MOFO...just who the fukck are U?....watching out for spammers like U, is my business!...whats your business, other than spamming and misleading newbies?
OMG, you have problems LK. I am not going to get into it with you. I know that is what you want, just like you do with everyone else who posts a link on this board. I'm just trying to save people here from your cussing and insults.
Hey Newmen, just go to a reputible site like [link removed] and they can answer all your questions there. This is not a good site for that because of bashers like LK. They are actually helpful and not hurtful there.
PR/ LK yeah OK, whatever you say. So dumb, you think people can't see through you? I won't get sucked into your name calling. This is a respectable site built by the mods at Al7bar, not like the ones you push, we don't allow people like you there. [link removed] If you don't want to get treated bad by LK and PRFRMNJ.
NJ...has a VERY valid point...thats NOT a smartazz answer, but yours is! fact I was thinking the same way as NJ...
U come here spamming a new UNKNOWN site, defending it, promoting it, bragging about it and how respectable it is, then U attack anybody who asks questions about it or recommends using LONG ESTABLISHED sites...but then U comeback here and ask if anybody here has any information or a file!
I say , use the site U spammed and promoted here so much, since its so Great according to U..they should already have that file or info available, if its so respected and great!
and since U will NOT admit your obvious self contradictions, I'm sure U will now bash me too...thats what simple minded people do when they don't have an explanation for their OWN contradictory actions!
LK, I am not one to bash, I will leave that to you and LKsuxit. Spamming is what you do with your list. I am simply informing members here of a good fta site. If you do not have the answer to my question, why post anything? If you do not know, simply don't post. You're the man right? Help me out with the Blue Jay file, it is a legitimate question, and obviously there is not a whole lot of talk about this particular box, thus the post.
I would give you the link for help on that issue, but then I would hear it from you that I'm spamming as well! So instead you should probably go to the other site being posted all over the place. Maybe then can help you there.
You and LK are soooo much alike PR, I wonder why. So stupid. This was my thread to begin with dikhead, how can I hijack my own thread? If you read the posts in this thread you would see the situation with the needed file, obviously Blue Jay is not a heavily supported stb, if you have the link to the file give it up, if you don't you are being childish and most likely do not have it in the first place. Thanks a bunch for helping me bump my post up to the top so much, I appreciate it, it makes it easy to find.
LK Suxit - You highjacked your own thread and then call my a dikhead? How stupid can you be. At least we know now that you are also psycho mofo and as far as I'm concerned, you can find the file yourself. After the bashing and you want me to help you? You are about a worthless piece of -- Okay, not even you can get under my skin. Have a nice day!
Ali - if you have an original pansat go to FutureFTA. That's where BL posts his bins. I would probably stay with 287 for the time being since 288 has not been fully tested and has some gliches. If you have a clone then I suggest you go to either dsstesters, dsscommunity or al7bar to get Chancy's bin.
PRFMRNJ, you are a very observant and intellegent person,nothing gets by you,you read between the lines and bring things to my attention which I have missed.