Cali777 Unregistered guest | Thought i would post this since there seems to be alot of ppl ask how:: Pretty up to date(some software and Blockers have more current revisions available-always use latese available)....some reading and insight also. I. Introduction I wanted to put together a guide to help people as they get involved in testing Dish. I wanted to do this to pay back all the people who have helped me over the years. There are too many to list so I will just say a general Thank You. This document is based on the Dish system. This guide is going to cover a Getting Started section, Atmega Section, Emulation Section and Rom3/Rom10 Section. II. Forms of Testing There are various forms of testing the Dish satellite system. The main forms of testing are (not in any specific order) Atmega, AVR3/6/9, G2, DSSRev, RomX, Rom3/Rom10/Rom11 known as using plastic, and emulation software such as Cemu, the toad programs, javaemu, etc. The question I see posted a lot is what is the best form of testing. The answer to this question is based on personal preference. I currently test with Atmega, Rom3, Rom10, Cemu, WinCemu and Wintoad. My personal opinion is that emulation software is the most ECM proof way to test (as long as you set up you bin the correct way). My Cemu unit has been up for around a year and a half, my Roms have been up for about 4-5 months and the Atmega varies. The reason that the Roms get hit occasionally is that Charlie has a tendency to hit the blocker code that is put on the Roms. III. Getting Started The first thing that I tell people to do when they start to get into testing Dish is to read two documents. The two documents that I recommend is called Chas1962 newbie guide and the Maestra Guide. These two documents help you understand the terminology and concepts behind the testing world. There is also another document that one should read but it is a little more advanced. This document is Stuntguys FAQ. There are some items that are going to be needed from the IRD before you can start your testing experience. These items are the boxkeys, IRD # and CAM ID #. The IRD# and CAM ID# are pretty simple to get. The IRD# is on the sticker of the receiver and the CAM ID# is the number on the actual CAM itself. Based on the form of testing you choose to use, you will need the IRD# and CAM ID# in hex format. This can easily be done using the calculator in windows. Open the calculator and change the format to scientific, select the decimal option, type in the ID# and then select the hex option. In hex format these numbers should be 8 numbers long. If the calculator shows less numbers, just add zeros at the beginning to make up the addition numbers. For example, if the calculator shows 103BC just add three zeros to make it 000103BC. The next piece of information that you will need is the boxkeys. You will use a device called a Jtag with a piece of software called jkeys to retrieve the boxkeys. There are various types of Jtags that can be used (i.e. simple vs. buffered). There is always a debate over which is best to use. My opinion is that buffered is the best method but one can make a simple Jtag very easily for about $5 dollars worth of parts from Radioshack. I was going to add a Howto for creating and connecting a simple Jtag but one can find these instructions at the sites that I mentioned earlier. Maybe I will try to incorporate those instructions in version 2.0 of the guide. Once you have the Jtag connected properly to the IRD, plug in the IRD and start Jkeys. The most current version of Jkeys at this time is Jkeys 2.99 from Dave2. After starting Jkeys, you will see information pop up on the screen. Some of the information that can be found on this screen is: IRD type, IRD #, Boxkeys (set of 16 digits), software version in the IRD, bootstrap of the IRD and build config. One of the biggest problems I had when first starting testing is that I needed to put an alligator clip on the ground wire and attach it to the case of the IRD. I found this to solve some of the connection/communication problems that I had with Jkeys. Once you get the boxkeys from the IRD, I would write them down, as they will be needed for all forms of testing. I would typically use a marker and write them down on the bottom of the receiver. I have included a screen capture of the Jkeys screen to show how it should look (minus my information of course) The next piece of information that I want to focus on is creating Tiers. Tiers are what gives you access to watch specific channels on a dish system. Once the proper tiers are creating, they can be used for all the various forms of testing. The most common method for creating tiers is to use a program creating by pjsoft. He created a useful tool for beginners to help them create realistic looking tiers so that they did not get ecmed for faulty tiers. This program allows you to choose the tiers for specific channels that you want to be able to watch and the method of testing (i.e. Atmega) and it creates the tiers for you. This program is useful but you have to be careful because it does not check if you add duplicates to the tiers. For example, if you choose AT150 and say the Golf channel, that would be considered duplicating the tiers because the Golf channel is part of the AT150 package. Hence this could be a target for an ECM. Here is a screen capture of an older version Rom Tier Maker that was created by pjsoft. This program allows you to create tiers based on your testing