Activation of comcast box


New member
Username: Djack3625

Portage, Indiana USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-07
I subscribe to comcast and have digital cable on 1 tv and basic and ext basic on 3 others. iwas looking to purchase a dct 6412 receiver off ebay but understand comcast wont activate it. Is there any way around the activation on maybe resetting or something. Thanks

Silver Member
Username: Tapeman

Post Number: 470
Registered: Oct-06
Not at this present time
I'm not even aware of anything in HD hacking
Your choices Either HD basic antenna or Satelite SD

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Username: Norental

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-07
I bought a brand new 6200 off eBay. It's for Comcast and my cable is from TW. When I first connected it, it showed "dl" (for downloading) for awhile. Then it can show all other channels except premium. When I called TW, they told me they don't support Comcast box (the Comcast serial number is not even in their system). Since Comcast is going to take over TW in my area later this month, I will wait until then to see what they can do for me. If they don't want to do it, I will just sell it back to eBay.

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 1250
Registered: Oct-06
Cable companies don't like customer buying cable boxes at all: TW, comcast or cablevision

I tell all people best value is to get triple package if available in your area
It offers: Internet, Phone and cable
all 3 for $90

Next best is Verizon FIOS triple package

All these SD cable boxes will become obselete

New member
Username: Norental

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-07
Thanks for the info. 6200 is not a SD box.

This is what I plan to do: Take both boxes (one theirs and one my own) to their office. Return theirs and ask them to activate my own. If they refuse, I will talk to their manager and tell him they may lose a customer over a box. I will tell him I am paying about $130/month to them and the box rental is only $9. If they want to lose $130 over $9, then go ahead and I can't deal with stupid companies.

DirectTV has a very good promotion now: 4 months free! They also provide free equipment and installation. If Comcast can't feel the pressure, it's really not my problem.

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 1264
Registered: Oct-06
They won't activate a pre-owned box
Check verizon FIOS all 3 for $95

Also just to let you know
As soon as you cancel cable they'll call you back to offer all 3 for $90
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