Recommended Reputable Dss satellite sites


Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7550
Registered: Jan-06
All these sites ALWAYS have the latest files, bins, how to's, manuals, guides, dish pointing calulators and tips, hardware info, jtag info, newbie and getting started sections, actively moderated with a no troublemakers and no bashing allowed policy.. and are free, and only require a simple free registration...Your email info is kept private, unless U specify differently..and U will be notified via email of any replies to any questions U may ask (or U can shut that feature off, if U like)..and your IP is sacred and never released..

Many of these specialize in particular FTA receivers as noted next to their links..USE those for your particular receiver manufacturer..

If U want real info, trouble free, no costs, friendly help, no hassles, latest files and manuals, then use these...these are well established, and have a long history, and are the best known sites throughout the entire DSS community for many years now...

Ecoustics is NOT a Dss site, since is has NO files, no manuals, no guides, little info, no specific categories, and is almost impossible to find anything because every thread here has been allowed to be hijacked (because no mods are active) and the Subject does not relate to the posts within it....also Ecoustics is basically an Electronics site for home audio, television, DVDs, stereo's, and things of that nature, NOT FTA satellite information

So again I highly recommend using ANY of these sites in this first post!....U pick one and use it for fast , friendly info and files, and many of these also have a LIVE chat area what U can get an IMMEDIATE response from a reliable knowlegeable sources!...U will save yourself much time, especially if you are a newbie to this hobby!...and most all also will have the latest keys posted as well, and the keymaster, keyripper, key grabber utility files to download as well....and if plastic is your thing , some also have an area for that as well as FTA..Good Luck and enjoy this hobby!

Final Solution Free To Air:
[link removed] (C00LSAT and All receivers)
DSS Newbies:
[link removed] (Pantecs,all clones and all receivers)

File Share Site - No Registration Required:
Good for gettting Original factory firmware:
[link removed]

Best site for DISHNET info, channels, transponders and changes etc..
[link removed]
[link removed]
[link removed]
[link removed]

Bronze Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 84
Registered: Jan-07

DssScamunity is far from a big site it has under 20,000 members

It's blocked for other reasons I know and you know. So shall the World!

These are all LK Free Zones. Nobody will talk badly to you, guaranteed. Full of helpful members and staff.

For a list of the top Fifty sites

http://www.dsscommunity.c*om/forums/ (All Receivers)
http://www.dsscentral.n*et/ (All Receivers)

It's interesting after doing a Whois, most of the above blocked sites are hosted on the same server..Which is located overseas.. If it's so called safe... WHY! have the owners of the sites paid to have their identity blocked from public view.... They can't be hiding from [Big Brother]. They said it was safe overseas?

I can only think they hiding from the FTA community from fear of public persecution. Because of all the skelton's in the closet.

I can't speak for the rest of the pepople gheypixboi has listed. I can say, I myself have no finacial association with any site I have ever listed.. I have only found them to be friendly and informative.. I have also found them to be free of the scum associated with this hobby.

LK (Warthhog) and the people he runs with are in the business of selling STB's. Most people after spending a little time on a site LK and the bozo crew have listed over and over can see for themselves what the true motivation behind the sites are..

The sites I have posted are sites that don't allow the likes of LK and his scamming cronie crew.


But newbies don't know any better and are the ones that end up paying the price. All I'm saying is lets not misslead people in false safety when the risks are greater if your home base of operations is in the United States.

You scammers keep saying new sites based in the USA are not safe because of Yada Yada Yada..

Yet you all have posted information such as Dish Keys etc on here.. Knowing Ecoustics is hosted in the USA..

This has placed you at the risk base upon your own claims of how to play it safe.

Your attempts to place fear in the minds of members of the FTA Community with this garbage just shows you have alternitve motifs with your bashing of the new sites and it's nothing but pure garbage.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7567
Registered: Jan-06

and ignore the jerk in above post...suggest u copy/paste the FIRST post here into notepad in your computer for future reference

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7594
Registered: Jan-06
Use the keyfinders and site links in the first post here..

Bronze Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 85
Registered: Jan-07
Dumb the bullchit first thread

and excused the moron in the above message.

He is off his meds this weekend.

Which in is case is like trying to fly the plane solo standing with the rest of the coat racks in the luggage compartment of the plane.

Here are some of the best sites. Nobody will talk badly to you, guaranteed. Full of helpful members and staff.

For a list of the top Fifty sites

Silver Member
Username: Runnerguy


Post Number: 109
Registered: Sep-06
The Ghey Guy above, Snotgrass and Mofo are to be ignored!! They pimp out Spam junk

Bronze Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 87
Registered: Jan-07
Excused the moron in the above message.

He is deeply confused.. Seems while out running he tripped and fell, right up LK's butt.

