Need help connectin FTA to Dishnet Antenna


New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-06
I have two dishnet antenna one for 65 and another for 110/119. I have three dish receiver connected to SW 64 occuping all the input 1a1b 2a2b and 3a3b and outputing to all three dishnet receivers. How do I connect FTA receiver and leave the existing three receiver at the same time. (Note: I have two LNBs on 110/119 antenna both LNBs have two out put going into 1a1b2a2b of sw64 and I have one Lnb with 65 with two output going into 3a3b of sw64).

Silver Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 790
Registered: Oct-05
What FTA Box are you planning to use?

Silver Member
Username: Hardrockstriker

Post Number: 621
Registered: Apr-06
You should be able to put your fourth receiver (FTA) onto the power inserter.


Silver Member
Username: Hardrockstriker

Post Number: 622
Registered: Apr-06
Just make sure your FTA receiver has the correct disecq switch settings.

Silver Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 791
Registered: Oct-05
To add to Jason's post - Don't use a Fortec or Pansat 2500. They will not work properly with the SW64. That was the reason I was aking. Everything else works find.

New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-06
I want to use the Pansat 2700A. Would that work with SW64?

Silver Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 793
Registered: Oct-05
Yes. You should not have a problem. Just remember what Jason said, configure the switch property. While you are using a SW64, in the antena setup screen you'll need to configure the DiSeQC for each antena looking at the port in which it is connected on the SW64

New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-06
If I use SW64 do I still need DiSEqC switch?

New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 4
Registered: Nov-06
Currently I have three DIshnet receivers alrady hookup to SW 64 so, I still have one open output on SW64, can I just connect a cable between that and my pansat 2700A?

Silver Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 794
Registered: Oct-05

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Username: Hardrockstriker

Post Number: 624
Registered: Apr-06
sorry, my mistake. Is it a legacy "Dish Network" sw64? If so then hopefully your receiver has the correct switch type offered in its menu (legacy, disecq, etc) so that you can select legacy. I know my C00lsat has those settings. So that depends on your FTA receiver.

But you will need the power converter unit, for sure.

Silver Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 795
Registered: Oct-05
Viewsat does to, but the Pansat does not. You have to set the DiSeCQ switch to the ports installed on the SW64. You do not have to use the switch, just set it up on the configuration as if you were using one.

Bronze Member
Username: Nassa

Post Number: 76
Registered: Jun-06
go here

New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 5
Registered: Nov-06
Here is how my current setup isUpload

New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 6
Registered: Nov-06
All the right hands inputs are connect but only three output are connected to the three receiver. so, can I connect the Pansat 2700A to that port and will it work?


Silver Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 799
Registered: Oct-05
Tony - If it's connected the way you have it in the diagram then connect the Pansat to the switch and configure the antenas as follows:
LNB = Standard
Freq. = 11250

The only other thing that would change is as follows:

110 DiSeCQ = #1
119 DiSeCQ = #2
65 DiSeCQ = #3

You should have no problems.

New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 7
Registered: Nov-06
So eventhought I dont need to use the DiseCQ switch, I have to configure it on the Pansat anyways?


Silver Member
Username: Hardrockstriker

Post Number: 625
Registered: Apr-06
Yes, you still have to configure the disecq settings on your Pansat.

Also, you will need the power inserter for your fourth reciever. you can try it without, but I've read you need it.

Silver Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 801
Registered: Oct-05
Jason is correct. Without the power insert it will not work. To much drain on the little power supplied by the receivers to the LNB's. It's an absolute must to use the power insert.

By the way, that's the setup I have at one of my properties in the Caribbean, but I use a Viewsat

New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-06
I thought that none of the FTA including Pansat 2700a worked with any of the dishnet switches ie SW64, SW21, etc?

Silver Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 810
Registered: Oct-05
Tony - Try it. You'll see it works.

New member
Username: Tj_maisuria

Post Number: 9
Registered: Nov-06
Thanks! that worked like charm....what do I do about getting all the echostart channel....I sat scaned over and getting all the channels except for some india channels and some adults channels. Any suggetion what I sould do? not sure what the problem is, I have strong signal and quality. Do you think I should set up disqec instead SW64?

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 5699
Registered: Jan-06
FTA will work with SW switches, but NOT always and NOT well..Coo*lsat and Viewsat were created when many wanted to use their DN receivers and DN subs with SW switch installation hookups, so they made those receivers "receptive" to SW switches...but all other receivers usually have MUCH problems with those switches...thats why disque switches are usually mentioned when using FTA, cause they are good with ALL FTA receivers..
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