method. IV. Atmega To use an Atmega for testing you will need the following items: Atmega card, programmer (not an ISO programmer but one for an Atmega), and a piece of software called Jeepers. At this time, the current solution for using an Atmega was created by Radarweave. I think the best thing to do is to explain the layout of a pfg file used with the Atmega. The top portion of the pfg file is the configuration portion and the bottom portion is the flash portion. The flash portion is the code that the Atmega uses to pretend to be an authentic Rom card. The top portion of the file is for configuring the eeprom portion of the Atmega. The eeprom portion contains information like boxkeys, ird#, cam id#, tiers and so on. Once you have the pfg configured, you are ready to open Jeepers and program the Atmega. The Atmega is programmed as follows: Open Jeepers then select the pfg file that you want to use under program Fill in the clock speed that is on your Atmega under board, and select Dish as the network Leave the advanced setting/Tiers alone Fill in the IRD#, boxkeys, time zone, zip code and providers keys For the CAM ID# use S0009876543-XX After filling in all the appropriate information, select Full Monty to program the Atmega Plug in the Atmega to the IRD, power on the receiver and watch tv. |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | V. Rom3/Rom10 Testing with ROM3 and ROM10 is known as using plastic. There are similarities to setting up ROM3 and ROM10. The items that are needed are ISO programmer, an open ROM card, a tier maker software such as Rom Tier Maker, and NagraEdit software. We will first look at doing a ROM3 card. ROM3 The first thing we need to do is to make sure that we have an open ROM3 card. To do this, put you ROM3 card into the ISO programmer, open Nagraedit, select Card from the menu and select Reset Card. This will tell you the version on the card. The card is considered open if the rev is 372 or lower. If the card is open then go ahead and proceed with the instructions to program the card, if not send it to a dealer and have it opened. If the card is opened, the first thing to do is make a backup of the cards image. To do this from Nagraedit, select Card->One Step Backup. This will create a backup image of the original card. After we make the backup of the card, we want to clean the cards programming. This is done by selecting Card->One Step Clean from the Nagraedit menu. We are now ready to program our card. There are various ways to program a card, this is just one way to accomplish it. The first thing we need to do is to select the tiers that we want to put onto the card. The easiest way to accomplish this is by using RTM that will create a patch of the tiers and the IRD information and then using Nagraedit to patch the information on the card. To accomplish this, open RTM select ROM3 in the testing device window, select the tiers that you want and then select Create NE3 file. RTM will then ask you if you want to add a blocker, select no. We are selecting no here because we are going to add our blocker patch after we have applied our tiers patch. Next you will get a window that asks if you want to add CAM and IRD information, select yes. From here you need to put in all your information (i.e. CAM #, IRD #, boxkeys, time info). To determine if you have a rev a or rev b card, after reading the card with Nagraedit, go into the Eeprom editor window and scroll down to the line $E4D0. Now under the byte columns "E" and "F," if you see 07 38, you have a Rev. A cam. If you see 07 05, you have a Rev. B cam. You should also manually add key 0 and 1 or wait for keys to roll. After you are done entering the information, select save and save this file in the Nagraedit directory. We are now ready to patch the tiers onto the card. To apply the tiers patch, open Nagraedit, select Card->Reset Card then Card->Read Card. After the card is read select the Patch Editor tab and select Open Patch and open the file that you just saved from RTM. Next, select the test patch button and make sure that there are no errors. If there are no errors, select run patch. This will apply the tiers and the IRD information to the card. After applying the tiers, we need to apply a blocker patch so that Dish can not make changes to your card. At the time of this version, the current blocker is Penga. To apply the blocker, you go through the same steps as applying the tiers patch, just make sure that you open the blocker file, then test patch and run patch. After you run the blocker patch, select Card->Write Card. To make sure that you applied the blocker correctly, do a Card->Reset Card. You should notice that the rev now says 381 instead of 372. You should never put the card into the receiver unless you know that the blocker is applied correctly. Once you are sure that you have followed the steps above correctly, you can put the card in the receiver and watch TV. Rom10 To do a ROM10, the procedure is the same as above with a few exceptions. The first thing we need to do is to make sure that we have an open ROM10 card. To do this, put you ROM10 card into the ISO programmer, open Nagraedit, select Card from the menu and select Reset Card. This will tell you the version on the card. The card is considered open if the rev is A16. If it is not at rev A16, send it out to a dealer and have it opened. Here is an update, if the rev is A20 or lower the card can be opened using a program called Mighty Loader. If the rev