Silver Member Username: RyersonresurrectedCANADA Charlatan... Post Number: 764 Registered: Sep-06 | My Long-Winded Op-ed (Read If U Choose, Pass If U Don't) This forum belongs 2 all of us. We, collectively, have made it what it is despite the impediments we are up against: no moderators, no files, trash-talk, little censorship etc... Christ! Any twisted freak can post pictures that are completely irrelevant to the discussion of satellites on this forum, I'm not mentioning any names. But this site, despite the chaos, has survived. It has helped people, and continues to be a place people come to for answers, chat, or at times even entertainment. But it is unfortunate that sometimes good people are forced 2 consider other options because of the conduct of a few. There is no policing here - hence we need 2 be capable of policing ourselves. That being said, we cannot take personally the trash talking that will inevitably always exist here. We have jackazzes who, for various reasons, are determined 2 make things difficult for a few - they forget that in the process they make it difficult for every one of us. These jackazzes who hate anybody who might be more knowledgeable, ARE the problem. We should know that these names they've been using are not their real usernames, and that they reside here under other names. I hope I can identify them by their writing style eventually. Because I think their credibility should be questioned. They are apparently reluctant 2 let us know who they really are. If LK, or PRF.. leave because of a few imbeciles, then this forum is basically worthless. I'm sure LK will stick around.... morons should not be able 2 chase any of us away, and I would encourage LK and others 2 stick around, because there are more of us who could use their advice, then there are of them. I've always said that this forum - like many others - cannot be taken seriously when it comes 2 insults. We just have 2 ignore the crap, or indulge and participate. So long as everybody knows who's who, we're ok. It doesn't matter 2 me if "user1" is suggesting I try A, and "user2" is arguing I should try B for my sat fix. I will always seek advice from those i trust most. Anybody else with an opinion should be considered just that - an opinion. On any forum, we should remember that there will be differences of opinion all the time. And we should all be able 2 determine who it is we trust and who it is we do not. Over time members will develop credibility by assisting others. We can determine for ourselves who is knowledgeable and who is not by simply reading the posts and the thanx messages that follow. We should think of this forum the same way a movie-goer may seek an opinion about a movie. If one reviewer says a movie is good, and another says it is not, who can we believe? The answer is always to stick to the one who's been consistently juxtaposed with ur own taste. One who u have discovered 2 be trustworthy. That should be no different here. We have disagreements about lots of things. And since we already know we cannot change other people's opinions, we should just adapt, share info, read past or point out the bs along the way, but stick 2 the advice from those who've earned our respect. There is no question that LK is among a selective few who is knowledgeable and is trusted by many. If someone has a problem with LK, then they should tell him, or ignore him. But no one will stop him from being him. Much the same way no one can stop the abusers from being abusive. This is game-theory: no one wins, but we all lose, and it's stupid and silly. If someone does not want 2 hear from him, they should look past his postings. Leave his postings for those of us who are interested in his opinions; for those of us who seek his advice. The same is true for my posts, or anyone else's. Now, if you'll excuse me, i have some pics 2 produce.... Sincerely, Ryerson |
Bronze Member Username: GanjamanPost Number: 30 Registered: Jun-06 | Is this general commentary, or did something just happen? |
Silver Member Username: Dude123Post Number: 911 Registered: Jul-06 | lol... You havn't been reading have you?? |
Bronze Member Username: GanjamanPost Number: 31 Registered: Jun-06 | Not really. Apart from the usual snide remarks such as yours (please dont take that the wrong way), I was wondering if there was any particularly dramatic "flare up" to provoke Ryerson's post. |
