Just wondering if there is any news on a new bin for Pansat 2500a receivers. I've been loosing on dss evolution but nothing so far. Yes LK, }I tried looking into recent posts and have found nothing.
By the way,Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Hanuka (Hope I spelled it right).
Hey MINN ROCKS....bout time your back hon. Missed ya,regardless of what I heard about you Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hey LK, Merry Christmas to you too!!
Hey Julie..i saw the post from last week you and dsscommunity were talking, and that thread have been deleted, he is not talking about me,he is talking about LK i think, because i have only 1 nick that all and never have post anywhere out b4,and never been ban b4 only this time, because of that "D1CKFACE PIC" got you and me banned..it all my fault telling you to C/P around the forum..SORRY..and SatScanner post last pic with the girl sh1tting in the guy mouth and he didn't get ban...LMAO.......
Thanks Ryerson.. where you been last week??LOL we're having pics war here and that is your perfect job to load some of the Pics up, so you not here then i take over your job loading some tities and @SS pics up,and some of the Pics that is fu.cking too,than they banned my @SS..LOL
Lmao MINN ROCKS. Guess I'm happy that I missed that last pic by SatScanner. GROSS. LOL OH yeah,I got your email in my account. But tried to reply but it wouldn't work
The "Man" makes me go 2 work for long hours sometimes.
And sometimes out of town, so i can only log on from time 2 time.
I missed out for sure....i'm certain i would have been banned lol. I wish i had at least seen the thread before it went away.
Anyway, good 2 see u came back....good 2 know there are users who know how 2 reason, as opposed 2 the idiotic ramblings of other members on here.....like knnegrow, and dss
Wellcome back Minn,I coundn't believe I didn't get banned.lol.It was the best thread I ever started and finished!To bad only a few saw it.I think the mod's banned so many somehow they missed me, or they agreed with it, lol.It was for 18 inches Cry BABY,remember?Anyway....Merry Chrismas!
Thanks SatScanner,it was so cool and Ryerson missed the whole damn thing.lol..i wish the Mod give us a whole day to play with it,b4 they delete the thread and banning peoples.But we do got a few hour to play with it..over the car audio section they post pics war over there b4 and none get ban..LMAO. and BTW i think the Mod missed U man, and i don't think they like U that much to agree with U..lol Merry Christmas TO YOU..
Below is the workings of a dipshyt fool. He can't get along because he doesn't get it. He can't be trusted because of the company he keeps. His posts are more self-aggrandizing than about any actual assistance.
Instead, the drooling imbecile roams the boards hoping 2 be recognized as some sort of authority. Like any Incompetent dictator, he hates 2 be corrected...and thus dislikes that others may have earned respect.
There are many words that can properly describe such a persona. But 2 avoid killing my time on such a fecal mind, I will just refer 2 this loser as the board "IDIOT"
"dsscommunity Bronze Member Username: Leon_kookie"
MinnRock...WOW, Ecoustics and Charlie sent U to Rykers Island just for some pics and a pic war!...we knew U were MIA, but I guess when they ban U here, they're SERIOUS!...LMAO...
Hey all, been gone for a few days with a nasty cold. Came back and bam, more posting in my thread. W00t! Don't worry though, the pic war will always be stuck in memory for me. Not pics I can ever forget, lmao. I won't be around from Dec 25 - Jan 2. So once again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.}
Happy Holidays Everyone I'm not sure if you ment me or not LK but Happy Holidays to you and your family. May Santa bring you all your dreams and wishes.this year.
Lk Whats done is done ... I really didnt mean it b4. But since you did what you did, I went and did it too after you did it first .... LOL confused yet ?... I know I am .. But then I am blonde. I guess what was done can be undone and with the new year comming perhasp new begings are ahead. One never knows what the new year will bring.... I will just wait it out and see what happens.