I have a Mitsubishi WD-62725 that I purchased in February 2005. The manufacture date is November 2004. I was watching a DVD the other day and all of a sudden the picture just went black. I never received a warning that the lamp was going bad. After a couple of minutes of trying to turn off and on the DVD player, the tv turned itself off and the red lamp indicator came on and stayed on. Tried hitting the reset button a few times, but that didn't help. It just went through the process of the green power light flashing for a while, then turning off. Then when I try to turn it on again, it lights green for a minute or two (no lamp power, no blue screen, nothing), then eventually turns off and the red lamp light comes back on. Figuring the problem was a bad lamp but that for some reason it didn't warn me, I ordered the new lamp and did the swap per the instructions (with the tv unplugged). Plugged back in and same problem. (By the way, the old lamp looked a little dirty, but nothing to indicate it was blown). After a few more attempts at re-setting, I unplugged the HDTV cable box while it was trying to cycle on and all of a sudden I had a blue screen (lamp working again). Thinking I just needed that extra final reset, I reconnected everything and started to watch a DVD again, for about 2 minutes, then lost the picture again! Anyone experience anything like this or have any suggestions that I might not have tried yet?