is at A21, these cards will have to be sent to a dealer. Obviously when you use RTM, you are going to select ROM10 under the device window. After selecting the tiers, press continue and enter you CAM and IRD information. When done, select create NE10 file. This will create the tiers patch. You will apply the tiers patch the same way you did with the ROM3 tiers patch. After applying the tiers patch you need to add the blocker patch. The current blocker patch at this time is NBC4. To apply the blocker patch you need to do the following. Load the patch called NBC4 in the Patch Editor in NagraEdit. Go down to the first line of code after these instructions (it looks like this: $C600EADBEEFBAADF00D"). This is the secret backdoor password you will need to get back into the card. The default password is 8 bytes - "DE AD BE EF BA AD F0 0D". Change the default password to something else, any 8 bytes in hex will do. MAKE SURE TO MAKE A NOTE OF THE NEW PASSWORD YOU PUT IN OR YOU WILL BE LOCKED OUT OF THE CARD. Leaving it as the default is not advised as dish could use the default password to login themselves and disable the blocker. Hit the "Run Patch" button at the top of the Patch Editor. A window should appear at the bottom of the Patch Editor and say "Patch applied with 0 errors and 0 warnings". STOP. Make sure you have recorded the backdoor password you entered before. If you somehow loose this key you will be locked out of the card. Hit the Write to Card button on the NagraEdit toolbar to write the image to the card. The card is now loaded with NBC4 and can be placed in the IRD to watch TV. Keys may take a few minutes to roll - you will get a flashing 005 error on most IRD's while this is happening. To make changes in the future to the card you need to remove the card lock. To remove the card lock, open the Tools menu in NagraEdit and select Remove Card Lock, enter the 8 byte BD password you entered before and click OK. You should see "Card Successfully Unlocked" in the NagraEdit message window. If you get error, the password is wrong or the card does not have NBC loaded on it. You can now use NagraEdit to make changes to the card. Just make sure that after you make changes to the card, you reapply the NBC4 blocker patch before you put the card back into the receiver. |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | VI. Emulation Software Emulation is the type of testing that involves using a PC connected to the receiver through an interface device. By using specific software, the computer emulates an authentic CAM to give access to viewing channels on the IRD. There are various items that are needed to do emulation: some type of interface device, a computer, emulation software, and a cable to run between the PCs serial port and the interface device. There are various types of interfaces that are available. The two main types are an AVR or a RS232 interface such as max/mel interface or the RS232 interface. I was going to include a discussion on interfaces but one can read that. There are various types of emulation software that is available: CEMU, WinCEMU, JavaEMU and the toad programs. I am going to focus on CEMU and WinCEMU in this version of the guide. I will include information on Wintoad and JavaEMU in version 2.0. Now let look at how to configure and run CEMU. CEMU is a dos based program that is based on a ROM3. The way emulation software works is they are designed to emulate the software that is on an authentic CAM by using two files, rom3.bin and eeprom.bin. The rom3.bin should not be touched or modified in any way. The eeprom.bin file is the file that contains the IRD information such as boxkeys, IRD # and also contains the tiers that allow specific channels to be viewed. The first thing that we need to do is to initialize the interface device. One can use a program called fbprg16. This program is used to flash the atmel chip on an AVR to allow the AVR to be used to handle the PC serial to IRD communication. The next thing that we need to do is to configure the cemu.ini file. This file is used to configure how the cemu program is used. For example, the cemu.ini contains information such as com port to be used, baud rate, name of rom3 and eeprom bin and so on. Here is a description of the changes that need to be made. The first change relates to the com port. You need to change the port/irq/base address as it relates to your configuration. Next, you will need to enter the IRD, CAM, boxkeys and blackout string in hex format. Next, you will need to change the information that relates to location. These items are daylight savings, time zone and zip code. That is all that needs to be changed in the cemu.ini file. The next thing we need to do is to configure the eeprom.bin file so that it contains the appropriate IRD info and tier info. The first thing I do is to use a program called Xcel to enter my IRD information into the eeprom.bin file. Just open Xcel and open the eeprom.bin file and enter your IRD information (valid CAM#, the IRD#, boxkeys all in hex and also add the time zone and blackout string). After entering the information, you need to save the eeprom.bin file back to the emulation directory. Next, you need to add the tier information to the eeprom.bin file. I use the program called WBInfo 3.3 for rom3. There are numerous ways to add your tiers but this is the method I use. After loading the eeprom.bin into WBInfo 3.3, select the tab called Tiers 5. From there you can paste the tiers