Local Samsung Lamp source?


New member
Username: Gothica

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-06
Anyone know of a source in Dallas to buy a lamp for my HLN507w?

Any help would be appreciated.

Silver Member
Username: Fyi

Dallas, Texas

Post Number: 940
Registered: May-05
Local brick and mortar stores won't stock uhp mercury lamps. A local service shop may have it, but may not be willing to sell it without installing it. Call 1-800 Samsung for a list of local service shops. You may get lucky. I buy online and always keep a spare. After all, it's a projector! I don't want downtime!

New member
Username: Gothica

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-06
Yeah - already ordered one. Will wait to make sure that's the issue & order another.

Was hoping you'd answer - saw you were from dallas & thought you might have some insite...

thanks for the response.

(you looked at any of the 1080p samsung stuff yet? is it worth the trade up with comcast or time warner as they call themselves now?)

Silver Member
Username: Fyi

Dallas, Texas

Post Number: 944
Registered: May-05
I have the 87W. It's fabulous! I would have preferred the 88W with the extra features, but it wasn't available at the time. I'll probably get an LED when the price drops.

Yea...I'd have to say 1080P is worth every dollar. The pop in color and contrast along with the tight resolution of de-interlaced 1080i will knock your socks off!

New member
Username: Bpx

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-06
FYI, I have an 87W also, where do you recommend to buy lamps online? Also, I heard that it wasnt a good idea to keep spare lamps, I have no reasoning for that, just something I heard.

Silver Member
Username: Fyi

Dallas, Texas

Post Number: 950
Registered: May-05
I can't imagine owning a projector without a spare lamp. I know many people do, but they will have significant downtime when it fails. I won't!

http://www.samsungparts.com/part_detail.asp?oldpart=BP96%2D01578A&catalog%5Fname =Parts+and+Accessories&category%5Fname=&product%5Fid=BP96%2D01472A
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