Never buy a viewsat extreme


Bronze Member
Username: Fuideny

Post Number: 27
Registered: Jun-05
Was banned because they couldn't fix my problem which numerous other people have. I got lots of support from people but none of their solutions worked. Kept coming back to tell people their solutions didn't work to which I received new solutions. I guess the mods didn't like the fact their was a viewsat problem no one could fix so they banned me. I wasn't rude to anyone and actually thanked them for their help. I was going to buy an ultra but after this I doubt I will. By the way my problem with my extreme is that I can't download as many channels on it as my platnium. Nice product support. DON'T BUY A VIEWSAT EXTREME!!!!! Pay more for a better product

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... Mofo, ...

Post Number: 194
Registered: Dec-06

Gold Member
Username: Satscanner

Beaversbush, Sportsmans P... Great White ...

Post Number: 1077
Registered: Nov-06
Really? how many more channels does the platnium grab, as compaired to the extreme ?

Bronze Member
Username: Dssrookie

Post Number: 20
Registered: Jan-07
Banned from where?

I'm not loyal to any 1 manufacturer, in that I make no profit from pimping them in forums, but having Viewsat equipment myself, i've had only minor probs (mostly while learning) .

Who banned you? I wonder only because one would think if you stumped them they may likely ignore you before banning you... (unless you were being a pri ck.)

Since you got our attention, what product do YOU recommend as far as support. I'm considering a SonicView myself.

pssst. Sonicview... when do I get paid?

New member
Username: Doomedagn

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-07
What channels am i missing
I hope chris didn't a pansat or he will
really be disappointed compared to the Viewsat

New member
Username: Doomedagn

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jan-07
What channels am i missing
I hope chris didn't buy a pansat or he will
really be disappointed compared to the Viewsat

Gold Member
Username: Satscanner

Beaversbush, Sportsmans P... Great White ...

Post Number: 1080
Registered: Nov-06
I know my ultra grabs more channels than my pansat and that to be expected,but platnium and extreme should be the same ,you would think.

Bronze Member
Username: Fuideny

Post Number: 28
Registered: Jun-05
was banned from totalfta. I get about 50 more channels on my platnium then I do my extreme. I actually like my viewsats (work much better then my pansats). I was going to purchase an ultra but after the support I got from viewsat I'm reconsidering. Also I was very polite and never said any derogatory remarks to anyone. If you don't beleive me go to totalfta and see for yourself

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7645
Registered: Jan-06
I don't see how being banned from a Dss site equates to not purchasing a specific make/model FTA receiver...irregradless otf which site, which I presume u are referring to , which is a very good site..and doesn't ban people for no reason..

If a local volunteer Chevy owner who provides FREE info cannot pinpoint a particular problem thru conversation on the internet and wished NOT to speak to me anymore, I wouldn't go around and say "don't buy a Chevy"...

if the neighbor next door can't figure out how to program his new DVD recorder, I wouldn't tell people NOT to buy one..

I'm missing something here...there appears to be a disconnect in logic here..

BTW, the receiver make/model has NOTHING to do with receiving more or less channels...thats dish and LNB related, along with correctly performing scans or using channel lists....

Bronze Member
Username: Fuideny

Post Number: 29
Registered: Jun-05
using same dish and settings and I receive more channels on platnium then the extreme. This is not an isolated incident, other people have the same probems as me and they can't fix it either. Totalfta is viewsats site so if they can't solve the problem I don't recommend buying an extreme just like if a chevy dealer couldn't fix my chevy I wouldn't recommend a chevy

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7647
Registered: Jan-06
That doesn't still explain your logic...

there are sat scans,Transponder scans, etc...U know channels do move around to other satellites and Transponders and some even deleted or changed to another....

and corrupted memory in receivers which need to be cleaned out ocassionally!...U are the owner, not totalfta...U must TEST these fta is not Dishnet provider who can guarantee they will solve your problem while trying to hack satellite TV..and U are NOT a subscriber nor pay totalfta to TEST for U...

The VS Extreme is a great FTA receiver, if U know how to do simple FTA testing..

Bronze Member
Username: Fuideny

Post Number: 31
Registered: Jun-05
I have spent two days trying to fix this thing. I've been doing this as a hobby for over 3 years. Not very upset about the receiver not working but upset that they banned me for no apparent reason other then bringing up a problem that they couldn't fix. I even told them that I would go out and buy an ultra and that I love my platnium. Go look on their site and look at the threads. I was never impolite to anyone and for that I can no longer log on their site. I told everyone I know that I recommend a viewsat especially since all the clones will no longer work soon but after this I don't think I can support them

New member
Username: Unluck

Windsor, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 6
Registered: Aug-06
Viewsat rocks! I love mine.

Bronze Member
Username: Dssrookie

Post Number: 21
Registered: Jan-07
Can't say a single bad thing about totalfta, I guess I hang there most because they have great Viewsat support, to my knowledge its not implied its owned , funded, or operated by Viewsat, just happens they talk Viewsat more than others.

/lame cliche on

"Don't hate the player, hate the game."