that you want and hit the apply to bin button. After applying to bin, you can hit the tab called tier data 4 to make sure the tiers you applied are correct. The final thing you need to do is to create a dos boot disk. After you have created a dos boot disk, copy the modified files from the emulation directory. Connect the cable to the serial port that you mentioned in the cemu.ini and the other end to the RS232 interface or the AVR interface. You then need to boot the computer with the disk in the floppy drive and type cemu. The cemu program will start. After a minute or two, plug the power cord of the IRD in and you should start to have a picture. The nice thing about cemu is that it does not require a powerful computer. I have heard of people using an old Pentium to do cemu emulation. In fact, the computer I use does not even have a hard drive, operating system, cdrom or even a video card. Just use a plain ole dos box. VII. Easy Fix Method for an ECM Instead of doing a full tsop erase and rewrite and risk losing critical irretrievable data and also shorten fix time to seconds use this method to fix an ECM. Here are the steps to follow: Use jkeys, connect to the IRD and go to flash programming change FULL in right-upper side memory address drop down window to an SA address specific for your IRD. Here are some examples. These may have changed based on newer software versions that are being released by Charlie. 301-010 SA3 in flash 1 301-013 SA15 in flash 2 2700/2800/3700 series SA5 3800/3900/4700/4900 series SA30 501/508 SA52 or SA54 508 SA60 in Flash2 save this address to disk (takes few seconds!!) Use Hex Edit to edit the saved file search e6a2 and f out next 10 digits AFTER the e6a2 that start 78 88 B4 4F 14 Save the modified file Using Jkeys, connect to the IRD, select flash programming erase this ird specific SA address, do it 3 times (do not erase if Full is in the window change it to SAx ) Re-write fixed SA bin again, make sure that the window has your specific SA address and NOT full watch tv this above fix takes all of 2 minutes! DO NOT TOUCH IRD WHILE IT DOWNLOADS VIII. Softlocks This portion I am taking from a thread by Mister1000. I feel that it does a good job of describing softlocks. Here is a shortened version of the thread: First there are three different versions or approaches to softlocks: The LUTZ Diagram approach (great find by the way kudos to you ) The newest Flashedit approach (Blacks awesome job) The SatFTA CRC ECM ReViVer(one of the deepest thinkers in this hobby) We all have read enough about this to understand that Lutz Diagram found that if he read his tsop, searched for the String E6A2FFFFFFFFFF with a hex editor, changed the byte from A2 to A5 and then saved the new file, he could in effect disable the effects of an ECM on our receivers (i.e. no location ID00000001). You could just reboot , unplug the card, etc and we are back in business. Thru trial and error probably, Lutz also discovered that he needed to correct the checksums- CRC of the receiver to keep it from going into update mode and reloading current firmware back to the receiver thus removing any changes to the firmware he had applied. Thus Lutz Diagram needed to go one more step and correct these checksums using Flashedit2 by opening the file, going to advanced mode, and verifying specifically the App Area Checksums. Lutz found that this needed to be corrected, and he did so. Saving the file a second time then writing back to the receiver, all is well and seems to work. Blacks being the man that he is incorporated into his newest Flashedit 2.0a the softlock patching process where by his software searched for the string, edited the string, and corrected the checksums. But why and to what, should be the question we ask ourselves. Well the why, we know, is to disable the effects of an ecm. The what is to satisfy the CRC checksums of the receiver and keep it from updating the firmware and removing our changes. Yes. But did it really? Lets look at the strings a little deeper, E6 A2 FF FF FF FF FF non ecmed ird E6 A2 78 88 B4 4F 14 ecmed ird E6 A5 FF FF FF FF FF LUTZ with flashedit crc app area repair E6 A5 FF C8 30 81 85 flashedit2.0a patch mmm very interesting. A lot of peeps would search for the string a second time and would come up blank. I think you can see why. This is where I believe SatFTA being the deep thinker he is said, wait a minute, how does that work? What is the significance of the A2 byte as well as the FF FF FF FF FF Bytes and the 78 88 B4 4F 14 Bytes lets rip it down and see. So what has changed on an ecmed ird. E6 no change A2 no change 78 ecm marker as per SatFTA 88 B4 4F 14 Can you say CRC corrector. Why is the question of the day. Charlie wouldn't want to Ecm our receiver and then turn around and fix it for us would he. MMMMMM! Anyone remember I think in march, when Bev sent down there first hit and screwed up a lot of subs, then had to turn around and fix everyone's receivers. What would it take to accomplish this and get everyone up again including those fiendish Pirates wearing bandanas. How about changing one byte in the CRC corrector, which causes a corruption in the APP area CRC, and forces the Ird to reload fresh firmware. Make sense or no??? Now SatFTA, still pondering the A2 to A5 byte change, says wait a minute, what if I disable the marker byte and correct the CRC correction bytes. Marker byte FF to 00,Charlie cant make it 78 now cause its already zero. And if I Fix the CRC corrector 