I have a viewsat ultra with bev and all is working fine. I was gonna go buy an extra dish and a pair of lnb's so I could hook up to dishnet. SHould I bother? Is it working or not working. I can't seem to figure it out with all the posts. Also can I just use a pair or bev lnb's and 18" dish to get access to dishnet?
With my viewsat DN has worked 100% for the past 2 months. Viewsat is always the first to work so yes it would be well worth getting a DISH 500 and getting DN for you. I see dish 500 all the time not in use that can be had for free or 20 bucks.....hope that helps
Oh I wanted to add with all that "hit" stuff this past week I NEVER lost ONE channel on DN or BEV
Actually, the funny thing is I just notcied the MC1-4 channels are not working, as is leafs tv and snet2 and 4 this is on bev with viewsat ultra, and all were definatly working a few days ago.
So can I just use a normal bev dish and lnb for dishnet or do I need to get a special dishnet one?
I think I may know why I have been having problems. I have 2 legit bev boxes and a viewsat ultra. I have the ultra and one of the others on a splitter, When the one legit one is powered on I lose access to some channels about half of them, when its off I get them back. Is this a fairly normal situation Can the legit bev boxes run off a splitter?
"legit bev boxes" and legit DN boxes are slightly better powered than the FTAs. If you have a full DN or BEV installation with switches etc for two receivers, you are more than likely to end up with a power problem. Often this is solved by keeping your legit box on output number one and keeping it on all the time. There is also a possibility of damage to your FTA reciever used on its own.
So should I put a splitter on output number 1 from the lnb to the two bev boxes, then run a second cable from the lnb output number 2 direct to the viewsat?
I think I might just buy a another lnb as my bev box hasa a double lnb bracket but only one lnb installed. how much are the lnb's?
Also how many degrees in what direction is the dishnet satellites? just roughly, I need to check for line of sight. If you cen give me a direction left or right facing the satalite with your back to the dish that would be very helpful.
To add a fifth dish to my 4-1 switch I put two dishes (dish 4 and dish 5) on a 2-1 switch and connected it to the 4-1 switch. The problem now is only dish 4 is working and not dish 5. Any help?