Silver Member Username: Dude123Post Number: 912 Registered: Jul-06 | Well Ryerson, The letter is great, but I think this situation got serious since LK started to be racist to immigrants. And I have read his posts regarding that. I am sure that alot of people with alot of different races come here to learn, and they will be offended and say things to him. We all know that racism is not appropriate in public talks and discussions, so if he wants others to respect him he should appologize to all the immigants in general, personally i don't give a damn, i just ignore him and his posts and its just a suggestion regarding the oppology, he can still do whatever he wants. Regards, |
Gold Member Username: PrfrmnjPost Number: 1966 Registered: Oct-05 | Yes. LK has gotten so fed up with this place that he's staying away unless he feels the need to interact with someone who's been ignored. I don't blame him and in case it hasn't been noticed, I've also kept away unless there has been someone (who deserves the help) in need and then I post very quickly and move on. Fact is, you'll probably see more of my posts in the spanish thread then anywhere here and definitively looking elsewhere. I've got a couple of options and LK is admin elsewhere. This is because some of the fruitcakes here have decided that because they don't agree with LK and anyone who does is an open target. Personally, I don't give a rats azz about what they may think of me or not. To me this is not a popularity contest, it's supposed to be a forum where people who need help come to get it. Mind you, I've said this before and I'll say it again -- I WILL NOT HELP ANYONE who is not willing to help themselves and that starts by simply reading before they post. It is agravating when someone asks a question that had they read, not the archives, but in the same thread they have posted in, they would have found the answer posted just above their question. Nuff Said!!!!! |
Bronze Member Username: Dry_dent_lurePost Number: 62 Registered: Dec-06 | Not this song and dance again! |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 32 Registered: Jan-07 | PM RECIVED EARLIER TODAY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY THEY DON'T LOVE ME THEY BEING MEAN TO ME MOMMY! RYERSON Honey. Being your mommy is a tought job. Now is one of them times I could do without it. I am sick of you little sissyboi behavior. GROW up and stop whinning like the little bi_tch you are. xoxoxxoxoox Ryerson's Mommy Proud of Member of the RyersonGheyArmy oh lk Pm'ed and said he has a new 19 inch tv for the shed and is looking foward to milk and cookies tonight just before bed time. |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 33 Registered: Jan-07 | Remember someone named LK that lived and swore by the pansat and how many did you sell for them. Now you chastise them...seems to me they work fine and they were the first fix for this LK, please keep your mouth shut and help people...stop bashing...thank you for your undivided attention Benedict Arnold bombats...At one time Pansat was a worthy receiver and I did recommend it...but things change and so does my opinion with it!...I do NOT have TUNNEL Vision and am NOT stuck in the past or the twilight forgive me, if I have changed my opinions because Pansat has changed their quality.. U might as well call 75% of Americans "Benedict Arnold" too, U fuuuking retard!...they liked George W Bush once too, but have changed their opinions too! yeah I'd use any FTA receiver for as long as I could...hell, throw it in the garage or by the pool, just to throw it on when U are really not interested in anything special or of quality ..I still use a small old 13 inch TV in my shed, just for ha ha's, when i'm tinkering with if it still works, use it..just don't buy another Pansat! bombat..U immigrant, learn to read...u are illiterate...I NEVER said I live in a shed...i said "Tinkering" in a shed..I have 3 homes in the US.. and rental property my 2 sheds I do things like sharpen blades, fix mower, store generator, power washer, and use grinder, vice etc...something an immigrant like u wouldn't know about....and BTW, I have 6 TV's IN my house and 3 others OUTSIDE the house (shed, garage, and pool side) ...and FTA is NOT about FREE TV, unless u are poor, which I am NOT......FTA is a hobby to "tinker" with....U are a RETARD! BTW...tinker does not mean live..learn ENGLISH kid.. no time for U now or ever again....must get ready to go to the Superbowl!...and "tinker" there"...LMAO See lk there are many Who Know and your past...It's catching up fast.. The suical Lemmings March is coming to a end on here.. Far as the comment to Nalin..She always brings something to the table. She is a Asset to this site.. You are nothing more then a fustrated old man stealin tv tying to make that social security stretch from month to month and trying to make extra money by Using people involved in this FTA HOBBY YOU ARE THE ONE EVERYONE WANTS TO