8B B4 4F 14 To 4E 08 BF 4B I kill two birds with one stone, and I didn't change the E6 A2 they are still stock values, because I still don't fully understand, what or why it is, what it is. And its pretty hard for Charlie to make 00 marker byte a 78 now as it was FF to begin with. So SatFTA satisfies the marker and the Crc corrector. Based on this thread, one can see there are three methods to use. I personally used the last version of the softlocks mentioned on a couple of 3900s at P230 and a couple of 4900s at their current software level. From a testing perspective, I find this a quick and easy method for recouping from an ECM. IX. Conclusion As always the best way to learn is to read, read, read. You will find the majority of the testing community willing to help you on your endeavor to testing. Thanks again and Ihope everyone finds this helpful. |
HH Unregistered guest | Thanks a lot Cali777 |
New member Username: Beel8Post Number: 1 Registered: May-04 | Hey Cali777,I have been to many many sites that discuss dish and i have read a lot about it, but nothing comes even close to your style of explaining on how to ... Keep up the good work Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers Dude |
New member Username: 99bobster99Post Number: 1 Registered: May-04 | I'm a newbie to the dishnet scene, I appreciate your guide. Very interesting. I have one question for you, I have a dp-301.10 receiver and have been reading that these receivers have an anti-avr upgrade. I'd like to use the Cemu software, but will this mean that the AVR board will not work properly ? I saw a site that had some fixes on it for the anti-AVR, using a switch and jumpers, does this work for the Cemu emulation method ?? Thanks for you help. |
Arman Unregistered guest | Hi, I have sub.ed to BEV. What will happen technically when I cancel my sub ? What BEV will do to unsubscribe me ? My card seems to be Rom11 and my reciever 3100. Can I open the chanels with magic card ? Any hint will be appreciated. |
New member Username: WantedmanPost Number: 8 Registered: May-04 | can my t911 be used in this plastic programing? |
Bronze Member Username: DudePost Number: 11 Registered: May-04 | i have a quick question i was going to go to walmart and get a dish system today but i was wondering if the new dish they have will program and is ther a certain model i should look for when buying a new one thank you |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | F*ck all of you.Do your own work if you won't support me in this forum. |
Bronze Member Username: DudePost Number: 12 Registered: May-04 | hey sorry cali777 i just read what happened it did get confusing tho who was who it looked like the hu guy was changing names while he was posting and i do understand why you are pissed and it does suck that after that post you made for the newbies that no one stood up but in there defence they may have not read it yet. most forums would of banned people like that guy for trying to rip off there members well i am sorry for the crap that went down i hope you don't hold it against everyone tho i hope this post will help you with other people take care cali777 again i am sorry i don't expect anything for the post it was just something i felt i should write ciao for now |
cali777 Unregistered guest | just blow me and mind your own ps&qs |
New member Username: 99bobster99Post Number: 2 Registered: May-04 | Somebody needs a big hug. |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | dude--if you purchase an dish system from walmart you will either get one with the dish500 cards that can NOT be programmed or the new ird's that are cardless, your best bet to get the cheap & the 1's you need if your not in Canada is to run a small add in your local newspaper something like this: (Pay Cash for new & used sattellite equipment ect.) you can get complete systems for less than 40-50 bucks... Hope this Helped I am Cali777 not this Jerk that is using my Nick to curse at everyone!! |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | dude--i actually messed up, get any receiver from walmart and you should be fine as anyone can be programmed including wireless Sorry about That |
tonto Unregistered guest | cali777 my dealer told me to bring in my p5 card on friday june 4th for programing .im from london ontario does this sound true? im leary about this. i dont want him to put something on my card and ruin it. i have been dealing with him for about 3 years and he never steerd me wrong so far .if you could give me some insight it would be greatly apreisated sorry for the spelling thank you. keep up the good fight. dont pay any mind to those others in here you are needed here for those of us that dont understant about hacking . from canada thank you. |
New member Username: SkullsPost Number: 1 Registered: May-04 | Can someone tell me who would be an honest and relreliable company to go to when a fix becomes avavailable. I was with satansplayhouse now there gone what happened to them does anyone know. Please email me Thanks Dennis |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | I will fix any card when it comes available which should be by weeks end... I will be setting up a program for any of you who want it Done |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | Tonto, if you trust the guy then go ahead and get it done.I know the fix is out there because i have it too.If you want to switch to me i will send you info on it I am in the works on a site as we speak. |
