I have a Mitsubishi VS-4507R TV. The picture rolls when first turned on for about 3-5 minutes and then works OK after it settles down or warms up. Is there some sort of horizontal hold adjustment for these sets?
The left side speaker does not work either. Any tips for this?
I have read that some users can access the service modes but I haven't been able to using the codes that I have seen on some of the websites (maybe they are for other Mitsubishi models). Any help is appreciated.
Sounds like you have bad solder joint or Elictrolitic Capacitor getting bad. Look on brown spot on board and tuch up solder and most Capacitors are stand near Heatsink could produce Hi ESR (equivelace serries resistance)due to heat stress to have internal of caps to dry out and no longer to do its job (filtering) then produce Hi ripple.
Thank you for sending an answer in for this. I will have to open it and have a look. Do you know of any sources for a manual for this set? Thanks again!