The members: dsscommunity, Jake Snodgrass, Psycho mofo & several others are spammers that want to redirect u to their sponsored sites.
They DO NOT have ur interest at heart. Do not be misguided by their misinformation, they are NOT senior members.
They create new user names in the attempt to promote their NEW sites.
Senior members recommend u stick with the safe & reputable sites in order to avoid being scammed and/or having names and IP addresses disclosed in the event of an investigation of an FTA dealer/site.
Trust the senior members.
Ryerson recommends LK, PRFRMNJ and a few others. They will inform u of what sites are official receiver sites, and also which other sites have a reputable standing.
It's interesting after doing a Whois, most of the above blocked sites are hosted on the same server..Which is located overseas.. If it's so called safe... WHY! have the owners of the sites paid to have their identity blocked from public view.... They can't be hiding from [Big Brother]. They said it was safe overseas?
I can only think they hiding from the FTA community from fear of public persecution. Because of all the skelton's in the closet.
I can't speak for the rest of the pepople gheypixboi has listed. I can say, I myself have no finacial association with any site I have ever listed.. I have only found them to be friendly and informative.. I have also found them to be free of the scum associated with this hobby.
LK (Warthhog) and the people he runs with are in the business of selling STB's. Most people after spending a little time on a site LK and the bozo crew have listed over and over can see for themselves what the true motivation behind the sites are..
The sites I have posted are sites that don't allow the likes of LK and his scamming cronie crew.
But newbies don't know any better and are the ones that end up paying the price. All I'm saying is lets not misslead people in false safety when the risks are greater if your home base of operations is in the United States.
You scammers keep saying new sites based in the USA are not safe because of Yada Yada Yada..
Yet you all have posted information such as Dish Keys etc on here.. Knowing Ecoustics is hosted in the USA..
This has placed you at the risk base upon your own claims of how to play it safe.
Your attempts to place fear in the minds of members of the FTA Community with this garbage just shows you have alternitve motifs with your bashing of the new sites and it's nothing but pure garbage.
quoting dsscom...: "I can say, I myself have no finacial association with any site I have ever listed.. I have only found them to be friendly and informative.. I have also found them to be free of the scum associated with this hobby."
Listen loser!!! u.... ARE... the SCUM u speak of!!
For someone with NO vested interest in the sites u push, u sure like 2 promote ur own sites on Ecoustics.
Most users can see that at least LK and other senior members here point people 2 the trusted, reputable sites - no to mention the home of the official receiver sites.
All u do is push new sites.
U have "no financial" association!!!??? YEAH RIGHT!
LMFAO - ur a loser! Because nobody else would go 2 the lengths u go to in promoting "new" sites.
Ur a pest, and it's shyt like u that leads innocent people 2 the wolves.
Try as hard as you like Ryerson, people here will still decide for themselves, what you an LK say has very little affect. They see through your bs, and know that you guys just want to be paid for getting people to your sites. Senior members and post wh0res are two different things. You have not been here any longer then DSS or myself, so kindly stfu. Good post DSS.
After being with Dss Community, I have to say that Dss Community sucks. It sucks because every other day it goes down. The Live help chat rules are very stricked. I accidently asked someone that how much Viewsat Extreme cost and this guy banned me from the server. But, now I'm unbanned! In my opinion, you should go to FTA websites that doesn't host files on their server. Websites that host files on their server are slow because they're using a lot of storage and slowing down their server. Websites like [link removed] to host their files and that's the only reason why their server speed is faster than other Dss/Satellite websites.
Register at, just in case if other FTA websites go down.
AV...surprised U stabbed dsscommunity.c*om and me in the back!....I thought U had some integrity, guess I was wrong about U....I guess thats what people here do when they think they don't need others anymore, after they have "used" them....don't ask me for help ever again..and I will add U and your dssworld site to our "user rants" (as a site to stay away) section at dsscommunity/dsscentral..I have 50,000 people that will listen there..
BTW...if U didn't know shame on U, but there was a MAJOR earthquake that downed many BIG offshore servers...Futurefta, hashhu, al7bar,dsstester, etc are other big servers affected along with many others...sites with no members and no traffic would not be affected..
and yes the chat rules are stricty enforced, as they should be...and nobody gets banned for asking a price...but do for speaking of other sites and their prices..
AV, I think your herad got too big, and your loyalty towards people and a site that helped U get started is a TRUE demonstartion of your combat, U wouldn't last 10 seconds with your backstabbing and total lack of integrity and loyalty to those that helped you..keep spamming that new BS site of yours..U are like all the other spammers and bashers here...