I have a Samsung HLS5667W 1080P HDTV. Yesterday I got my HD cable activated. They sent me a Scientific Atlantic 8300HD HDDVR box. The HD channels are amazing almost lifelike. I encountered a problem while watching Monday Night Football last night. I believe a similar topic was posted on this but the answer was not helpul to me. The problem I had was with the WHITE images on the screen (the white lines and numbers on the football field and the white jerseys). These white images were very pixelated and seemed to shimmer when the camera was moving. When the camera was still the picture was great. I changed the picture format on my HDDVR box from still to pass-thru to upconvert-1 and 2 and none of this helped. I adjusted the color settings on the TV and nothing helped. The picture quality on my TV was set to DYNAMIC and I changed it to Movie (it was way too dark) and to Standard (I noticed a little picture quality loss here but not much). When I changed the picture quality to STANDARD I may not have left it on long enough to see if the actual game picture was better. Any other suggestions? BTW I use component cables from the Box to the TV.
You should use the TV on its STANDARD setting for a while, in order to evaluate the picture over different program sources. Some video calibration discs, like Joe Kane's Digital Video Essentials, tell you that on most TVs, STANDARD is most accurate.
Anyone with Samsung HLN5065 experience? After a bit more than two years of few problems, suddenly the color has gone crazy on me. Areas that should be black seem to be bleeding through as red, almost as a photograph negative effect. Left the set off for several days and when I turned it back on, the picture was fine for about 15 minutes, then back to the "negative effect. Even the side bars on non wide-screen pictures are red where they used to be black. Any ideas? Many thanks,