Archive through June 09, 2006


Cable Hack
Unregistered guest
is there any way of hacking digital cable or any sites dedicated to it? I dont see how u can do it if its 2 way communication.

Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1022
Registered: Feb-05

OK, how?

Cable Hacked
Unregistered guest
Here is the web site with all the information you need to know:

I have a pioneer bd-v3000 that i bought from an ex-time warner customer.Is there any way to get it to work.It is for my area,but displays digital cable service is suspended.I have extended cable myself.I continue to hear that there is no way to hack these boxes.
Any help would be gladly welcome.
thanks guys.

Unregistered guest
Digital cable boxes, Tivos, etc., are based in Linux and can all be hacked as the software is open sourced unlike Windows.

Unregistered guest
Can you tell me a free way to get free pay per view and other things with my digital cable. Ihave a motorola box with comcast. Any codes or anything that I can do that is simple and free. thanks and let me know

BD-V3000 digital cable box
I'm sorry guys I am no programming whiz.In order to hack my box would I need to install Linux on my machine? Also would anyone know of the software programs I should use?

Unregistered guest
where is the website on how to hack the digital boxes? Can some post it please????

Rubus Skinktow
Unregistered guest
Here it is: http://www.[deleted]

Unregistered guest
Why do they keep deleting the site on how to hack digital cable? Will someone please email it to me?
Send to my user name at
Thanks in advance!

Unregistered guest
please email it to me at

Unregistered guest
I could use the web site for the digital comcast info at
Take care

New member
Username: Nagyde

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
Can someone share the URL with me also at ? I am always interested in reading what people are doing.

Unregistered guest
could u email me at

Unregistered guest
I wouldn't mind having the link... for purely educational purposes of course.

Unregistered guest
please email the site to me someone...

please email the site to me someone...

Thanks for the links. Wow, I didn't know it was that complicated.

Will these work.

Will these work?

can someone email the link please?

Unregistered guest
thanks if any of u guys get the site please forward it to me

Unregistered guest
please send the link too at

Unregistered guest
can somebody please hook me up with the link!!! Thank you...

Unregistered guest
Hey, thanks for the sites. Now that have free pay per view, nothing good to watch:-(

Bronze Member
Username: Dodgedifferent2

Windsor, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 73
Registered: May-05
can someone please forward it to me for educational purposes

Thank you.

Unregistered guest
please someone forward this info to me

New member
Username: Milosz1985

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-05
I have Coolsat5000, I heard you can go into comcast through your dish on your roof if anyone knows what Im talking about please email me at

Unregistered guest
Please email the link to me, It would be greatly appreciated

Unregistered guest
please send the link/information to

Unregistered guest
Well, got "caught" lucky I saw them in my backyard. Put everything back to normal. He came to my door and said there was a "problem" with the neighborhood node (not sure what he meant). H ewanted to check my inside system to make sure all was ok. I said sure. He left but he and other man stayed outside for at least an hour then left. Even if this coincidence, I'm not fooling around anymore.

will someone email me that

Jeff W_
Unregistered guest
I would really appreciate the link info as well if someone would be kind enuf to send it to Thanks:-)

Unregistered guest
please send site address with WORKING hacks to

thank you

Unregistered guest
can someone send me the site to

Unregistered guest
can someone send me the site to

New member
Username: Matcha2

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
can someone please post me the link on how to hack digital boxes.


Can someone email this link I have a few Motorola DCT boxes to experiment with.

please email me the link to

Kable Skam
Unregistered guest
In case you missed the excellent post elsewhere on this forum, I'll paraphrase to stop these annoying requests for links. The digital cable hack is a crock. It is a filter to block cable company from seeing movies you ordered inside your cable box. It does NOT work because the box remembers each movie ordered. You WILL have to pay when cable company shuts your box down since it can't get a signal anymore and you want it reactivated. This is not old time technology anymore. The cable company can "see" your modem return and cable box return signals. You are disconnected if your return signal can't be seen. These alleged cable hack filters are one of the biggest scams and you guys are falling for it. I don't feel sorry for any of you who have lost money to this.

please email me the link @

Unregistered guest
I'm not really interested in hacking digital cable but I have an htpc I built and I'm getting digital cable on the 9th of this month and I dont want to have to use there converter. Is there any way I could use a digital tuner card in my htpc.

