Silver Member Username: Cartier1Post Number: 174 Registered: Feb-07 | King Tapeman deserve lot of credit . i fallowed his posts. they are very very interesting and very helpful guy. that's what i called true tester. thank you King Tapeman.![]() |
Silver Member Username: JuanchoSuperior Lake, Northwestern... Canada Post Number: 705 Registered: Dec-06 | That is a practical question upon which the cunning rules appertaining to logic touch not. I do advise Ryerson to find that out by the aid de his own five senses if cartier has his king Liar tapeman |
Silver Member Username: Cartier1Post Number: 178 Registered: Feb-07 | juan dont write anything if u are under heavy alchool too mcuh cervisa. your english is not just fuckeddddd up but it's also gives me diarrea.![]() |
Silver Member Username: JuanchoSuperior Lake, Northwestern... Canada Post Number: 710 Registered: Dec-06 | Here is cartier so frisk and caper in g@y colours and motley, that you would not know him but for the names tagged to him in the picture. Here is a lusty fellow with a quick temper, yet none so ill for all that ,who goes by the name of Cartier. |
Silver Member Username: TapemanPost Number: 646 Registered: Oct-06 | Well thanx Catier Which wiring did you like? Actually that same day I had the post for Wireless IR Remote Control Extender I found dozens of e-bay bidders on the Jensen even I didn't mention anything about Jensen You gonna say how did I know? I check different bids almost daily on the same items and I recommend to many of my friends. That day I got many calls telling me people bidding higher than the actual buy it price It is a good item but don't pay more than $25 But believe me I do know people read quietly. It is one of the reasons I make these posts. |
Bronze Member Username: Dry_dent_lurePost Number: 81 Registered: Dec-06 | Who voted for this?? My vote goes to Ryerson!! I demand a recount. |
Silver Member Username: Cartier1Post Number: 181 Registered: Feb-07 | DRY DENT LURE we voted for intelligent, smart, educative posts. and king won . ryerson got already the 1 st prize in comedy show.![]() |
New member Username: Michael_jacksonPost Number: 7 Registered: Feb-07 | i only vote for ryerson if he tell lk to fukkk off. lk is biggest azzhole here for such long time. ryerson never kick lk in the teeths. go reyerson put on steal toe and kick fatt basturd racista to curb finaly. |