is there a way that i can see a today's cricket on 61.5 channel 471 ? i all ready load 290t bin but when i go to channel 471 is says scramble channels and there is a lot of channels is missing ...
Amit: With 290T you got autoroll and lost some Indian channels. If you go back to 289T, you will get channels like SET, ZEETV, and the sports channels. You wont have proper autoroll. Make your choice. If you try to upload 289T and not suuccessful, insall 280T or 281T first, andthen install 289T.
Ryerson: If those abbreviations generally mean something derogatory, than it is undesirable. Why don't you convey to Amit in your picture format the fact that the cricket is active under 289T on 471 (Echo 3) and 457 (Echo 8.1) ?
Amit: If ABCD = American Born Confused Desi and CBCD = Canadian born Confused Desi, then it is as derogatory as calling somebody a Paki in England. I know insults are being hurled all the time here, but it is better to avoid them if possible. Ryerson always comes out with a some funny pictures, sometimes meaningful, sometimes meaningless, but generally he avoids insulting others till insulted first.
Ryerson: I must have missed the y - I do not see that in amit's post. I thought we were going to go ahead and you were going to give a nice meaningful picture of z so he could get his ZEETV, etc. Make it nice. All those missing channels are tied together.
Desi is a term used by South Asian people. What amit was saying is that you may be of an American or a Canadian Born Culture, but your Ancestors Migrated from India.
ABCD=American Born Culture (Desi) CBCD=Canadian Born Culture (Desi)
Ryerson: If you make the mistake of asking your Gyanese friends, they will take you straight to the hindoo temple, because they are cbcd = "Canadian but confirmed devotees"
In that case, they will get very upset if they see you in the big hindu temple at Hwy 7/Younge st on a Sunday morning. They will probably pretend they don't know you.
All these people from the USA and Canada asking for Indian channels. I would have to say that (amit) was right, about Americans and Canadians migrating from India.
None of the Indian origin immigrants is confused. Just as you see a strong Spanish impact upon American culture and life, you are bound to see a similar impact. The big difference however, is that this new impact is coming a) in the age of fast electronic and satellite communications and b) with India becoming a far greater world economic power than Spain. "The old order changeth, yeilding place to new; And God fulfils himself in may ways..."