It will also stay that way until I power it off and back on, or change input source.
A secondary issue that's possibly related is that the set powers itself off after being on. From doing some research, it probably just needs to be cleaned as I have 4 cats and live in the desert (lots of dust). Again, don't know if it's related to the first issue.
Anyone run into this? I really don't want to replace the bulb or have a service tech out, as I need to sell the unit anyway. Help?
Your suspicion is prob dead on. Take a look for the service manual and see the directions for opening the set. Have the set unplugged and go at her with a can of compressed air.
I've been cleaning mine regularly and have recommended this a hundred times. Never heard a complaint!
"Don't forget to take the back off and clean things up in there with a brush attachment to your vac hose. Cleaning the inside every six months can prevent premature failure of several major components. After all, it's a projector that pulls air through it to keep things cool. With the air flow comes dust, lint, hair, bugs, etc. Pay extra attention to the cooling fans. Tape the cover switch shut and power up the set. Check that the fans spin equally and quietly. They are easy to replace if needed."