LEAVE.. THIS THREAD AND OTHER SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES LMAO Posted on Saturday, February 03, 2007 - 11:12 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and nalin..take that smelly stinking camel back with U..and all them sand fleas too! Nalin I am senior to U...U are a newbie...U leave!...I was doing satellite and FTA and posting here before U learned how to spell "LK"...U leave, and again don't forget your camel and sand fleas!...immigrant bich!...I would not ever leave this site as long as u are here..U MUST leave...U are NOT wanted, liked or even know FTA!...This site was MUCH better before U got here..and I am NOT the ONLY one who feels that way, there are many! LK: Take your seniourity and gold somewhere else. You do not frightnen me, or any body else. Everybody knows you are the trouble maker. I told you a dozen times to go and take your medication and not drink. LK, you are getting racist while talking to Nalin...may i know why? what you wanna show us by saying him, "immigrant" , "camel" and "sand" ???? we know u 2 r doing greta job but this is not a place to fight and specialy getting racist... hope u wont mind... Sean...U don't understand something here..nalin does NOT even TEST FTA (by her own admission)...she knows NOTHING...only can copy/paste my info and others info.. as far as the keys go..I am a Keymaster..I log the stream and post the new keys to various sites!...Nalin does NOT!...she doesn't even know how to!...she only copies them from Keymaster or another site.. I will never co-operate with her...she had damaged too many receivers here with her BOGUS info!...myself and others here have witnessed her bogus posts MANY times!....she's an immmigrant who came here and and is a newbie here compared to me, and now is trying to push me out!...typical immigrant thinking!...keep listening to her,but don't ask me for help when U ned a jtag or other help.. U people need to make a decision...the immigrant or me, PRFRMNJ (notice he's not posting here now because of nalin!), an lose others too..we cannot be in the same room as nalin..I've nbeen here over 3 years, no immigrant newbie is going to PUSH me out...nalin and all her buds dsscommunity, LK Suxit, and all the other troublemaker nicks she uses.. |
Bronze Member Username: GanjamanPost Number: 32 Registered: Jun-06 | Keep slugging away guys. I love it. This place is nuts!! |
Silver Member Username: RyersonresurrectedCANADA Charlatan... Post Number: 765 Registered: Sep-06 | Re-Racist to immigrants. I will not back up anything LK says or feels in terms of insults. He's his own man, and only he knows what he really believes. I think we should step back a bit here though. At one time or another, I'm sure we've all made offencive remarks about others... especially if we think it will "hurt" them back. Yes, if the black guy just did something 2 u, u will call him that "n" word. If the overweight woman just peeved u off, u will call her fat. Same is true if ur peeved with someone who happens 2 be bald, short, Arabic, redneck, Jew, Mexican, Italian, French, Ghey, whatever! If we don't say it, we think it; unfortunately, against our better judgement, we blurt it out. Truth is, I'm an immigrant 2, from a European background. And i've heard immigrant cracks all my life..... and almost always, when verifiable, from other immigrants. I can't take any of that crap seriously. There is a difference between someone who "calls" a person a racial slur, and someone who has a racist heart.... i believe that. Not 2 get way off topic, but Mel Gibson, for example, is messed up. I think he does have some dangerous anti-semitic thoughts (based on lots of his prior comments and work). Michael Richards (AKA Cosmo Kramer, of Seinfeld), however, reacted with words he knew would hurt back. There is a difference between the 2, even though both were blatantly offencive. The point is.... we shouldn't get 2 concerned with LK's remarks; he's not any worse than most of us. And since I'm on this topic I hope that everyone understands that I have nothing against g*y persons either, despite my posts. I know they can be regarded as offensive 2 some. But again, that's not a reflection of what i believe, nor of who i am. Anyway, if someone says they are offended by LK's "immigrant" remarks, that is fair comment. And expressing that u do not appreciate it, is also fair. I only hope we don't allow some random off-the-cuff remarks 2 paint the guy as a racist. I'm sure that if he really donned a pointy white hat while sitting by his computer we would have realized that long ago. |