SmoothySmith Unregistered guest | Cali777 Where are you located? I would looking at switching to someone as my guy is fine, just not that quick. I am in Southern Ont as well, like paying in those CDN dollars. Other issues- I have 2 receivers, I can go to dish and pay About $650 for 2 recivers with TSOp digilock etc. or i can wait, invest $400-450 in direct for 2 new cards. Does Dish go down? Can i get all the love on it, ie. NHL Network, NFL Network etc. Very confused...... |
Bronze Member Username: LearningPost Number: 11 Registered: Apr-04 | cali777 have read most your posts and they are excellent, i am not sure what is going on with these other people not tring to get info, i was wondering what was a good place to get an iso that you would trust? {for dishnet} |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | Smoothy, I guess its just personal preference-i love my DTV and it only requires one dish to get both PPV and regular channels. Dish is probably more reliable right now as the p4/p5 probably won't get the 5+ years out of it that the hu did. Dish and DTV get the same stuff except dish requires two dishes to access full channels. I know a guy that has a Blackbird with a dish he made that turns like the old huge ones to pick the signal. He gets 1200+ channels! |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | ebay is the best for equipment |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | Ok I am here to set this straight, DO NOT Send or make any deals with Cali777(I am NOT SELLING ANYTHING & NOT FIXING ANY CARDS FOR ANYBODY), there is an A**Hole using MY nick & i will NOT be Posting anymore on this site, due to this Guy he will probably try & retract this statement just like the one i posted to "dude" so Thank Him "HU Hefner" THIS IS MY (CALI777) LAST POST HERE!!! The Nick Cali777 is RETIRED so anyone using it Do Not TRUST Them & If you Get SCAMMED Don't say I didn't WARN YOU!! Believe me or not i really Don't Care I am the 1 & only Cali777 That started this Thread & Helped out so many others on this site..So Goodbye |
The Champ Unregistered guest | What does this teach you Cali? YOU MESS WITH THE BULL AND YOU GET THE HORNS. You thought you were good but I taught you how to play the game. In defeat you must leave...goodbye. |
tonto Unregistered guest | Cali talked a lot of garbage anyways,most of his posts were ripped off from other sites. |
tonto Unregistered guest | you guys are unbeleivable im the real tonto and you are using my name to you guys need to get a life its to bad this site came to this buy forever losers |
tonto Unregistered guest | you guys are unbeleivable im the real tonto and you are using my name to you guys need to get a life its to bad this site came in handy alot of great info buy forever losers |
tonto Unregistered guest | i know cali777 was behnd all of this stuff and hes gone now so as long as hes gone then i should stay here buy cali777 you loser |
ECW Unregistered guest | my sucess will be the death of you, low and belhold............. |
tsunami Unregistered guest | there is one thing i do not understand,where should i found the blockers numbers,the tiers,the patchs and all other information to get ready the card. |
New member Username: IzzyztoyPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-04 | Cali777 If you're gonna hang around and help us and be apart of us, you should register yourself so that A55H0les don't go around using your name. Just a thought man....... |
1 step ahead Unregistered guest | when you register you get people dont register. |
QQQ Unregistered guest | tracked ???? whad'ya mean 1 step |
1 step ahead Unregistered guest | you know Cali..its all registered. |
tonto Unregistered guest | No one should ever register in this forum. No advantage comes out of it.The only thing you do gain is a very high risk of getting caught and charged for illegal activities. DO NOT REGISTER. |
Anonymous | What nagra edit version do i use to program My Dishnet on Windows ME?????/ |
Anonymous | you are all crazy i have no idea what to think now |
chgogurl Unregistered guest | Ok, I am a newbie here and am trying to decide between DTV or Dish. I will only be hooking it up to 2 tv's. I want one with a built in DVR but also have a stand alone Tivo. What is the best company to go with? And where is the best place to get the cards? |
New member Username: Topgun58Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-04 | Will someone please help get stsrted with dish network, just tell me what equiment I will need to make it work. Tahnk for your time. |
CruSader Unregistered guest | Hello Cali, YOur How to...Newbie guied is simply great!!!! Keep up the good work. I have a simple question for you. Is there a way to unlock a locked card??? If so what software and hardware tools do you need. |
Bronze Member Username: PawnmasterCanada Post Number: 92 Registered: Jun-04 | For all you people wanting to know what it is you are trying to do, and to meet some people that will answer your questions (and where this Calistole all this info from) try any of these sites: [link removed] |
Lion Unregistered guest | Cali777, I Have heard that I Can program the IRD of a 6th reciever for convertin' it to a dish receiver, do you know something about it??? |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | You are a bunch of sorry a** mother ***** Can't you figure out anything dammit. |
