My Magnavox 51" projection tv has a problem. While watching tv, the audio will turn off at times, similar to muting. To get the sound to come back, i have to turn it off then back on, and the sound will return. I think on at least one occasion, the sound had returned itself after a short time (perhaps 35 minutes).. Anyone know why it does this? I have never reported it to sears where i bought it from!!!! thanks for any help!!!!!
Chris, Try changing the channel and then switching back to the channel you were watching.My tv was dping this and it was the cable box. If I switched channels the audio would come back or shut the tv off and turn it back on. The cable comany tried to blame the tv but I was able to boorow a tv and it did the same thing. It was a setting in the cable box that a new installer did not have correct. Bob
thanks bob...... but it never did this till we got our new tv, so i dont think it is the sat receiveer, but i am hoping you are right!!!!!!! of course it hasnt done it since your post so i cant try switching channels.... like i said, as well as you, when i turn the tv off then on again, the sound will come back!!!!!!!!! thaks for your input!!!!!