamic." Try turning the "Digital NR" to off.