New member Username: DirtystinkindemocratPost Number: 2 Registered: Feb-07 | I am not new to this site, I have been around the sat stuff for a while now. I come here so rarely that I never can remember my name or password.To be honest I mostly come here to get keys if the reputable places are to busy to get on. I have asked the odd question here over the years.More often than not I was responded to rudely by atleast 1 person. Not the friendliest place in my experience. I also have noticed the Pansat bashing here. I like my pansats,they work fabulous for me. I also Love my President GW Bush!!!!!!! Support the troops please. You cant support the troops and not their mission. |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 34 Registered: Jan-07 | nalin..take that smelly stinking camel back with U..and all them sand fleas too! Posted on Saturday, February 03, 2007 - 11:12 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and nalin..take that smelly stinking camel back with U..and all them sand fleas too! Nalin I am senior to U...U are a newbie...U leave!...I was doing satellite and FTA and posting here before U learned how to spell "LK"...U leave, and again don't forget your camel and sand fleas!...immigrant bich!...I would not ever leave this site as long as u are here..U MUST leave...U are NOT wanted, liked or even know FTA!...This site was MUCH better before U got here..and I am NOT the ONLY one who feels that way, there are many! |
New member Username: DirtystinkindemocratPost Number: 3 Registered: Feb-07 | Why cant we all just get along. LK Whom ever you are??? Don`t go, stay it sounds like you are a ok guy from what I read. Perhaps you could smile more and not be so short with new comers. |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 35 Registered: Jan-07 | We all Born Yesterday.......... Think Not Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-07 Whats that ryerson name 20 or 25 |
Bronze Member Username: GanjamanPost Number: 37 Registered: Jun-06 | Dirty Democrat, Yes you can support the troops and not the mission. The troops didn't really have a choice did they? The "mission" is an exercise of spending and killing with only one obvious outcome: To make the Iraqi people more insecure. |
Silver Member Username: RyersonresurrectedCANADA Charlatan... Post Number: 766 Registered: Sep-06 | Case in point: RyersonGheyArmy Bronze Member Username: Ryersongheyarmy Bottom of the Barrel , Village People Registered: Jan-07 This moron (member name also dsscommunity) and a few others have never been able 2 let it go. LK offended him sometime back, and since then they will throw a tantrum like brats at a toy store. Forgive them, their pantees are 2 tight. How useless! I'm not sure if it would be better that he's older or younger.....If he's older, i'm amazed that his parents never taught him 2 be a man. If he's younger, and he is representative of the future, we're doomed. I find it hard 2 believe their claims that LK started it with them. Every post i have ever seen has these useless rejects whining about how bad LK is - yet here they are. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: RyersonresurrectedCANADA Charlatan... Post Number: 767 Registered: Sep-06 | Whoa Dirty Democrat, "Support the troops please. You cant support the troops and not their mission." Dude, that's Republican talking points, and a lot of bs man. Should the Germans have supported their missions during the Second World War? "Supporting the troops" is meant 2 muddy the argument - don't fall for that, and u should be peeved that they are trying 2 convince u of that crap.} |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 36 Registered: Jan-07 | [Quote lk] hey chick...I just did answer U...I told U what exactly the 2 most probable causes were...what do U want, someone to change your diaper too!...I was NOT rude to U, so screw off newbie...learn to READ and use a forums before U post!!...NOW I will be rude, since U started it, after I answered and helped U!...typical lazy SPOONER newbie!...whines when not spoon fed and becomes rude... [quote lk] crew off...grow up and pull up your pant*y hose and falsies!..I socialize daily outside with many various people (from retired generals to druggies on the street) but NOT with spoiled brat 12 year old school girls like U..U need to learn some social skills, forums skills, FTA skills, and MATURITY!..."awesome"...LMAO..."its the bomb" bad"....LMAO Great guy lk is. Like the way he treats women. |
