All of these BINs work with Pansat 2500 and clones and with Fortec Ultra. 289T and 292T work with BEV and DN satellites. The 290T comes in two versions - DN_290T and BEV 290T. 289T does NOT autoroll. 290T and 292T autoroll most of the time. Autoroll function is better on DN. The 292T will autoroll even if the autoroll is off. All three give some glitches, such as auto reboot and 'scramble channel' message. These problems are much less if you keep auto update and autoroll off. If you have the genuine Pansat you are likely to have more problems. You may attempt to solve it with the T version but I am unable to say whether it will reduce glitches. The big difference between 290T and 292T is that the International channels on 61.5W come in nicely with 292T. They were a big problem with the 290T. They are OK with 289T, but you have to do manual key entry. Of the three, the channel changing is slowest with 292T. If you change channels using the small screen with EPG display it will work better. I think you will see an improvement if you change from 289T or 290T to 292T. Keep the autoroll and auto TP off.
thanks Nalin, i will give it a try. i went to my folks house today and dropped off my vs ultra. i took back their pancrap clone 2700. so i'll be using it till i can get rid of the 2 clones i have left.
Nalin, good news....i've loaded the 297t whiched everyone seemed to have lots of problems with. anyhow i loaded in the 2700 n2 clone, removed the auto tp & autoroll. it took about 8-10mins annd the keys rolled and it's been running for alost 2 hours glitch free!!
Nalin, good news....i've loaded the 297t whiched everyone seemed to have lots of problems with. anyhow i loaded in the 2700 n2 clone, removed the auto tp & autoroll. it took about 8-10mins annd the keys rolled and it's been running for almost 2 hours glitch free!!
292T is not perfect but is a great imnprovement over both 289T and 290T. The only person who may get an adverse expereince would be somebody scanning unusual places. As long as you are scanning 82/91W and/or 110/119W and/or 61.5/121/148W you are OK.