Question for fyi


Bronze Member
Username: Eymyel827

Post Number: 11
Registered: Aug-06
jsut a quick question about hdmi cable. i recently switched to an hdmi cable and im not getting any sound from any station, also the sound shrunk from a full screen to a 16:9 with gray borderlines. jsut wondeirng if i could get a full screen from hdmi connection. i have a samsung S6187W.

Silver Member
Username: Fyi

Dallas, Texas

Post Number: 949
Registered: May-05
HDMI engineers would like you to think that their connector is plug n play. Hardware compatibility and firmware versions are critical to the hand shake. Some setups just don't work well. Sound can be dealt with in other ways, thankfully. The old 4:3 aspect ratio is forced from local digital HD networks during the daytime, but expands to full 16:9 during prime-time HD shows at night. If you know the broadcast should be 16:9 and it isn't, check the output aspect ratio of the cable or sat box menu.
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