Silver Member Username: RyersonresurrectedCANADA Charlatan... Post Number: 768 Registered: Sep-06 | ignore gheyarmy |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 37 Registered: Jan-07 | Whoa Dirty Democrat, "Support the troops please. You cant support the troops and not their mission." Dude, that's Republican talking points, and a lot of bs man. Should the Germans have supported their missions during the Second World War? "Supporting the troops" is meant 2 muddy the argument - don't fall for that, and u should be peeved that they are trying 2 convince u of that crap.} Do you stand in front of the mirror when you talk to yourself. |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 39 Registered: Jan-07 | Whiner-babies Helping LK Bilk the Hobby Posted on Thursday, December 07, 2006 - 05:55 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm done here..after ALMOST 2 days, its obvious that people here are complacent and are happy with all the BS and troublemakers here..I have wasted over 3 years here (was unregistered, then hkad about 15-25 various registered nicks stolen, which ONLY an admin can do)and posted well over 30,000 posts here in the satellite I'm outta here!...I will continie to admin at as few other sites that are RESPECTABLE, and which I do NOT allow ANY bashing and BS by anyone!...we have fun and bust balls, but not in any malicious ways like this site Ecoustics! So , The strike was a complete failure and I concede and the troublemakers outweigh the good people in the satellite forums, but I can say that I honestly gave it my best shot!...I will be at dsscommunity ,dsscentral, dsstester and a few other sites doing my "duties", if anybody ever wants to learn about DSS and satellite TV.. Posted two months ago. Yet he continues to stay and whine seeking only attention to drive traffic to his sites. $$$$$$ |
Silver Member Username: RyersonresurrectedCANADA Charlatan... Post Number: 769 Registered: Sep-06 | Here's an example of hypocrites: dsscom..(AKA gheyarmy) and Herb offering their "assistance". Where is LK????? Trancript: New member Username: Zigzag1 Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 Posted on Monday, February 05, 2007 - 07:29 pm: hi all kinda new to this, i have a viewsat xstream and i'm pointed on n91 but when i go to see the signal on exho 110 and 119 it shows signal receving. When i load the channel from these birds it doesnt give me the feed it loops to a bev channel, is it suppose to be like that or am i suppose to get channels from dish and bev at the same time? Maybe my setup is not correct can any one help me? Hey guy one lnb one sat whatever it's pointed at. dsscommunity: You are not moving the dish when u scanning you are just using the programed list of transponders. Whats is going on you are just rescanning bev over and over seeing that both bev and dn share some of the same transponder freq and you pointed at bev you will only get bev. Herb: Me to,oh why cant i get every bird in the sky with this 1 dish and 1 lnb? I mean it looks like i have a signal from every sat all the way around the world. But when i scan all i get is duplicates of the one bird my one and only dish with one and only one lnb on it is pointed at.. Damn, go figure. Dsscom...: LMAO yes sir thats the way it works. Maybe another blunt or two and it all be good :-)... USELESS!!! |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 40 Registered: Jan-07 | hypocrite: a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives LMAO Read and learn, or at least try! |
Bronze Member Username: LololPost Number: 57 Registered: Sep-06 | Thats the way to go cartier!!!! i luv it...keep it up |
Bronze Member Username: DssrookiePost Number: 18 Registered: Jan-07 | As I said in a prior post, I don't agree with the way LK handles *SOME* post, but in general he can help when not pestered steadily simply for being LK. To pester him to the point of departure seems ludacris and unreasonable. This forum is what it is. I get more commentary than facts here and I'm fine with that. Your opening rant Ryerson was well written. Cheers |
Silver Member Username: Ryersonarmy_1RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H... Post Number: 164 Registered: Dec-06 | Cartier, dopey, I've never started shyt with u - yet now here u are. |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 45 Registered: Jan-07 | Honey people are waking up. They see LK/you for what you really are. Ghey Racist. xoxoxooxoo Ryerson's Mommy Proud Member of the RyersonGheyArmy Member of your Local Mspaint 232 |
Silver Member Username: Ryersonarmy_1RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H... Post Number: 168 Registered: Dec-06 | ![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 49 Registered: Jan-07 | Weak ! |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 7538 Registered: Jan-06 | This is what I think of all the troublemakers and the STAFF of Ecoustics for allowing this TOTAL nonsense!.. We in Mass and New England, teach our young to speak their mind and don't pull no punches, or coddle the weak and lazy!..and always remain loyal to yourself and your beliefs! ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 56 Registered: Jan-07 | Hence the name Massholes |
