PS3/HDTV/1080p compatability


New member
Username: Salohcin


Post Number: 3
Registered: Jan-07
I have done some research on 1080p HDTV, to ensure that my PS3/Blu-ray player will work in real 1080p(taking into consideration that only a few games are desighned to support 1080p, ie.2KNBA07 and 1080p movies). I am a bit confused. I have been told by multiple people that most 1080p tvs are not really 1080p. They talk about most tv's not being able to accept a 1080p signal. I have also found people that are having issues with those "fake" 1080p sets and the PS3, ie.They set the PS3 to 1080p and their 1080p tv says it doesn't support it and the screen flickers. I have also heard about HDCP for the PS3, do all tvs support HDCP? Should I care? Is there a special cord, ie.HDMI 1.3 that I need to send the real 1080p signal to a real 1080p tv? How do I know if the TV can accept a 1080p signal the way it was meant to?(no scaling from 1080i or 720p) I have heard way to much technical jargon lately and I seem to have baffled Future Shop with this question. I just need the right tv and don't want to have to try out a few sets before it works, any help? Please!

Bronze Member
Username: Hodedofome


Post Number: 35
Registered: Dec-06
Doubtful that you will notice the difference between a good tv that scales the 1080i picture to 1080p vs a tv that truly accepts a 1080p input. In any case, if you download the user manuals for tv's you are looking at, you should be able to read in there what it does. Or, you can post a few tv's you have in mind and others here can let you know. I believe all of the new sony LCD tv's that have 1080p resolution will accept a 1080p signal.

Not all tv's in the past have accepted HDCP but if you buy a new one I can't think of any that don't have it built into their HDMI inputs.

You won't need a certified HDMI 1.3 cable to display a 1080P picture. HDMI 1.3 is not needed for 1080P, however deep color and DTS Master HD surround sound will require HDMI 1.3. Very few cable manufacturers have applied to be 1.3 certified, however there are quite a few current non-1.3-certified HDMI cables that will be able to pass a 1.3 signal.
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