I have some problems to execute loader of the pansat 1500. It my first time whith pansat, so how can I flash my pansat knowing that I got Loader and Bin from "Dsstester*com".
Now I am Not sur if my pansat is 1500 or 2500 how can I upload or download my bin form my Discktop
this is how u respond to people who are new to this and are also admitting it so they can get help from those who know a little???LK ur a real piece of work, I don't think he has any issues other than just being new to this, I think ur the one with SERIOUS ISSUES and reading more posts on this site is evidence enough,
you can get real help here without getting harassed by people like LK, http://www.ftaplayground.net
Hey Co Check the front of your receiver top right side. Now open www.pansatusa.com I think you will find what you }are looking for,if not,you are welcome back. Some of us here went thur the same road,good luck to you.
Poser..U are a newbie here, or al old regulat troublemaker using a new nick!...and EVERY single post of yours is a SPAM!,and...yes I will tell EVERY newbie who knows NOTHING to GO READ at any REPUTABLE site, cause there is NO shortcuts!...and if U think there are shortcuts, or that site U SPAM says anything different, then that site is dishonest and NOT telling the truth, like U!
I know that you are the Master of Pansat, but me I am just a newbie with this receiver. My receiver is Fortec and I Know all a bout this one, but I want Just give Help to me frind (who has a Pansat).
Otherwise, I kow it serious issues for me because I can't distinguish between 1500 and 2700 .. But it not my problem because in the Box they subscribe 2700 but the face of the receiver it dont look like 2700 (comparatively with those in www.pansatusa*com).
So Please, help to know what kind of Pansat is that receiver (see picture) and what kind of Loader and bin should i use to flash it (because the 2700 bin don't work, when I click to download bin it take long time and it don't detect the receiver ....
my friend I showed this to the guys at the ftaplayground.net and here's their response:
I guess the best way is to check the software in it to see what it is, go to menu and check the system information that comes on on the right bottom corner of the screen, write it down and tell us what it is and we can be sure,
can't be too sure with that picture but that surely looks like a pantec, if right it's a pansat 2500 clone, tell your friend he can NOT use any pansat bins on it or it will kill the box and needs jtag, he can use pansat 2500 clone safe bins, here's a link to the latest autoroll bin for 2500 clones:
It could be a Pansat 2700 clone or a 2500 clone, or a genuine 1500...but the system info is best way to tell which software is already loaded in it now...then U can tell what it is..I do agree with numbnuts on this one..
060927 is the date the bin was released/created by Blacklist...so 06 is the year = 2006, 09 = 9th month September, 27 is the day of the month = 27th day, 279 is the actually bin # which usually follows sequence from the previously released bin... so the above bin EXAMPLE means..
X-85BL_060927_279_db_api(N).zip....this bin was created/released by Blacklist for the Pansat 2500 on September 27, 2006...and it is bin number 279 which followed bin 278 and the next bin number whenever it is released should be 280..
Also remember that U must use the correct bin for your particular model, they are NOT interchangeable...
Also remember these bins are for Genuine Pansat receivers ONLY, NOT clones(imitations)!..they will damage your clone..
For Pansat CLONES, the bin file names are ALMOST exactly the same but usually will have the letter "T" (for Tested ) after the bin number..such as bin number 279T...if U have a clone pay close attention to this and make sure U use a CLONE safe bin...usually clone bins will also say it in the post that its a Pansat bin made and modified for clones....so READ the description and file name VERY carefully before U attempt to upload it into your receivers..NOT all "T" bins are SAFE for clones either, make sure it says "Clone SAFE", some are just modified for Tivo use and NOT Clone use..
Also Pansat 2700 Clone bins do NOT end with "T", they usually are X-87BL.. date (061108)... bin # (284v)...example X-87BL 061108_ 284v1 and STATE clearly they are pansat 2700 CLONE bin
Pansat 2500 Clone bins will always end in "T"
I have yet to see a Pansat 3500 Clone safe bin...
Lastly again, read the ENTIRE file name, NOT only the bin number, because many times different models (1500-2500-2700 especially) will have the same bin number..and again , they are NOT interchangeable, and will do much damage to your receiver if U use the WRONG bin file!
BTW...the Fortec Ultra is considered a Pansat 2500 CLONE and uses the same bins as them..
In my system information I read: MARK V v2.77JWHYONO Boot. ver:5.1 10.JUN2006 FTACommunity
So It's not clear (no indicationif it's 2500 or 2700 clone).
Otherwise, i try to flash it by using Pantec pansat 2500 Clone bin un loader (got it from Dsstester), but Failed, the loader has some problem to detect the receiver. So my question, is-it correct to use the same cable that i use to flash my fortec classic NA (2 femel, 232 cable 9DB)
MARK V is a pansat 2500 clone file, u should be able to use 2500 clone and loader to program it, but gotta warn u i've seen many of them getting burned real quick and easy, learn how to jtag before u start programming this box,
to look at the thread use the link in previous post, as for the cable I don't know, maybe try both types, null modem and straight and see what happens, that can not damage the box, good luck
its a Pansat 2500 clone Pantec markV modded, so use bin 286T now...and a straight cable, NOT null modem and BL updater V 1.4...available at ALL DSS sites, except here..
BTW...straight and null modem look identical..both are DB9 FF RS232 ...the Fortec Classic uses a null cable..
Want to know what cable you need to flash that shiny,new receiver ? There are two types of cables used, and both look the same on the outside, but are wired differently internally. They are the straight DB9 RS232 female to female cable, and the Null 9 pin RS232 female to female cable. The straight DB9 cable has all pins connected the same at both ends(pin 1-1, 2-2,3-3,etc.). The Null cable(also known as a Null-Modem) has pins 2 and 3 crossed(pin 2-3, 3-2). You can use a straight DB9 cable to program receivers requiring a Null cable, by purchasing an inexpensive Null adapter to attach to one end of the straight DB9 cable. This allows one cable to be used for any receiver.