Silver Member Username: LksuxitPost Number: 136 Registered: Dec-06 | Why all this talk about the guy who said he was leaving again last night? Those of you sticking up for the fat slob have got sh*t all wrong. He is often times unprovoked in his threats, insults and general bashing. For crying out loud, he has threatened to kill people here! I will be here as long as he keeps talking sh*t to newbs who don't know any better. There are better places to go for information, places without the likes of the Loser King. They should be able to learn in peace and not under his tryanical thumb. He isn't sh*t, but a post wh0re and a lonley old azzhole who feels better about his f*cked up existance by making people feel bad for asking a simple question. F*ck off LK, now go away. |
Bronze Member Username: PffftYa Right Post Number: 26 Registered: Jan-07 | i'd rather see LK stay and you F*ck off you little piss ant. get off your mothers tit and grow up |
Bronze Member Username: PffftYa Right Post Number: 27 Registered: Jan-07 | and ya know, everything Ryerson said was thoughtful, insightful. never in any way or form rude. yet some snapperheads just feel the need to pull sh*t out of the flower beds |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 59 Registered: Jan-07 | Whiner-babies Helping LK Bilk the Hobby Posted on Thursday, December 07, 2006 - 05:55 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm done here..after ALMOST 2 days, its obvious that people here are complacent and are happy with all the BS and troublemakers here..I have wasted over 3 years here (was unregistered, then hkad about 15-25 various registered nicks stolen, which ONLY an admin can do)and posted well over 30,000 posts here in the satellite I'm outta here!...I will continie to admin at as few other sites that are RESPECTABLE, and which I do NOT allow ANY bashing and BS by anyone!...we have fun and bust balls, but not in any malicious ways like this site Ecoustics! So , The strike was a complete failure and I concede and the troublemakers outweigh the good people in the satellite forums, but I can say that I honestly gave it my best shot!...I will be at dsscommunity ,dsscentral, dsstester and a few other sites doing my "duties", if anybody ever wants to learn about DSS and satellite TV.. Posted two months ago. Yet he continues to stay and whine seeking only attention to drive traffic to his sites. $$$$$$ |
Gold Member Username: SatscannerBeaversbush, Sportsmans P... Great White ... Post Number: 1009 Registered: Nov-06 | Lk hasn't posted in day's....and you haven't stopped bashing yet! Move On ! |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 61 Registered: Jan-07 | Lk hasn't posted in day's....and you haven't stopped bashing yet! Move On ! We all know you are far from the sharpest knife in the drawer. Thing is pea brain you getting really close to butter knife status. Notice the date.. Also take notice this message was posted right in this thread. It's like half a screen up from your post. Posted on Tuesday, February 06, 2007 - 07:12 pm: This is what I think of all the troublemakers and the STAFF of Ecoustics for allowing this TOTAL nonsense!.. We in Mass and New England, teach our young to speak their mind and don't pull no punches, or coddle the weak and lazy!..and always remain loyal to yourself and your beliefs! |
Silver Member Username: LksuxitPost Number: 137 Registered: Dec-06 | It's nice, his lack of posting, but the b*tch is still posting. He'll be back, he always comes back. Pig, I bet you would rather have Loser King stay, he is your daddy too huh? Come up with your own insults, I just used the tit one on LK the other day. Actually, who pulled your f*cking string azzhole? Nobody was talking to your stupid azz anyhow. See what happens when LK pulls his pencil d*ick out of your mouth for one minute, you start talking. STFU and blow the donkey you rode in on. |
Silver Member Username: Big_fat_jPOTTSVILLE, STONEYTOWN GREEN-LAND Post Number: 328 Registered: Aug-06 | You know he'll be back.No matter how many time you/we/them kick him in the nuts he comes back. Got to admit he has the toughest scrot i ever heard of.Must have cast iron balls. |
Silver Member Username: Ryersonarmy_1RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H... Post Number: 180 Registered: Dec-06 | Suxit, u may not want LK around, but many here do. And when people need help, who steps up with something other than spam? Who would u point 2 as a trusted voice on here if not for the regulars? |
