Files, Keys, Discussion, Q&A, Contests and More- All Free


Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 162
Registered: Nov-06
Here are a couple of great sites for all of your fta needs. Full of friendly people, no bashing or trash talking, all for free.

[link removed]
Giving away a new Conaxsat receiver now.

Giving away a Fortec Classic Receiver now.

Bronze Member
Username: Dry_dent_lure

Post Number: 55
Registered: Dec-06
Just so I understand this, you're boasting that the one site is giving away a never tested, no support receiver and a Fortec receiver that has so little memory it will no longer work in the future. Sounds super!

Maybe those sites could also provide up to the minute stock tips as well as providing links to places where we can get cheap prescription drugs. That would be truly useful!

Silver Member
Username: Canndy,

Post Number: 254
Registered: Nov-06
Hey, LiveFTA will be giving away a Viewsat Platinum, in our future upcoming contest! :-)

New member
Username: Bern

Carbonear, Nl. Canada

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-07
where do i go to find the key numbers when bell changes the numbers. you will have to forgive me if i sound stupid but i am new to this thanks.

Bronze Member
Username: Dry_dent_lure

Post Number: 58
Registered: Dec-06
But does LiveFTA offer stock tips and links to cheap prescription drugs too? Because I want the full service FTA site.

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 163
Registered: Nov-06
Bernard, just check the Keys section of either of the sites above, they update them very quickly.

Dry Dent, who pulled your string? The Conaxsat is one of the coolest products on the market today, USB, PVR capable, Power ram technology and the support has been top notch since it's introduction. This is called testing my slow witted friend, and yes that includes brand new recievers. The Fortec is still a very viable receiver, so go fish.

Bronze Member
Username: Dry_dent_lure

Post Number: 59
Registered: Dec-06
Exactly where is this support? Places I've looked (neither of the above mentioned sites I'll admit) don't have any files for Conaxsat. And a usb capable PVR is lame. Considering the current cost of hard drives plus their small size, I'd expect anything that labels itself as a PVR to include the hard drive. Are batteries not included too?

And my old 8track player is quite reliable, aside from the limited supply of actual current released 8tracks. At then end of the day though I know and admit that it's out of date.

Got any threes?

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 164
Registered: Nov-06
Dry, Freedomfta has the current Conaxsat file (4.07), and I believe FtaMorvex does as well, although I'de have to check. Support is there, reports and reviews have been very positive. If you have checked lately the cost of external hard drives has come down. At, they have a USB 2.0 500GB for 164.99. That is a good deal if you ask me. You can always get smaller versions for around 50.00 and still have plenty of room for movies and shows.

I have to admit, I do not know too much about the Fortec receiver, so I'll give ya that one. I still think it would be good for someone just getting started (my 2 cents).

3's? Dang, here ya go. Got any Jacks?

Bronze Member
Username: Dry_dent_lure

Post Number: 60
Registered: Dec-06
Still not sold on the Conaxsat but here you go.


Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 165
Registered: Nov-06
I understand Dry. Cheers-

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 112
Registered: Dec-06
I own a Conaxsat V1 and am very happy with it. Of course it was a little buggy at first but the coders were all over it and fixed it quick. Key changes have been seamless, and new files come out real quick. I have a 120 gig hard drive connected to it and I get over 100 hours of tv quality recording. Not trying to sell you on one, just giving my opinion. New receivers aren't for the faint of heart, I guess there is a bit of faith involved when buying one. Anyway, it is a $190.00(US) box and if they are giving it away, I am on it.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 109
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Satscanner

Beaversbush, Sportsmans P... Great White ...

Post Number: 974
Registered: Nov-06
Rhyerson,...birdboi is back,posted on friday and is still the same,his treatment must have been a total failure.Hope he stays on his meds this

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 110
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 111
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 167
Registered: Nov-06
Look at you two...spooning each other, giggling, slapping azz, typing on ecoustics. But hey good going Rubhisson err, I mean Ryerson, on the new pics, at least you listen when people tell you that your worn out pics are dated and boring. I almost laughed but it really wasn't funny. Too much g*y stuff in your repertoire. Pronounced réppe twaar , for your ret*rded azz. It means the range of resources that somebody has or the range of techniques, abilities, or skills that somebody might have. Tough job I know, but just doing my part to try and make Rubhisson a smarter thing. DSS hasn't even posted here stupid, lemme guess this'll be one of those things you post everywhere to fit any given situation. Moron.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 112
Registered: Dec-06
yup, everywhere

(cause ur an azz)


ps: don't encourage me - u do it all 3 well

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 168
Registered: Nov-06
Wow, you spelled encourage correctly, good for you big boy. Who's a good boy? That's right it's are the good boy . LOL does that take you back to the little school bus days? When you were in the "Special" class? All 3 well? You are f*cking ret*rded.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 113
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 114
Registered: Dec-06
Bahahahah! Way too funny Psych.

