First of all, the JVC is not a DLP. It is a DILA set which is liquid crystal on silicone (LCoS) technology.
There were problems with the first generations of the JVC sets but overall JVC seemed to respond well to the problems. I'm reading far fewer reports about this third generation set. Some owners have reported and experienced a high lamp failure rate (lamps frying long before the 6,000 hour mark) but those reports seem to be tailing off as well.
I have owned a 52G series (second generation, 720p) for 14 months after owning the 52Z series for a year before that. I had some problems with the 52Z that JVC took care of. The 52G has worked flawlessly since I got it.
I think the JVC's picture quality is unmatched at this price level.
If you read that posting it is because he is using analog cable to drive the set!!! A set can only perform as good as the video source allows. An analog cable source provides 240 lines of information. That is 1/3 of the information that is optimal for the 720p and 1/4 of the information that is optimal for the 1080p. I'm sorry but you can't blame the set and manufacturer for the shortcomings of the video source. If analog cable is all you are going to use then don't buy this set. I will agree with that. If you are going with digital HD cable or HD satellite then this set is a great choice in my opinion.