Bronze Member Username: RyersongheyarmyBottom of the Barrel, Village People Post Number: 66 Registered: Jan-07 | Suxit, u may not want LK around, but many here do. And when people need help, who steps up with something other than spam? Who would u point 2 as a trusted voice on here if not for the regulars? Honey, Did you not read the message by satscammer. Stating lk has not been around in days, when in fact he had posted a message hours earlier. Even your lovers can see the forum is running smooth without his bashing of newbies or the infamous racial profiling of other members on the forum. xoxooxooxoox Ryerson's Mommy Proud Member of The RyersonGheyArmy International Sisterhood of MS Paint Loco 232 |
Silver Member Username: Hawaiian_timeKanaka freak... Post Number: 842 Registered: Apr-06 | People who don't like LK say that Lk thinks he's God. But yet all this ranting and raving, even when he's not here, is surely bringing him up there status wise. His popularity only will increase thanks to his enemies! |
Silver Member Username: RyersonresurrectedCANADA Charlatan... Post Number: 770 Registered: Sep-06 | Try as they do, they won't stop LK... no more than anybody can stop their moronic posts/cries. LK will choose for himself. I think anybody who's followed this shyt for a time, has 2 see the comical side 2 all this. A couple morons with one common complaint: "LK is rude" Seriously! That's it! U'd think LK was the neighbourhood rep - unjustly elected 2 a higher office. Let's harass the most knowledgeable guy out of this forum because we think he was mean 2 us. Let's negatively impact more members because we are little sissies. I don't see the logic anywhere! I see more threads titled "LK-help" than any other. That's because, like him or hate him, it doesn't take a Diploma 2 see that he is knowledgeable. And those who are desperate want help from someone who knows their shyt. These idiots cannot be reasoned with. We all have 2 tolerate them. That's pretty much understood. I think it's mostly comical, and I'll indulge as often as time allows me, because it's entertainment 2 a degree - and what other choice is there anyway? lol LK is not gone, and i'm sure LK will come back 2 help out when he wants. It's laughable that these idiots can think they will harass someone out of forums for good. LK should post whenever he chooses. Personally, I'd like 2 see him help out more because there are not enough with his knowledge. It's his choice though, and that's just my opinion which should have as much of a consequence on his decision as their idiotic ramblings do. I'm not entirely certain if there's irony in this or not: but when LK and Nalin go at it, for example, don't we learn more by letting them debate/argue points? In time we can decide for ourselves who was right and who is not. PERFECT! That's what we should expect from this forum....and if he and Nalin get personal, it can get funny, or irritating, depending on point of view. Does Nalin make a point of posting crap about LK 24/7 because he doesn't like him? I haven't really seen Nalin's username do that. I have not seen any posts viciously directed at Nalin either though. Would it be fair 2 attack Nalin? Do we have 2 agree with Nalin 100% of the time? No. I think by harassing LK & others, these guys are doing everybody a huge disservice |
Bronze Member Username: Alex_cheungPost Number: 81 Registered: Jul-06 | Hey guys, You all suck... bad smelly, stinky bunch of losers... Go somewhere else and do your idiotic talk, do not pollute this forum. Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: RyersonresurrectedCANADA Charlatan... Post Number: 772 Registered: Sep-06 | ![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: MrcharleyPort norris, N.j. U.s.a. Post Number: 81 Registered: Sep-05 | here is a some dressing for when ryerson and LK are tossing each others salads later ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Alex_cheungPost Number: 82 Registered: Jul-06 | Thanks guys for understanding. Now, please go and get a life. |
Silver Member Username: LksuxitPost Number: 139 Registered: Dec-06 | Chinese, f*ck off and mind your own business. |
Bronze Member Username: Alex_cheungPost Number: 83 Registered: Jul-06 | Why Mr. LK sucker? don't you like my stick for sucking? go fu*ck your hands... enjoy! you know nothing about chinese... Enjoy! |
Silver Member Username: LksuxitPost Number: 140 Registered: Dec-06 | You are right, I know nothing about Chinese... including what she just posted. You make no f*cking sense. |