PS3/HDTV/1080p compatability


New member
Username: Salohcin


Post Number: 2
Registered: Jan-07
I have done some research on 1080p HDTV, to ensure that my PS3/Blu-ray player will work in real 1080p(taking into consideration that only a few games are desighned to support 1080p, ie.2KNBA07 and 1080p movies). I am a bit confused. I have been told by multiple people that most 1080p tvs are not really 1080p. They talk about most tv's not being able to accept a 1080p signal. I have also found people that are having issues with those "fake" 1080p sets and the PS3, ie.They set the PS3 to 1080p and their 1080p tv says it doesn't support it and the screen flickers. I have also heard about HDCP for the PS3, do all tvs support HDCP? Should I care? Is there a special cord, ie.HDMI 1.3 that I need to send the real 1080p signal to a real 1080p tv? How do I know if the TV can accept a 1080p signal the way it was meant to?(no scaling from 1080i or 720p) I have heard way to much technical jargon lately and I seem to have baffled Future Shop with this question. I just need the right tv and don't want to have to try out a few sets before it works, any help? Please!

New member
Username: Heinrich

Post Number: 4
Registered: Feb-07

I understand how confusing this can be. There are some incompatibilities between certain 1080p devices due to the frequencies and there are also 'bugs' in the implementation of 1080p. The absolute best way to deal with it all is to look for exact models of equipment and scan this forum and avsforum for the actual specific reviews of specific equipment down to and including firmware revisions. That way you can know what to expect. To walk into Best Buy and just buy an "HDTV" or even a "1080p HDTV" is, as you suspect, asking for trouble because of the complexities, newness of technology, evolving standards, and bugs. But the fact that you even asked those questions shows that you're on the right track!.

Silver Member
Username: Tapeman

Post Number: 586
Registered: Oct-06
I don't think it is your TV
Do you have a true 1080p cable?
People buying cheap old HDMI cables thinking it will work fine

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