Hook me up with the site too please at thanks.

Unregistered guest
Hook me up with the site too please at :

Unregistered guest
It would be nice to get the link. Please send it to


New member
Username: Timdavis3824

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-06
Does anyone know a site that explains what you need to do/know to purchase the right digital cable box to add to an existing (legal) Comcast cable account?

Unregistered guest
could some email the hack site please!

Can someone email me the link

New member
Username: Cabletool


Post Number: 9
Registered: Jan-06

"In case you missed the excellent post elsewhere on this forum, I'll paraphrase to stop these annoying requests for links. The digital cable hack is a crock. It is a filter to block cable company from seeing movies you ordered inside your cable box"

He is correct, I work for Comcast. It blocks your reverse so the company cannot collect your PPV information. The only issue is your box reports itself as a "NON RESPONDER" and after a week or so will shut down all interactive services. No more ordering PPV through the box.
As soon as you take the filter off your box will try to get that data to its company. As soon as the box comes back to the warehouse it is "collected" All movies will be charged to your account as the data needs to come off of it before it can be re-issued to a new subscriber.

Thanks for posting all your emails though. Especially the ones that say COMCAST.NET :-)


Unregistered guest
true. but im a comcast tech to an i can tell u that if you unplug the box from the wall for 24 hours and un do the filter then it clears the eprom memory and its all good . i used the filter for 6 months

Unregistered guest
Yo Digimon tell me how you put free pay-per-view on your cable box email me at or post it on this URL

Unregistered guest
i have one of those portopia prpd's an analoge decoder that i got in 95. i was watching 200 channels on it and now i am down to zero. each channel would post a notice that it was going digital and would all customers contact someone. its limited frequency 950-2050 megahertz. any of u techies know what i can do to get it to work? ps it came with a 6 metre wiremesh dish. and in africa where i am thata a big deal and since i cant afford new technolgy somebody help!

Unregistered guest
Hey can someone please email me that link to


Hey guys, go to WWW.USBJTAG.COM and find all the info about hacking digital cable

New member
Username: Ajayconn


Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-04
I would like to have URL can I be added to the list.

Unregistered guest
this is stupid. wat i would like to know though, is the code that takes you to your cable box's information screen and whether you can alter it. when a time warner person came over to fix it i found that he kept changing to a special channel. i think it was 1999 but i cant remember. that channel has a bunch of options that look as though they could be used to do sneaky things. someone help me out.

Unregistered guest
i have a big weewee

you are all stupid cable companys atch these sites. Also if you have adelphia digital cable free ppv/and stuff the code would be 0000. Now stop asking how to hack you got what you want. Good bye.

you are all stupid cable companys atch these sites. Also if you have adelphia digital cable free ppv/and stuff the code would be 0000. Now stop asking how to hack you got what you want. Good bye.

Unregistered guest
Ok, here's a different approach:
The comcast tech guy said there was an eprom chip in the box. So with an eprom reader, wouldn't you be able to duplicate the boxes so if one guy got the premium package and copied the box, he can share it with all of his friends? Also, I wasn't able to find an eprom chip in my box (Motorola DTC2524). There was something that resembled it in that the pins looked similar but it was much smaller with only 10 pins. If anyone knows anything about this please post. Thanks.

New member
Username: Toodeeptoknow

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-06
I purchased 2 cable boxes from Both boxes work fine and I have had 1 for 2 years and the other for 6 months. My question is will these boxes ever go out. They advertise they won't. Question#2 Will the cable company find out I'm using these boxes. It been two years and it seems they do not know. I do not have a filter and I'm afraid to put one on. My grandmother aways said "If it ain't broke, do fix it".

Unregistered guest
They are analog channels you are receiving, not digital, they should work till your cable company moves all their programming to digital. You are not breaking any law with the analog boxes.


Unregistered guest
is there a way of hacking the comcast internet service. heres my e-mail

is there a way of hacking the comcast internet service. heres my e-mail

Bronze Member
Username: N8d1


Post Number: 40
Registered: Jan-06
Quote from fx
[They are analog channels you are receiving, not digital, they should work till your cable company moves all their programming to digital. You are not breaking any law with the analog boxes.]