mecalee Unregistered guest | Does anyone know how to open the back door? trying to read the card but it says back door closed, aborting.... |
mecalee Unregistered guest | Does anyone know how to open the back door? trying to read the card but it says back door closed, aborting.... |
lonewolf Unregistered guest | mecalee try out this site |
New member Username: AvelibrePost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-04 | Hi there..does anyone know how to modify T911 HU loader to ISO read and write rom2? thanks for any help.. |
Unregistered guest | i have a funcard 4 - rom3 rev323 - i have lost my backdoor password and i have tried and tried to open the card but have had no luck - anything i can do to open it ? please help ! thanks |
New member Username: HimerosPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-04 | It would seem that Cali777 did a lot of cut and paste from different web sites. Some of it is outdated, and some is good info. Is there still some sorry people that think that the P4, or P5 can be programmed. Wake up and check out what is going on. Go to the web sites that magicusertoo listed and find out how to watch some TV again. You have about 12 months max. before Dish changes their cards like DTV did. After that you will have to put tin foil on those rabbit ears to watch TV. It will take you about 3 weeks of heavy duty reading and asking questions before you can do the Dish. You can not unlock the back door, if it has been stream locked. Just buy an ISO programmer, and forget that old HU loader. You guys are living in the past, and that will have happen again. so move on. Himeros |
nookstar Unregistered guest | my card is a funcard 4 - i gave my card to a dealer who reset the card and has changed the backdoor key any help plzplzplzplz thanks |
Unregistered guest | I have a Rom 10 A23 that has been stream locked. Anybody know where I can get the unlock program? |
New member Username: ChristiaanPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-04 | hi hou to confert bell to dish |
Cali777 Unregistered guest | Im Back ! |
Anonymous | hey Cali777 i'm using atmega 128 but cant get it to program someone said that i need to add power to the programer but i dont know how can you help me? |
horseshoe Unregistered guest | If you want Dish,Bev and FTA information and help,go to |
Anonymous | I'm currently in the process of buying a magic card. I'm impressed with what I've seen. I also have a Dish 6000u Receiver on the way, with an access card (yellow is all I know). Supposedly the included access card was working and was receiving channels via a previous subscription but doesn't carry any balance. Should I get another access card and try that card? Should I subscribe using the included access card by calling it into DISH? Should I buy another access card? If so, which version would be best? Do I buy another access card directly from DISH? By the way what version of the access card would they send me? Would such a card work? Thanks. |
dishnewbie Unregistered guest | i have 3 dtv hugh reciever. i was told that these reciever was working when i recieved it. But i got nothing except the channal lineup. what do i have to do to get these working? |
New member Username: AndydufresneJacksonville, Ar Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-04 | I have a 2700 reciever with a married card. I have a red device that I believe is a read/write device. No software. Where do I go from here? |
New member Username: DbiloxiPost Number: 2 Registered: Nov-04 | im tryin to get imfo to flash my t911 so i can program rev381 and383 cards turn of by dishnet years ago appreciated any hlp |
key largo Unregistered guest | get the echoloader file from |
Anonymous | Need Help, I have 2800 receiver and I am using YvousEMU for emulation. My IRD was working fine and all the channels were there. I only watched for about an hour, suddenly message appeared on the TV " Serious problem with your receiver, contact Dishnet" I restared the IRD and the emulation program, now it shows only channel 580 info, nonoe of the other channel. Did I get hit with ECM. How can I fix it? Thanks |
It sucks Unregistered guest | Hey. That same thing happened to me. I also have a 2800 and Im useing an atmega. I was watching all the channels but now only the guide channels (# 101 and 103). someguy told me I have to meke a dump. |
It sucks Unregistered guest | make a dump |
Anonymous | Anyone knows how to do reimage the IDR(dump) in order to make it working again? |
check this Unregistered guest | This will reset your IRD to the factory settings. Your EEPROM will need to be unlocked for it to work. Turn on the IRD - Go to the memory dump by pressing the following keys on your remote....MENU, 6, 3, INFO, BROWSE (right arrow), THEME (left arrow). a display of the memory dump should come up on the screen. Once you see this, press the TV./VIDEO button, then press the IRD's front power button, or unplug for 10 seconds.. This will erase all the memory in the EEprom, to include the password that's locks channels. The object in the first part of the sequence above (Menu, 6, 3) is to get to the Diagnostic Screen. Some units may require a different sequence to get there. Use whatever sequence dictates to get to the Diagnostics Screen. Also, sometimes you may have to push the buttons Info, Right, Left, in quick sequence. Let's say you don't want to erase password, but rather find out what it is. This way you could be watching those channels your not supposed to be, and no one would know the difference. If this is the case, once you get to the memory dump, don't hit the TV./Video button. Instead, scroll down in the memory dump until you get to the line 01C0. Look at the 3rd group of digits. The first 4 are the password. It is reversed by 2's. (I.e. If the password is 1234, it would be displayed in the Dump in the 3rd group of digits as 3412. DishPlayer MASTER RESET with the IRD off press 32768 the lights on the IRD should flash to confirm it took it. Some of the new receivers reset by holding down the power button on the receiver for a few seconds. Below is a picture of a memory dump on screen. It also shows the password line 01C0. The password is 4882. |
