Need your experience


New member
Username: Youarenumber1

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-06
Does anybody use Cool sat 8000HD? or Pan sat 2800? Could you share the HD experience with us? Is HDMI or component connection really working fine on HDTV? If so, where to buy?

Silver Member
Username: Tapeman

Post Number: 562
Registered: Oct-06
- HD receivers are a little pricey at present time. I will not recommend any of them unless money is no issue with you.
- It will cost you a lot less if you subscribe for entire year than buying one of these boxes at present time.
- I can recommend a regular SD receiver like view sat or Magnum for less than $180 and get a TERK antenna to get local HD broadcast
- You can hook HD antenna to SD receiver using by-pass to get HD thru your TV tuner.

These are my personal recommendations I'm sure you can get 10 different opinions depending on personal preferences.
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