I have a viewsat xtreme, and all i see is "searching for signal" on all my channels. The last fix i put in is the 12-12 freeze fix. I also noticed that im getting 0% 0% signal from my satelitte. Is it my viewsat or my satelitte not receiving a signaL? Thanks.
ur dish settings r wrong, u need to adjust ur switch settings, post here : http://www.ftaplayground.net they'll help u. i wish i could do more but i'm fairly new at this but those guys have helped me and they'll help u 2,
Poser...enuff of all your SPAM here...U trashed this site enuff!...its an UNKNOWN, NON ESTABLISHED, NON REPUTABLE site with very few members and little posts and info...if U like it so much, then stay there and don't trash this place..
if steve you have 05 q and 0% in your level that means there is no connection to the reciever. check the cable first if it's in the right place. assign number according to the switch port for every sat. .u will be ok after using latest bin 12-20-2006. also sometimes u just loose the sognal quality and level . what i do in my viewsat i just play with the legacy sw even if it useless if u dont use the legacy swith and it bring back the signal.
steve...U have many various answers cause they ALL can be true...U provided NO info and obviously have NOT read at the manuals or setup guide at any REPUTABLE DSS site..there are NO shortcuts...go read about Dish pointing, hardware, and your specific receiver,at a REPUTABLE site with all these Topics by category along with bins, files and How to manuals....I have a thread?subject here "lost of Reputable Dss sites", pick one and then go read...do yourself a favor...its faster than posting aimless questions here!
I setup my viewsat xtreme with the expressvu dish and the only signal i could get is the echostar 8,10..and the Q, P bars arent even green they are grey...but they are at 80 and 89...then when i go to load the channels it comes up with a list but it says locked in the bottom left corner then after it loads everything it says failed...and i know its not the extreme cuz i hooked it up to a friends dish and it worked fine..
Danny - Sounds like you have either a configuration problem or a dish alignment problem. First go to the installation and antena setup and tell us what it says. While you are there you may want to go down to the TP and cycle through a couple of tp's to see if you get any signal. if it turns green then you have the right setting and alignment. But I'm almost positive you don't.
Hey guys, I just bought a viewsat xtreme to replace my pansat. Do i need to load up or write anything else other than the latest bin to get my xtreme workin.LK do i just write the complete pakage you posted in the loader2?
Hus - I personally loaded all the files from .pgm, sat info, opkey and what not, but if I'm not mistaken all you need is the .pgm and do a blind scann. For some reason mine had no sat info so I had to load the file. If you are going to do this, you may want to load everything at the same time.
070111 - I just loaded it and it works fine. Just make sure you don't download garbage. Go to LK's 'List of Reputable Site" and get it from one of them.
well the bars are gray and im getting P and Q around 80+ and the thing is i get some channels but not all of them and when i want to search it has no info on the channels.i have the TP at 12239 and yeah like i said the bars are gray i get some channels but im still getting alot of blocked responses at the bottom left when i press f1 to load channels
well even tho the bars are grey apparently i get the dishnetwork lol..but i cant find expressvu nimiq 1,3 which is what im looking for...and that sucks
Danny - I can only say that you need to go look at your buddies setup. If it worked over there then it should work at your house provided your setup is the same. I would use the "F2" Blind Scan rather then the "F1" Sat Scan
Hey guys I tried loading up my viewsat xtreme, but it keeps saying resending ZRQINIT than goes to frame type and back to ZRQINIT staying at 0% i loaded the .prg file first than the .cha file than the .sat file using the loader2 program...i see the front of the reciever doing 00.01, 00.02, 00.03 and so on but the % of bytes in the loader isnt changing.plz help
Dear LK, i am trying to install a st#rch*ice elliptical dish with dual lnbs with a viewsat ex i can locate sats however unable to scan any channels and only 45% quality, altough when connecting a standard 18" dish i am able to do a full scan, i do not have the st#rch*ice lnb with me at the moment it does state for use with 60c reciever only, could you please guide me in the right direction. ty
My Viewsat extreme displays "on" all the time on the front panel, I cannot access the menu or anything else from my remote or the receiver push bottoms....Any fix?
Hey guys I got my extreme working and then downloaded that recent "GC" bin fix for globecast that i got from totalfta.com but when i turned on my tv the tv turned black and started flashing and the reciever started showing wierd symbols on the front so i shut it off from the switch on the back. I loaded the factory bin back onto the reciever then the xtreme bin i had before but the same thing happened, please help.
Aurora - Go download the .PGM (BIN) file, SatInfo and Opkey files. Load all of them at the same time using Loader2 and then after the receiver reboots, configure your antenas and do a "Blind Scan" "F2" on each Antena. It appears you have errased all this info or you got one of the few receivers that didn't have this preloaded.
Hus - Viewsats adjust the time automatically (which is the recommended way), but you need to make sure you adjusge the time zone. Example: I'm in the east coast so I have to be at -5:00 hours. Make sure you adjust your time zones.
lol sorry DFH are turkish channels on fta. like Globecast for Euronews or Setanta sports, Irdeto has DFH, such as DFH sports. I was just wondering if there are possible bins for any recievers out
I also have an EPG problem on my Viewsat Xtreme. For most channels, I don't get an EPG. But what is strange is that for all channels that have an EPG (for example, name of movie, etc), I cannot view the channel. Has anyone else faced this problem? I don't think I loaded the .cha properly -- maybe that is the problem? Any help will be appreciated.
I had started a new thread once, and never got a reply to my question. So I thought maybe I could get some help on this thread. Apologies if I've offended anyone.