I have been trying endlesly to run pansat 2700 jtag wall files, keep getting error message user must have adminstrator right, I am the administrator I am not so sure what's going, I ma very frustrated at this point I need some serious help
When you set up your computer did you set it up with admin rights for all users? Last but not least, are you running this pc standalone or network.
You are going to need to shut down all firewalls and virus protection programs so you don't get errors and if at all possible log on as the admnistrator, but you really need to be using a standalone pc
Not to sound condasending Barb,but I would just get a ultra,$200,and park the pansat until you have the time to play with it.Personally it's not worth the hassle.And a clone dump it,how long are the files going to be around for it and crap epg,and fewer features than the newer boxes.And the down time factor when a emm hits.
Barbara Serial Numero R429XXXX. Rhat is aall wants of wall(leaving runnong). Star unlocker..................... Select Sti55XX2M from the IRD Model. Is better that you look for the 2700pansat jtag with screenshots,