/lame cliche off

Bronze Member
Username: Da_one

Post Number: 23
Registered: Nov-06

Silver Member
Username: Pachacartier

Post Number: 188
Registered: Nov-06
RYERSON , @ WAR WARNING! why you always just post your stupid and idiot picture . you are no help to even yourself . either say what you got respecting the thread or get the hell from here .

Bronze Member
Username: Dssrookie

Post Number: 24
Registered: Jan-07
Well at least Ryerson is entertaining,

cartier, you're like a pissed off illiterate troll.

Bronze Member
Username: Pffft

Ya Right

Post Number: 68
Registered: Jan-07
Species: Trollus

Sub-Species: Detestatus

This type of troll has an irrational, possibly dangerous dislike for others, based on their skin color, religion or gender.
Often found lurking in chatrooms, the Trollus Detestatus has a compulsive urge to post rude or defamatory comments where they are likely to be inflammatory.
Trollus Detestatus can often be identified by its lack of intelligence, aggressiveness and refusal to go away when asked nicely.

Gold Member
Username: Satscanner

Beaversbush, Sportsmans P... Great White ...

Post Number: 1082
Registered: Nov-06
And they are NOT an endangered spieces by any means.

Bronze Member
Username: Sitsat

Post Number: 71
Registered: Jun-06
Chris Rucchin, When LK said it is probably missing transponders, I think he is absolutely right about that. I was with a friend spent hours to get this missing channels this weekend and we found out the transponders were accidently deleted. We manually added those transponders and got all his channels back on his viewsat. I'm also a proud owner of a viewsat which works very well and I never had any trouble with totalfta and their support. If they banned you try to create another ID and get in if possible.

I suggest you should do a transaponder compare between your FTAs and make sure they are the same before you do anything. If any missing add it and do a scan on that transponder to get your channels back before pointing fingers at a receiver which is wokring better than most others. Good luck ;)

Bronze Member
Username: Doreenakadj

Post Number: 98
Registered: Dec-06
ONE thing to add to this .. IF you are using a channel guide like Channel Master to save your stuff.. You might not of saved all the channels in the first place... I would dump the list( factory reset) and start over and rescann every sat you want. Then see what you are missing . and for heaven sake dont use the Channel Master or anything like that till you know you have everything out there. Keep in mind they are always moving channels around as of late and things are different on each sat now.

Bronze Member
Username: Fuideny

Post Number: 37
Registered: Jun-05
considering I spent 2 days trying to fix the problem and getting help from people on totalfta forms wouldn't you thing that I have done all these things. Also there are other receivers out there that have the same problem as mine. Went to a guys house that has an extreme and he has the same problem. He didn't even know he was missing channels. So I have to believe it's the receiver

Silver Member
Username: Doreenakadj

Post Number: 109
Registered: Dec-06
well channels are or have been moved around to
other sat lately .. they are not missing just moved ..

Bronze Member
Username: Fuideny

Post Number: 38
Registered: Jun-05
But I repeat why do I get these channels on my platnium but with the exact same hook up and settings the extreme gets fewer channels. So lets see s the sats aimed correctly, wires are fine, settings are fine. Flashed numerous times with different bins and nothing changed. That leaves me to believe that the receiver is incapable of picking up these channels. So my advice is don't buy an extreme. Buy a vs2000 or an ultra. They don't seem to have this problem

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 2013
Registered: Oct-05
What channels are you getting on your platinum that you are not getting on your extreme??? How did you get the channels on the Platinum and then on the Extreme? There is more to this then what you are posting and it's not completely hardware related issues.

Silver Member
Username: Doreenakadj

Post Number: 110
Registered: Dec-06
Well Chris maybe you are right .. I dont know because I only have a viewsat extreme reciever .. So I dont know what I am missing . I get what I like to watch with the extreme .. So all is good. One gets what one pays for right? .. And since its all FTA ...FREE TO AIR.... I am not complaning .

Silver Member
Username: Rekman


Post Number: 180
Registered: Jun-06
Help me please.... cools*t 5000 Platinium
I loaded the new Bin 141 on my receiver
And also the Keyupdate software.
Then when I connected receiver to TV... I went on the 8282 to chek the Keys...
To my surprised it was written OFF everythere...
1 2 3 4 5 etcccccc
Off off off off off etcccccc

and every thing was 0000000000000000

Can someone PLEASE guide me to set these ...
which one should be used ??? 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 ???
and same row of INDENT...number should be set....

00--- replace zero with which number please
00--- replace zero with which number please
00--- replace zero with which number please
00--- replace zero with which number please

For the keys That OK. I can read them here on the forum...
ONLY guide me to replace these ZEROSSSSS

Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 2014
Registered: Oct-05
MKM - Don't hijack the thread. Either post in the appropriate thread or start one!

Silver Member
Username: Doreenakadj

Post Number: 112
Registered: Dec-06
MKM go to dsscommunity and check to info files

Silver Member
Username: Bones714

Somewhere fi...

Post Number: 252
Registered: Mar-05
Hey Chris, do u want to get rid of the exteme? PM me

Bronze Member
Username: Fuideny

Post Number: 40
Registered: Jun-05
Sorry. Already sold it
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