If you're getting something for free when you know most people are paying for it, you are breaking the law. Since when has any type of cable been free? Never.

New member
Username: Nick1

Post Number: 2
Registered: Mar-06
Can sameone send me the information please. My e-mail is:- Thanks

New member
Username: Blooddrinker6

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-06
Nathan, I think of Confuicius when I read your post. Honesty and honor start at the top. When cable companys are able to stay unregulated and abuse the client base with excessive box add-ons and pay-per view charges for every damned thing they can fathom, when their services don't match what what they're chargin, when crooks like Bush and his boatload of buffoons rip off the public enmasse the little guy sees it and feels abused (Quite rightly so) and tries to do a little scamming his damned self. I totally support it. If digital TV were important to me I'd definitely be doing the same thing. Go on guys. Go ahead and get down. The big guys do it with immunity. F'em. You figure it out and you go.

Citizen X

Bronze Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Post Number: 18
Registered: Mar-06
Nathan wrote (incorrectly I might add):

"If you're getting something for free when you know most people are paying for it, you are breaking the law. Since when has any type of cable been free? Never."

My dear poor confused child,

In order for him to receive analog channels he must already be a subscriber. Every cable company in the US allows unlimited viewing of their basic analog tier on any TV you have in your home. Perhaps you need to read all my above posts on this topic. You will understand I advocate on paying for what you receive. In the above example there is no wrongdoing.



Bronze Member
Username: N8d1


Post Number: 50
Registered: Jan-06
John Doe (a.k.a Citizen X) - I'm sorry you get confused so easily. If you feel ripped off, cancel your service...go to the dish.

Bronze Member
Username: N8d1


Post Number: 51
Registered: Jan-06
Scooby Doo - Sorry, I thought they were trying to get the analog channels without paying for them. My bad. I'm glad you don't promote that stealing is ok.

New member
Username: Blooddrinker6

Post Number: 2
Registered: Mar-06
Nathan, re-read my post. You are a good boy and a good American. Stealing is not okay. And it's not for everybody. You gotta be made of the 'Right Stuff'. It's only for those with expensive lawyers who can manipulate the law. White collar crime is just horrible! Don't you think? Let's do a google on corporate crime and other offenses and abuses of power, malfeasance, skimming etc. from the last year locally (Your particular region) and nationally. Combine the the financial gain from these arrogant crooks and the monetary amount is a gogol compared to a thousand Joe Blows cheating on cabale you upright, good and proper citizen you.

Re-read my first post Nathan. I stand behind it.

And you're wrong. There's ALWAYS a way to get around the system. The Wall Street guys prove that on a predictable almost boring basis. Just follow their lead. It won't steer you wrong.

But let's talk about the pyschology of .... creative allocation of desired products. On one hand the creative rascal feels a sense of ..... adventure and accomplishment at having learned about and conquered a sought out goal. This of course is fuled mostly by financial motivations. Unless we have an individual who is always looking for a challenge (I have great respect for these people). There's also usually some sort of guilt associated with the aquisition of said products. It's human. But unless you're a simple minded sheeple, android, nicumpoop, ignoramous you take a look at the big guys and see how it's really done and you just have to sit back and drink a Snapple and enjoy Wathcing the British Parliment do their political thing on C-Span. By the way I highly recommend watching Tony Blair and Company in all their parlimentary splendor. It's quite a political spectacle. Very entertaining. By the way C-Span is on cable. And Cable is ALWAYS best when it's free. Don't you think? I'm confused all right.

Travel the world a bit Nathan. You'll see that in some parts of the world the black market is not only high culture but is a necessity. Otherwise you'd have nothing. I'm fortunate to have traveled a lot. I had to give a knowing snicker at the clever Thai people who were quite clever at setting up illegal phones systems and guffaw at how ingenius the Indians are at obtaing electricity. It's human nature. Why are we Americans so pent up about it when our elite write the book on how to do it best?

To the other un-american devils on here who are looking for ways around the system you go guys. You are the freedom fighters on the new world.

Bronze Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Dallas, Tx

Post Number: 34
Registered: Mar-06
To John Doe,

I am now dumber for having read your entire post. Next time please do us all a favor & condense it to read,

"I am a thief and I respect other thiefs."