Here are some of the best sites. Nobody will talk badly to you, guaranteed. Full of helpful members and staff.

For a list of the top Fifty sites

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonresurrected

CANADA Charlatan...

Post Number: 811
Registered: Sep-06
i second zulu's post - ghey army is 2 stupid 2 be taken seriously

Bronze Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 89
Registered: Jan-07
Yes of course you would second that. It's widely known, you into the slop seconds. You always said but mommy I love CREAM pies.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7606
Registered: Jan-06
obviously U are a young female...grow up!

Bronze Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 94
Registered: Jan-07

Maybe pop a Viagra with the rest of them. I know Ryerson would be in heaven if you did that.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7610
Registered: Jan-06
go fuukk yourself!

Bronze Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 96
Registered: Jan-07
Dumb the bullchit first thread

and excused the moron in the above message.

He is off his meds this weekend.

Which in his case is like trying to fly the plane solo standing with the rest of the coat racks in the luggage compartment of the plane.

Here are some of the best sites. Nobody will talk badly to you, guaranteed. Full of helpful members and staff.

For a list of the top Fifty sites

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonresurrected

CANADA Charlatan...

Post Number: 812
Registered: Sep-06
u've proved urself THE biggest girlie girl here - congrats ghey, or dsscom... whichever u go by 2day.

Bronze Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 99
Registered: Jan-07

You picking up all of LK's best traits. You make me so proud son. Did you see he's going to pop a big V for you tonight. You lucky to honey, mommy bought a whole big box of depends for you today. So my little gheyboy son, go have fun tonight. LK is ready and waiting.


Ryerson's Mommy

Proud Member of The RyersonGheyArmy

And the Local MSPAINT 232

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonresurrected

CANADA Charlatan...

Post Number: 814
Registered: Sep-06
U seem 2 talk like a puzzy 2 ....

Bronze Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 100
Registered: Jan-07
I talk like puzzy.I did a quick comparsion to the message below. I can't even hold a candle to you little miss puzzy talk.


My Long-Winded Op-ed
(Read If U Choose, Pass If U Don't)

This forum belongs 2 all of us. We, collectively, have made it what it is despite the impediments we are up against: no moderators, no files, trash-talk, little censorship etc...

Christ! Any twisted freak can post pictures that are completely irrelevant to the discussion of satellites on this forum, I'm not mentioning any names.

But this site, despite the chaos, has survived. It has helped people, and continues to be a place people come to for answers, chat, or at times even entertainment.

But it is unfortunate that sometimes good people are forced 2 consider other options because of the conduct of a few.

There is no policing here - hence we need 2 be capable of policing ourselves. That being said, we cannot take personally the trash talking that will inevitably always exist here.

We have jackazzes who, for various reasons, are determined 2 make things difficult for a few - they forget that in the process they make it difficult for every one of us.

These jackazzes who hate anybody who might be more knowledgeable, ARE the problem.

We should know that these names they've been using are not their real usernames, and that they reside here under other names. I hope I can identify them by their writing style eventually. Because I think their credibility should be questioned. They are apparently reluctant 2 let us know who they really are.

If LK, or PRF.. leave because of a few imbeciles, then this forum is basically worthless. I'm sure LK will stick around.... morons should not be able 2 chase any of us away, and I would encourage LK and others 2 stick around, because there are more of us who could use their advice, then there are of them.

I've always said that this forum - like many others - cannot be taken seriously when it comes 2 insults. We just have 2 ignore the crap, or indulge and participate. So long as everybody knows who's who, we're ok.

It doesn't matter 2 me if "user1" is suggesting I try A, and "user2" is arguing I should try B for my sat fix. I will always seek advice from those i trust most. Anybody else with an opinion should be considered just that - an opinion.

On any forum, we should remember that there will be differences of opinion all the time. And we should all be able 2 determine who it is we trust and who it is we do not.

Over time members will develop credibility by assisting others. We can determine for ourselves who is knowledgeable and who is not by simply reading the posts and the thanx messages that follow.

We should think of this forum the same way a movie-goer may seek an opinion about a movie. If one reviewer says a movie is good, and another says it is not, who can we believe? The answer is always to stick to the one who's been consistently juxtaposed with ur own taste. One who u have discovered 2 be trustworthy.

That should be no different here. We have disagreements about lots of things. And since we already know we cannot change other people's opinions, we should just adapt, share info, read past or point out the bs along the way, but stick 2 the advice from those who've earned our respect.

There is no question that LK is among a selective few who is knowledgeable and is trusted by many.
If someone has a problem with LK, then they should tell him, or ignore him. But no one will stop him from being him. Much the same way no one can stop the abusers from being abusive. This is game-theory: no one wins, but we all lose, and it's stupid and silly.