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 169
Registered: Nov-06
Playing this battle of wits with an unarmed man is pointless.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 114
Registered: Dec-06

Don't u just luv it when others mess up UR threads, with insults? Good!

Go away u sicko! U scare the kids!

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 115
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 170
Registered: Nov-06
Ha, I could care less about the thread, all you are doing is bumping it back up to the top. Why do you think I am even responding? Hardly anyone reads the entire thread. Insults? are you kidding, I thought those were jokes? Not really funny enough to be jokes but too far away from hurtful to be considered insults...try again dumbazz.

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 115
Registered: Dec-06
Everyone already seen that stupid sh*t that took you an hour to make Rye. Why humiliate yourself and post it again, proving what a tool you really are?

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 171
Registered: Nov-06
Seriously, a bunch of g*y p*rn in his computer, his boyfriend LK must get jealous.

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 116
Registered: Dec-06
Right and he accuses other of being ghey.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 116
Registered: Dec-06
because it's fun... don't u like it? Say it isn't so!

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 117
Registered: Dec-06
Mr. Suxit comes 2 Mofo's defence - tada!

The Super G*y Heroes stick together as usual.

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 172
Registered: Nov-06
Yeah, I must admit it is kinda fun.

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 117
Registered: Dec-06
Ehh, I think your just a lonely azzhole.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 118
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 119
Registered: Dec-06
Ehh, I think your Mofo's lover

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 118
Registered: Dec-06
Sh*t Mofo was doing fine without me. Riddle me this Ryerson, and please answer honestly. Why all the g*y references? Are you that far in you not want to test the waters of a qu*er who is out...loud and proud and all that. I bet you do. You wanna see what it is like to go to your bar pick up a man, who is not LK, and have your way with him in the back of your mom's station wagon. Say it isn't so.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 120
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 173
Registered: Nov-06
I am out, later LKSUX and later Rubhisson, it was fun.

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 119
Registered: Dec-06
That is old ryerson, try again.

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 120
Registered: Dec-06
Late Psych

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 121
Registered: Dec-06
Mofo, i found ur receipt...


Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 123
Registered: Dec-06
LOL.... why are u 2 saying good-night 2 each other as if u have seperate beds?

U want us 2 believe ur not sharing a pillow right now?


Give it up h0m0s - WE ALL KNOW :-)

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 123
Registered: Dec-06
Hahaha, where did you find it dipsh*t, along with the foot Psych broke off in your azz? F*cking tard, way too much time for your retired cross dressing azz. LOL it's copy righted, you are out of your mind qu*er boy.

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 124
Registered: Dec-06
Dude, if I was ghey I would be proud, unlike you...I wouldn't hold my true wants and desires in. Only LK knows for sure huh? Just cause you bash on ghey people doesn't mean you aren't one. You are too transparent, when you or your other ryerson nicks are posting LK is nowhere to be seen. You are LK and everyone here knows about it. They only put up with it to break up the monotony of his bs posts. Learn to mix it up man, just like the rest of us.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 125
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 127
Registered: Dec-06
LOL you just posted this in the other thread LK, what gives? Don't the people here deserve something that you haven't posted a million times before?

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 131
Registered: Dec-06
NO, anyway this one's different. In this one the ninja is also mumbling that u are g*y g*y g*y


Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 133
Registered: Dec-06

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1077
Registered: Dec-06
Say, you're pretty good at that. You should be in some job that requires that if not yet. I guess the army is very professional in the way they do things in war.

Silver Member
Username: Lksuxit

Post Number: 133
Registered: Dec-06
Ahhh, my bad. Isn't it past lights out in the crazy ward?

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 174
Registered: Nov-06
Bump up top.

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 176
Registered: Nov-06
ryerson (rubhisson), your g*yness that you hide with all your acussations, is creeping me out. I feel dirty just for seeing some of the q*eer sh*t you write.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 151
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Ryersonarmy_1

RYERSON, @ WAR WA... IP & H...

Post Number: 152
Registered: Dec-06

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 178
Registered: Nov-06
Ahhh nice two similar pics, good job there big boy. Looks like someone learned a new trick today, keep it up, you'll catch up to daddy lk's post count in no time.

Silver Member
Username: Leon_kookie

Post Number: 256
Registered: Dec-06
Yeah we all know dsscomunity web site is ghey
GheyPixBoi . Heck LK hangs there. But thank you for wasting all the time on them animation gif's to confirm it.

Silver Member
Username: Satscanner

Beaversbush, Sportsmans P... Great White ...

Post Number: 996
Registered: Nov-06
Hey! you two,thought I find you together as usuall .cartier is waiting for both of you to go to your fagg*t meeting,says something about your turn on all fours,now that your all exited ....better get going!