Thanks in advance,


New member
Username: Blooddrinker6

Post Number: 3
Registered: Mar-06
Sorry Scoob. I had too much coffee. But I still stand behind my posts. However rambling and ....dumb they are. But thanks for reinging me in. I sometimes get excited.

Yours truly, Citizen X


New member
Username: Blooddrinker6

Post Number: 4
Registered: Mar-06
P.S. Scooby - You were just as dumb after you read my post as you were before. But still smarter than me.

New member
Username: Indbiz

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
You guys are fn nuts. Stop wasting your time with the motorola digital cable box. All the digital boxes are the same, you can not clear the ppv, you can not get free digital service. Stop wasting your money. The only still that still works is old-fashion removal of house filters for analog service (at your own risk). As long as you have a Motorola digital cable box (either standard or high def), you'll get great quality, but it will cost you one way or another.

New member
Username: Loneranger

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
Yes, but if you purchase your own digital cable box, and have a legal comcast digital box and service. And make sure you buy one that has a phone port, not the new one that automatically has phone hooked up and then put it in your bedroom and hook up the filter, it will work, sure you have to pay your reg. fee, but you can have all the chanles in another room..It works,because I did it... all the pay per view chanles, everything.... So the guy who keeps on writing "You guys are fn nuts. Stop wasting your time with the motorola digital cable box. All the digital boxes are the same, you can not clear the ppv, you can not get free digital service. Stop wasting your money" And the comcast employee who stated "He is correct, I work for Comcast. It blocks your reverse so the company cannot collect your PPV information. The only issue is your box reports itself as a "NON RESPONDER" and after a week or so will shut down all interactive services. No more ordering PPV through the box.
As soon as you take the filter off your box will try to get that data to its company. As soon as the box comes back to the warehouse it is "collected" All movies will be charged to your account as the data needs to come off of it before it can be re-issued to a new subscriber. "

If they don't collect your 2nd box, because its not theres, than they cant collect the information, and if it is not plugged into the phone line but the other one is then they cant track it... O yes,,,,

Bronze Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Dallas, Tx

Post Number: 87
Registered: Mar-06
English only please lone ranger. I will address the portion of your post where you stated your digital STB worked, no you didn't, no you can't, no it won't, no it doesn't.


New member
Username: Indbiz

Post Number: 7
Registered: Apr-06
Interesting followup, lone ranger. How do you suppose to get your purchased box to work on their plant. Forget channels maps for a second (they probably come down all the time eventually), but we are talking about
general box configuration and authorizations. Correct me if I wrong, but Comcast will not add boxes to their system unless they have issue you the box and/or recognize the serial number?

New member
Username: Jerdog72

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
can someone send me the site address

New member
Username: Genie

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
Can sameone send me the information please. My e-mail is:- . Thanks

New member
Username: Djoconnor16

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
need info please send website to

New member
Username: Tkguess

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
I have a scientific atlanta box. I have legitimate digital cable from my cable company. I bought a second box because they wanted to charge me 9.95 for rental of another box a month and 4.95 for the outlet. I find this ridiculous, but I don't want to have to unplug and carry my box back and forth from my living to my bedrooom to watch it. These people are greedy and crazy! I bought an identical box and called them to have them activate it when I was irately told that was illegal. What is illigal about owning your own box, they can turn it off anytime they want anyway. All I want to do is to use my 2nd box to get identical channels to the livingroom box. and why should I have to pay them for outlets that I put in and have been using for analog anyway without charge. This is extortion and just plain crazy. We live in the trees and can no longer get satellite so we are stuck with one cable company. There are others but they can't compete in the same territory. just STUPID. Can I challenge this somehow or can I find a way to use my second box. I don't want to steal. just watch what I pay for without having to sleep on the couch all night.

Bronze Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Dallas, Tx

Post Number: 91
Registered: Mar-06
Your cable company is correct and you are misleading yourself. Do you think you should be able to drive two different cars using one license plate too? The cable company is a "for profit" company, not a charitly whose sole purpose is to make your life easier. Pay the fees, use your new STB for a doorstop and enjoy.


