Here's the revised list of popular receivers with their appropriate firmware cable split into two sections for the ease of use. Feel free to add more receivers to this list.
* Ariza Ultra 400/500- Null modem cable
* Blackbird and all Blackbird clones(BOB, Max 1000, Stealth II. MS1000, ,etc.)- Null cable
* Buzz S2010F - Null modem cable
* Co0lsat 4000 Plus-Null modem cable
* Coship (All)-Null modem cable
* Digiwave 6800/7000-Null modem cable
* Dreambox (All)-Null modem cable
* Lava 2600-Null null modem cable
* Max 2500-Null modem cable
* Microroyal (All)-Null modem cable
* Orasat v5- null modem cable
* Pansat 2700-Null modem cable
* Pansat 3500-Null modem cable
* Pansat 5000HC-Null modem cable(Also can program through USB)
* Pantec/Multistar Max (All)=Null modem cable
* Rex1-Null modem cable
* Silver bullet/ST 1000/2000-Null modem cable
* Spacestar DVB500-null modem cable
* Stealth 2000a-Null modem cable
* Ultrastar 5000-Null modem cable
* Viewsat VS2000-Null modem cable
* Buzz S2010F - Null modem cable
* Astrovox 2600-Straight through DB9
* Co0lsat 4000 Pro/5000-Straight through DB9
* Cooltec-Sraight through DB9
* Digiwave Diamond-Straight DB9
* Fortec lifetime-Straight through DB9
* Fortec Lifetime Ultra-Straight through DB9
* lava 3200- straight through db9
* Megasat (All)-Straight through DB9
* Pansat 2300a/2500a and all clones-Straight through DB9
* Pantec/Multistar MS (All except MS1000)-Straight through DB9