hello ppl...i wanted to know if there is a site that would give u a discount if u buy multiple extremeview 3300's....i remember once about a month i seen a site but i cannot remember what it was...ive been thru many but can only find them price for single..165.99. does any1 know of a dss site that will provide you with discoutns for purchasing multiple receivers... thanks
arslan....search it on Ebay...there is a guy out of CA that has them on now for $165 ship free. I got one. It's awesome!!!...Also you can buy by the case if you talk to the rep by contacting him from extremeviewinc.com . I got him down to $125 per box but did not order because of so much competition. He will drop-ship as well.
thx LK but i am not buying a really LARGE quantity .... about 4-5 i emailed rep at extremeviewinc and he only dropped the shipping for me...right now i can only guarantee about 3 at the moment most likely i will have my mind made up in a couple of days thx for the deal tho