New member
Username: Voodoopopeye

All over the world , All over the... Mother Earth

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
can i get some help from u smarties ?
I have a RCA Digital Cable Box and it has a SMART CARD and a phne jack to plug the reciver to my phone line ( wich i did not ) . So ok one box is in my living room and one in my bedroom and yes i'm paying for my service but the thig is on the box in my livnig room i get more chanels then on the other one. And i orderd some PPV movies a year ago and still did not pay for them , there are ony a 7 movies now it only says Not enough credit on your smart card .

Ok finaly what i know so far the cable company cant comunicate whit my box . so do any of ya know how to change the information on a smart card .

Silver Member
Username: Evadelparaiso

Puerto Rico

Post Number: 409
Registered: May-06
hacking is not a good way to obtain nothing. But if you want receive free tv channels do you can buy anice satellite receiver for the free tv channels.

New member
Username: Tkguess

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-06
Most of you have misuderstood me. I am not trying to STEAL my didgital cable. I pay for all the channels I receive, However when I bought a second converter to use in my bedroom that is identical to the one the cable company gave me for the first room ( because I didn't want to pay their 9.95 a month to RENT a second one, almost 120.00 each year. I called them and wanted them to hit it and turn it on, just like the other one we have. Then some jerk told me that was illegal, WHAT? I bought the second converter, just Like i bought my own cable modem and I calle them and had them hit it and it was just fine. I'd rather own my own equiptment than to rent theirs eternally. If they hit it to turn it on, they can turn them bot off anytime we don't make a payment which has never happened in all the years we have had it. I don't know why I should have to unhook the converter from the livingroom and hook it up in the bedroom whenever we go to bed because our bodies are tired. I see no reason that owning our own converter to watch the channels we pay for is illegal. Someone is full of crap. They even want to charge me 4.95 per outlet ( that we installed and have used for free when we had anaolog cable with them, they didn't care then. What's up?
All I wanted to know is there a way to hack this one to get it ON so we can watch the channels we pay for, No pay per view and no premium channels.
And a GOOD reason why it woul be illegal when the same company let me do the same with my cable modem and it was perfectly legal. It makes no sense to me. I bought it, if they don't pay, they can shut it off, Where's the harm in that, especially when you can't buy or get hacked converters anyway. What's up

New member
Username: Diamond_pyramid

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
can some one email me as well too

New member
Username: Seanbateman

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
Well, this is what I did, and it seems to work: At my previous residence, I received digital cable and I was renting the HD DVR cable box from the cable company. I ended up moving and closed my account but they never asked for the box back, so I kept it. I moved somewhere else where my roomate already had digital cable in his name, but he didn't have the DVR box so we couldn't record, etc. I plugged my old box into the cable there and removed his. I get all the same channels I used to get plus the DVR box, and I am not paying the rental fee for the box. My question is, can the cable company see that the box has been changed? If so, will they see that it belongs to my previously closed account? Will this get my roomate in trouble, will they start billing him the rental fee? I am not getting any channels that he doesn't pay for, we are just getting use of DVR for free.

New member
Username: Peanutt

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
That would be great if some generous person out there could email me the site about this subject. Thank you so much to the person who does this for me.

New member
Username: Jdub383

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
Alright heres the deal. I'm going to attempt to address every issue discussed in this post. First issue everyone wants to know about is getting free pay-per-view. It can be done Ive done it for quite sometime now and never had a problem with my bill. The way that most cable companies bill you for orders is everynight when most people are in bed around 3 or 4 in the morning the computers at the cable company poll everyones boxes to see if they are responding or not. This is also when it gets the information about pay-per-view. So to be safe you can block off the return from your box(either with a filter or run the cable through your vcr before going to your cable box) watch your pay-per-view movie. Then do a hard reset of the box(you can usually find a in-depth manual on whatever box you own), when you do the hard reset this dumps whatever info the box has including pay-per-view information. After doing this you are free to unblock the return so that your cable box does not come back as a non responder. Second thing is Kevin who ordered the box from, he is getting digital channels. All analog and digital channels are sent as a radio frequency, it just takes a different type of tuner to pick up the digital channels. To answer Kevins question about getting caught, the company that hacked these boxes may have cut off the boxes capability of sending back a signal. Ok and now Joe Handle. I am going to correct you because you are wrong. Comcast will add your own personal digital box, they will need the information off the box but you will get charged a fee for having a second digital outlet. You just wont get charged a rental fee on the box. Ok and now this is to Sean Bateman, If you brought that box from somewhere else and it works still, you dont have to remove his box. You can use both boxes still, you will just have to put the one your not using presently on another active outlet. They may eventually see that the DVR box you kept off of your old account is still in use and shut it off and you will also probably be getting a bill in the mail for the cost of the box. Anyways the easiest way right now to get all the digital channels free is going out and getting a QAM tuner. This is the type of tuner that is in all digital boxes to pick up the digital channels. The only thing about going and getting a QAM tuner is that it only tunes into frequencies. Channel 125 may be at 185 Mhz or maybe even higher. The Mhz is what the QAM tuner will tune into. So you will just have to figure out what channels are on what frequency. The only way cable companies can stop this is by encrypting all the digital channels, which would cost quite a bit of money to do. So for now enjoy. Any questions email at

