I've got a Sony KP-53HS30 rear projection big screen tv and I accidentally messed things up and desperately need some help!
I went into the service menu in an attempt to adjust the overscanning because subtitles were getting cut off, and not knowing exactly which settings were for overscanning, I just went through then all and tried each one, and if it wasn't what I was looking for, I simply set it back to the original setting.
However, it all went terribly wrong when I came across some setting that, by changing it, I lost all picture on the set. I can hear the sound just fine now, but there is no longer any picture at all. The only thing I can see is if I press the auto convergence button, I can see it doing its thing. But that's it. No picture otherwise, even if I try to go back into the service menu (which I can do that bit by memory), nothing shows up on the screen.
What I *think* I've done is accidentally told the TV that it's a different model than what it really is. The instruction manual lists four other models othat than mine: KP-43HT20, KP-53HS20, KP-61HS20, & KP-61HS30. So I'm thinking perhaps the set now thinks it's one of these (?). So even if I were able to "reset" the whole thing to the factory settings, I'm thinking it'll just reset to the new model that it thinks it is...
So that's my theory. I guess it could be something else that got screwed up. Either way, I'm totally at a loss and could use some help!
Of course, I realize I shouldn't have tackled it this way -- and any help is very much appreciated. I can't afford the hefty price tag to have a tech come out to fix the problem (and I'm guessing/hoping it's probably just a matter of pressing the correct buttons, etc.).