The other day bought new tv and hooked up my receiver had 129 on disqe 1 and 110 on number two and expressvu on 3 now 119 and 110 is working but bell has no signal on disqe 3 and 4, so I switched 119 on 3 had no signal but bell worked on two. oviously the disqe switch is no good. Bought a new one and the new one I hooked up the same as the original all is working but on expressvu I have a lot of channels that say searching for signal especially in the 200s, when I hook it up direct no problem but the signal does drop when I put it in the new disqe switch any one have any Ideas
Agree with LK! You blew the switch. You'll need to get a new switch and when you hook it up, make sure you're STB is disconnected from the wall while making the connections.