If someone does not want 2 hear from him, they should look past his postings. Leave his postings for those of us who are interested in his opinions; for those of us who seek his advice. The same is true for my posts, or anyone else's.

Now, if you'll excuse me, i have some pics 2 produce....

Sincerely, <--- ding ding ding Gheydar hit overdrive

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonresurrected

CANADA Charlatan...

Post Number: 815
Registered: Sep-06
On a Saturday night u are:

Writing ur rebuttals 2 LK, ur searching for my posts, ur cutting and pasting my older posts and calling me names.

And u say i'm ghey?

Fukc, ur a bigger loser than i first thought.

No, seriously, i can't write much more for fear that i could be seen as a big ghey loser like u.


Silver Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Higher Level, Village People

Post Number: 143
Registered: Jan-07
U know we all feed these azzholes, when we reply to their posts..thats exactly what they want...ATTENTION!...they don't get it at home,school, daily lives, or in their they come here starving for attention, so they totally disrupt these forums..we reply back in anger or defensively or in humor, and they what they desire and get their attention fix..this cycle will never be broken , unless U stop replying and feeding them!

IGNORE them!...Hopefully they will starve and go elsewhere for their attention fix!


Do NOT respond to them in this or any threads...let them talk sh*it all they want...after awhile they will take their marbles and go play somewhere else..exchanging words with them is useless, since they are IGNORANT and childish and just gives them the ATTENTION they seek here!...and takes the focus here away from FTA, which is what many are really here for, to learn and get their FTA problems resolved..

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7702
Registered: Jan-06
All these sites ALWAYS have the latest files, bins, how to's, manuals, guides, dish pointing calulators and tips, hardware info, jtag info, newbie and getting started sections, actively moderated with a no troublemakers and no bashing allowed policy.. and are free, and only require a simple free registration...Your email info is kept private, unless U specify differently..and U will be notified via email of any replies to any questions U may ask (or U can shut that feature off, if U like)..and your IP is sacred and never released..

Many of these specialize in particular FTA receivers as noted next to their links..USE those for your particular receiver manufacturer..

If U want real info, trouble free, no costs, friendly help, no hassles, latest files and manuals, then use these...these are well established, and have a long history, and are the best known sites throughout the entire DSS community for many years now...

Ecoustics is NOT a Dss site, since is has NO files, no manuals, no guides, little info, no specific categories, and is almost impossible to find anything because every thread here has been allowed to be hijacked (because no mods are active) and the Subject does not relate to the posts within it....also Ecoustics is basically an Electronics site for home audio, television, DVDs, stereo's, and things of that nature, NOT FTA satellite information

So again I highly recommend using ANY of these sites in this first post!....U pick one and use it for fast , friendly info and files, and many of these also have a LIVE chat area what U can get an IMMEDIATE response from a reliable knowlegeable sources!...U will save yourself much time, especially if you are a newbie to this hobby!...and most all also will have the latest keys posted as well, and the keymaster, keyripper, key grabber utility files to download as well....and if plastic is your thing , some also have an area for that as well as FTA..Good Luck and enjoy this hobby!

Final Solution Free To Air:
[link removed] (C00LSAT and All receivers)
DSS Newbies:
[link removed] (Pantecs,all clones and all receivers)

File Share Site - No Registration Required:
Good for gettting Original factory firmware:
[link removed]

Best site for DISHNET info, channels, transponders and changes etc..
[link removed]
[link removed]
[link removed]
[link removed]

I would stay away from most other sites, especially the ones being spammed in every thread here by these people..these people are here to destroy FTA and use new unestablished no name sites to gather your personal info for malicious careful of these people and all their site recommndations..

psycho mofo
Lk suxit

Silver Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Higher Level, Village People

Post Number: 144
Registered: Jan-07
U know we all feed these azzholes, when we reply to their posts..thats exactly what they want...ATTENTION!...they don't get it at home,school, daily lives, or in their they come here starving for attention, so they totally disrupt these forums..we reply back in anger or defensively or in humor, and they what they desire and get their attention fix..this cycle will never be broken , unless U stop replying and feeding them!

IGNORE them!...Hopefully they will starve and go elsewhere for their attention fix!


Do NOT respond to them in this or any threads...let them talk sh*it all they want...after awhile they will take their marbles and go play somewhere else..exchanging words with them is useless, since they are IGNORANT and childish and just gives them the ATTENTION they seek here!...and takes the focus here away from FTA, which is what many are really here for, to learn and get their FTA problems resolved..

Think twice.. STAY AWAY of any sites Posted By LK

He has reported on this forum of Virus and Spyware links associated to sites he visits. Don't sound like a list of Reputable sites to me. If members need to fear being infested with spyware
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