I have 5 lnbs connected to a diseq , i have two receivers. What type of aswitch i can use to split the signal to two receivers after the diseq and watch different programs on both receivers. Is a satellite splitter will do the job ? Help would be much appreciated.}
5 LNB? Standard DISEcQ only has 4 inputs! If you have dual LNB's all you need is another DISEcQ switch 4X1 or get a DISEcQ 4X2 if you only have single LNBs
I am using 5 single lnbs. 2 on one dish (97 & 110) and the other three on three different dishes.I used to have only one receiver (pansat 2500), i bought a cap.works premium. so i want to split the signal to both receivers after the diseq.
Pluto - if this setup was working for you before, then I would suggest to get dual LNB's and run the second line the same way you have the first one now.
You cannot split the signal to two receivers using your current setup and the only switch I know that you could use would be a SW64 which is not FTA friendly and won't work with most receivers.