Hey- I just bought my 42" LCD and I've notice Its very hot I am talking about the screen I thought LCD uses less energy than Plasma then how come the screen is very hot I would say you would feel it in a distance of 1ft. Please let me know if this is NORMAL?
all i can say is that i have a 37" 1080p scpetre lcd and yes it also runs very hot too. when i get within 6" of it ,i can feel the heat from it. i do not know if this normal or not,but your best option is to contact the maker of your lcd and see what they have to say, hopefully it is still under warranty and they will check it out for you. as i have said my lcd runs very hot but i haven't had any problems and i use it as a computor monitor for 3-4 hours straight.
Chico Thank you man for getting back to me I feel much better now and Yes I used it as my computer screen as well but it doesnt get HOT as much as If I am watching TV I think its Normal but I will try to contact them thank you Chico...
Why is it no one letting me know why my screen get so HOT...Please help me guys, but anyhow I am very happy with my 42" LCD acer I really think eventhough its not really a TV company I am very happy because I love using it as my computer screen and drop down my 21" LCD HP for it., so anyone interested with that let me know you guys know who to ask for thank you all...