BL is BS...the "permanent fix" will last at least 1 year!...well that was in August and still the same old BS from Pansat!...everybody's been waiting and his cult is still believing!
Future is a great site for Pansat files and info, BUT other than that, it sucks..and al7bar.t*k is another great site that is affiliated with Mr Kim who owns Panarex who owns Pansat..both sites are on my REPUTABLE list...I just don't like BL or Pansat anymore..kind of like a kid who outgrows his bike with training wheels..
Yup that's what he prommised "The permanant fix" coundn't rememberwhat he called it. But remember he/they "working day and nite" on permanant fix. Doen't matter thou Pansats sales are in the touilet never to recover, and he/they will never have any credability.