LK I never bust anyone's balls When I ask a question I truely don't know Yes I am a newbie as you can see I got 77 posts I did search under Lyngsat I do know how to read footprints very well
I just don't know what specific SAT for GC DO ANYONE ELSE KNOW?
That's the sat that I've got one of my FLU's set to, and after running a blind scan, I got 300+ channels, counting doubles, most of which don't work though, cause there is no GC bin out yet... it's got a few channels corresponding to most of the countries in Europe, which do work.
No that is not it Don't get me wrong a lot og GC services on 97 But they do have tons more on other SATs I honestly don't know the Eroupean GC AND THAT'S WHY I'M ASKING IFANYONE ELSE FAMILIAR WITH GC?????? One thing I know they just added more on Euro SAT-3
Hey King In the USA GlobeCast World TV is a provider of FTA and Nagravision-encrypted only on Satellite Intelsat Americas (5) @97.o W. You said that you only found one (1) channel. You had to looked in the wrong place. There are about ten (10) TPs & Close to 100 channels there for GC. On this Bird I have (201) TV Channels & (130) Radio Stations. You come on with some off the wall questions. Exactly what are you looking for & maybe someone here could help you. BTW What Satellite is Euro Sat-3? You don't mean Atlantic Bird (3) @ 5.oW do you? One question why are you looking for out of reach Satellites?
- They are adding new European channels on Eurobird-3 according to their press release on their web - You are right the majority of their Broadcast on 97 mostly true FTA and some for Subscribers as well - I thought they have a lot more European channels and that is what I was looking for beacuse i see more and more in search of European channels that are encrypted and since the majority of their Broadcast is Free I was wondering if there was any other specific SAT that I don't know. Now I realize they were looking for the locked ones on 97. WHEN I ASK FOR SOMETHING IT IS NOT A TRICK. IT IS A JUST A QUESTION !!!