Well I think I made a major mistake yesterday. My lamp replacement warning had been coming up for a couple of months. I also had spots all over my screen so I decided that I would replace the lamp and clean all of my mirrors and the lens. I did the cleaning first and everything was fine. When I tried to replace the lamp the power receptical would not plug into the new lamp or the old. After many atempts the receptical in the lamp housing fell out of its slot into the back of the TV cabinet. Being new years eve and expecting 30+ people at my house I was in a panic. I decided to try and repair the issue. (BAD IDEA) I removed about a million screws until I could finally get to the plug and get it put back into place. I was able to install the new lamp. I put the set back together. At this point I am 2 hours away from guests arriving. The set started up and was fine for a few minutes. Then the picture went black and the status like was flashing (call a service tech). I can shake the TV and get it to work for a bit but as soon as my sub fires it would place it back the black screen and status light flashing. I guess I am looking for any ideas for things to look for. I am typically a "do-it-yourselfer" but it seems that this is one of the times that it is going to bite me on the behind.