Can't crack sony Bravia w/ HD DVR comcast box...HDMI


New member
Username: Pottsburg

Jacksonville, FL United States

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-06
I've got everything I need to get going. I plugged the comcast DVR HD box to the tv through the HDMI cable and turned it on. Tried tv/video, tried all of the connection variations and it never found it. I ended up hooking them togther with the coaxial cable and it works, but no HD and the HD channels are choppy as hell. Any tips?

Another thing is that my dad I'm used to flipping through 65 channels in about a minute and there's no way it's going to happen with this setup. Is there anything i can do to make channel surfing faster? I know the guide is easier, but I just like to browse.

Silver Member
Username: Formerly_fx

Dallas, Tx

Post Number: 199
Registered: Mar-06
Are you sure you have subscribed to the HD tier from your local cable provider. Why didn't you have the cable tech do the installation for you? Channel surfing will be much slower with the DVR cable boxes, learn meditation, become one with your TV and be patient. :-)

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