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 187
Registered: Nov-06
LOL, I bet you lay awake at night thinking of the next g*y thing to post don't you sh*t scanner? Don't you feel like a qweer, I mean you must, all the g*y p0rn playing in your head. I bet you have some pent up feelings for other men and are testing the waters here to see if it might be ok to come out of the closet. Maybe just for a minute to see what it is like. I mean, you said you think me and DSS are g*y, and yet you came looking for us. Am I right? I think so and so does everyone else who reads your ridiculous g*y posts.

Bronze Member
Username: Angie_wedgewood

Post Number: 14
Registered: Jan-07
This thread changed from info and help to gossip and childishness. What a joke, grow up all of you.

Silver Member
Username: Psychomofo

Post Number: 193
Registered: Nov-06
OK, sorry Angie.

Silver Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Bottom of the Barrel, Village People

Post Number: 112
Registered: Jan-07
Mr GheyRyersonpixboi

Mr. Suxit comes 2 Mofo's defence - tada!

The Super G*y Heroes stick together as usual.

It's funny you've chastise LKsuxit for the defense of mofo.

Yet you yourself spend day and night defending LK.

Thinking about it. It's like adding insult to injury. For all practical purposes LK should be Highly offend at your constant defense. It is clearly sending a message to the rest of us here. You lack moral support in the fact of LK is capable of standing up and defending himself. We know he is a Old man and needs help. But he doesn't, he is living in a little fantasy world, which you as a friend should support. By instead of posting Gheypixboi images. Maybe your could read the messages being posted to him. He may have been Mr Higher Level back in the day. I am sorry
thats just not the case anymore. LK is really having a hard time comprehending what is being posted these days. Be a friend step in, Let him know its over. It's time to order the plot.

Is that taps I hear in the background.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 7708
Registered: Jan-06
All these sites ALWAYS have the latest files, bins, how to's, manuals, guides, dish pointing calulators and tips, hardware info, jtag info, newbie and getting started sections, actively moderated with a no troublemakers and no bashing allowed policy.. and are free, and only require a simple free registration...Your email info is kept private, unless U specify differently..and U will be notified via email of any replies to any questions U may ask (or U can shut that feature off, if U like)..and your IP is sacred and never released..

Many of these specialize in particular FTA receivers as noted next to their links..USE those for your particular receiver manufacturer..

If U want real info, trouble free, no costs, friendly help, no hassles, latest files and manuals, then use these...these are well established, and have a long history, and are the best known sites throughout the entire DSS community for many years now...

Ecoustics is NOT a Dss site, since is has NO files, no manuals, no guides, little info, no specific categories, and is almost impossible to find anything because every thread here has been allowed to be hijacked (because no mods are active) and the Subject does not relate to the posts within it....also Ecoustics is basically an Electronics site for home audio, television, DVDs, stereo's, and things of that nature, NOT FTA satellite information

So again I highly recommend using ANY of these sites in this first post!....U pick one and use it for fast , friendly info and files, and many of these also have a LIVE chat area what U can get an IMMEDIATE response from a reliable knowlegeable sources!...U will save yourself much time, especially if you are a newbie to this hobby!...and most all also will have the latest keys posted as well, and the keymaster, keyripper, key grabber utility files to download as well....and if plastic is your thing , some also have an area for that as well as FTA..Good Luck and enjoy this hobby!

Final Solution Free To Air:
[link removed] (C00LSAT and All receivers)
DSS Newbies:
[link removed] (Pantecs,all clones and all receivers)

File Share Site - No Registration Required:
Good for gettting Original factory firmware:
[link removed]

Best site for DISHNET info, channels, transponders and changes etc..
[link removed]
[link removed]
[link removed]
[link removed]

I would stay away from most other sites, especially the ones being spammed in every thread here by these people..these people are here to destroy FTA and use new unestablished no name sites to gather your personal info for malicious careful of these people and all their site recommndations..IGNORE these people and their posts! ..they are the troublemakers I mentioned..and their spam new sites and files have viruses..

psycho mofo
Lk suxit

Silver Member
Username: Ryersongheyarmy

Higher Level, Village People

Post Number: 151
Registered: Jan-07
U know we all feed these azzholes, when we reply to their posts..thats exactly what they want...ATTENTION!...they don't get it at home,school, daily lives, or in their they come here starving for attention, so they totally disrupt these forums..we reply back in anger or defensively or in humor, and they what they desire and get their attention fix..this cycle will never be broken , unless U stop replying and feeding them!

IGNORE them!...Hopefully they will starve and go elsewhere for their attention fix!


Do NOT respond to them in this or any threads...let them talk sh*it all they want...after awhile they will take their marbles and go play somewhere else..exchanging words with them is useless, since they are IGNORANT and childish and just gives them the ATTENTION they seek here!...and takes the focus here away from FTA, which is what many are really here for, to learn and get their FTA problems resolved..

Think twice.. STAY AWAY of any sites Posted By LK

He has reported on this forum of Virus and Spyware links associated to sites he visits. Don't sound like a list of Reputable sites to me. If members need to fear being infested with spyware
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