I have my Mitsubishi 65" (WS65807) for over 5 years and never had a problem until last month. I noticed the red and blue guns are out of alignment. I realigned the guns and it worked for until yesterday.
Currently, when I press the power button, the TV power button light comes on for about two seconds and then shutdown. It will NOT come on at all. Anyone seeing this problem or have any ideas what it could be?
Thanks... I'm very good with hardware and software. I don't have the schematics for the TV circuits, and I did repair power supplies and CPU boards. Is there anything I could do my self? or where I can find a self repaid kit you can reccomend?
First check the main board for cold solder. Next replace all of your convergence output ICs. 2 or 3 depending on the set. They should be STK-series (STK-4273 or STK-4274, or STK-?, etc..). When replacing the STKs check for 100mfd 50v coupling caps that are leaking. Next check to see if the vertical output IC has failed, Should be LA-series (LA-7835, or LA7836, or 37 or 38) If the part# looks burned off the IC, replace all vert caps, 10mfd 25v, 2.2mfd 50v, 100mfd 50v. UNPLUG ALL CRT DRIVER BOARDS WHILE WORKING ON THE SET. The reason the protection circuit shuts down the set is "NO Deflection" will burn the phosphorus off the crt from high beam current with no sweep.
Joey, you need to at some of the other post. I think I saw something about bad caps in the power supply in a WS65. I'm sorry to say I don't pay much attention to model #s when I service a set. I've been doing this for over 30 years and it's just to many #s to keep in my head.