New member
Username: Jamyron03

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
can someone tell me how to watch free pay per view on my motorola comcast digital cable box e mail it to me at

Silver Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Dallas, Tx

Post Number: 103
Registered: Mar-06
"can someone tell me how to watch free pay per view on my motorola comcast digital cable box(?):

I suppose next you will be asking ho to get free sound too!


New member
Username: Kellyerwin

Washington, DC US

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-06
Hey Guys,

I'm trying to figure out this free digital cable thing. I have a comcast digital cable box (motorola) and service, although I'd like to know what's involved with getting it for free. Could someone send me the right website or instructions? I will take that cable box apart piece by piece if I have to. My email address is Thanks!

Silver Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Dallas, Tx

Post Number: 114
Registered: Mar-06

You can disassemble and reassemble your STB all you want. That still won't make your STB receive protected digital content for free, that comes from instructions from your cable company's headend. Have fun though.


New member
Username: Iamloco724

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-06
hey i have a scientific atlanta explorer 1850 with io digital cable can someone a way of getting ppvs for free email me at or reply here

New member
Username: Darkomega

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-06
u dont know the law in 1992 the fcc made it perfecy legal for u to own ur own box is up to u to tell u cable company

New member
Username: Iamloco724

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-06
so is there any boxx that any recommends

Silver Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Dallas, Tx

Post Number: 125
Registered: Mar-06

How a bout a link to the applicable FCC link? The only one you will discover will not be from 1982 and it only allows you to own an analog STB. Now statute yet forcing a cable company to make your digital STB of choice to work on their network. Since you don't need any sort of analog STB in order to receive analog programming to point becomes moot.


Silver Member
Username: Cableguy

Deep in the ... U.S.

Post Number: 776
Registered: Mar-05
Taken from the FCC website: www*fcc*gov/mb/facts/csgen*html (replace the * with .)

The 1984 Cable Act provides damages and penalties of up to two years in prison and/or $50,000 in fines to be assessed against anyone determined to be guilty either of the unauthorized interception or reception of cable television services or of the manufacture or distribution of equipment intended to be utilized for such a purpose. The Commission does not prosecute unauthorized reception of cable services. Rather, cable operators aggrieved by a violation may bring an action in a United States district court or in any other court of competent jurisdiction. Knowledge of violations should be reported directly to the cable system.

The text was taken from the same link posted above:
www*fcc*gov/mb/facts/csgen*html (replace the * with .)

(pay attention to the last line)


Under the consumer education program requirements, cable operators must also inform subscribers that: certain TVs and VCRs simply may not be able to receive all of the channels offered by the cable system once they are connected directly to the cable system; there are various types of channelization (tuner reception) incompatibilities; and offer suggestions for resolving channelization problems, e.g., use a set-top channel converter device that could be obtained from either the cable system or a retailer (in the latter case, only simple channel converter devices that do not include descrambling capability)

As xvxvxvx cleary states nothing indicates a cable company has to allow you to have your own STB to view digital channels. For the sake of argument, let's say you go on eBay and buy a Motorola digital STB, and your cable company doesn't use Motorola equipment. How does the cable company communicate with a piece of equipment that they have no files for in order to load data to allow that piece of equipment to work in their system? They don't, they won't and there is nothing else to be said about it.

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