I bought a new viewsat ultra. I tried to download a bin file. It dowloading bin file until 100% but after thagt receiver says fail. could you tell me what is the reason?
If you get a 'FAIL' on the front display. Happens for a number of reasons - most common is loading the wrong *.pgm or bootfile meant for another model.
Using laoder2 install 'mainpg.pgm' (null cable/serial input), your stb is back/functional.
Now install PFTAUSW-070117U.PGM.PGM & *opkey.hex via USB. Upgrade to V0119ULTRA-VIEWSAT.PGM.
Set defaults, then follow the usual setup and scan procedure.
*opkey.hex is optional, you can jost wait and let it autoroll!
Watch TV!
HEre is the link to the file Fail Fix !!! http://www.totalfta.com/showthread.php?t=34932
THis will get u going i just did this beacuse so u won't get confused, folow these step by step and it should work.
-You have to load an old bin called "ULTRA V0110 20060926 VIEWSAT" then load factory bin "117" then load bin called "DBPSW-061127U A" then load factory bin "118" then load new bin "Ultra-PFTAUSW-070117U after you load each bin, turn the box off and back on so that it boots each new bin."
Copy the firmware upgrade file to a USB flash drive. Connect the USB flash drive to USB port in receiver. Go to "System Information" than select "Receiver Upgrade." Select USB and press OK button.
Select the firmware upgrade file and press OK.
When file transfer is completed, the receiver will be automatically reboot.
Note: If you do not see any files listed on your USB2 Flash Drive, power down Ultra using rear rocker power switch and in say 5 seconds power back up and follow above steps to get into loading files from USB2 Flash Drive into Ultra