jojo49 Unregistered guest | can you do any thang to the program there? wher byou can get more channels? |
original lonewolf Unregistered guest | hey guys u dont have to do a full erase at all on how to properly fix ur ird's go to |
maestramaster Unregistered guest | hi guys... i need some help i try to read my rom 3 card(open card) but it doesnt seem to work because it gives me a message saying "error retreaving backdoor password" can you guys tell me what to do? |
maestramaster Unregistered guest | hi guys... i need some help i try to read my rom 3 card(open card)using NagraEdit3.0 but it doesnt seem to work because it gives me a message saying "error retreaving backdoor password" can you guys tell me what to do? |
New member Username: Dharm125Culpeper, Va Usa Post Number: 3 Registered: Jan-05 | hi can someone tell me how to program rom 10 card i have iso programmer and i try nagraedit but when i try to reset card(atr) but this error Opening of COM3 was successful Reset failed Error reseting card, ATR string invalid Closing of COM3 was successful and then i try to removing card lock Opening of COM3 was successful Removing card lock Closing of COM3 was successful Bad communications, try again someone please tell me what to do e-mail me at |
TexasLonghorn Unregistered guest | I installed my quad jtag and everytime i try read my boxkeys using Jkeys 2.9.10 it says Error invalid response Would you like to up date your Firmware? WHAT AM IM DOING WRONG? please help!! |
Silver Member Username: Knee_growDetroit Post Number: 197 Registered: Jan-05 | ROTF idiots |
Unregistered guest | can anyone help me i got a 1000 recieve it is sub but how i go about wipe the ppv off because i done reach my limt .i don,t want to call custom service to do it .any help i will be glad |
LK Unregistered guest | to get help and learn go to |
Anonymous | Can anyone help me i programme my card. Put in receievr and my PPV channels is only getting 4 channels from it. What happinned to the rest of the PPV. Thanks for any help |
Silver Member Username: Jmill1948Chester, Va Usa Post Number: 511 Registered: Apr-04 | |
Unregistered guest | I need some help trying to do dish I have a iso and a jtag but i don't no what softwhere to get to read my card where can i get the softwhere at |
LK Unregistered guest | To get help and learn go to |
dardevil Unregistered guest | been there still have nouthing |
LK Unregistered guest | daredevil...are U blind?...there is no info there in braille,BUT there are tons of How To's,manuals,posts in forums,live chat and ALL the required SOFTWARE files and programs..U must make an effort yourself,nobody is going to spoon feed your and there is no BRIGHT neon signs pointing ,but all the info and file locations are easily visible!...a 6 year old could learn from the info thats at [link removed]. U should change your nick...I think U need someone to hold your hand across the street.. |
astoole Unregistered guest | Can someone point me in the direction of a decent site where I can learn how to program a titanium card for dishnet? Thanks. |
Unregistered guest | I have 2 3900s with 2 rom10 cards. I can"t seem to figure out how to add a program to my Ird so that bev doesn't keep hitting it. One receiver works anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, while the other is just blank after I flashed them both and eraced the sa30 sector 3 times. I am a litle confused as to what to do after that. I have read your info above and am still confused. I was told that I need to download Flash edit 2.0a. Cali777 please help this new user it would be greatly appreciated |
LK Unregistered guest | LOL...must pay attention...Cali777 has posted here since last August the posts, and do whats recommended attention,read,comprehend, and follow advice or don't bother posting!...and maybe if U really want to get smart,U'll use other recommended sites!...or read some of the other threads here with the fix...READ,READ, much as everyone hates to hear it,its the ONLY way to learn...nobody was born with knowlege,U had to acquire it over years... |
Unregistered guest | I was'nt talking to you Lk so mind your business. But if you must know I did read and I still can't comprehend. I just want a little help to get started is that asking a lot? I notice you have a lot to say but you don't help anyone. You think everythins a joke and that your superior to everyone. |
LK Unregistered guest | Thats BS!...if U're posting in this forum,U're talking to Everyone which includes me!....first,U were talking to a ghost,who has been gone 7 months!...second,I do say a lot BUT DO help many..third,If U want help then if U READ,I have advised many myself AND tell them where to look!...fourth,I don't think its a joke or I am superior...lastly,U sound like a disturbed frustrated little girl (example:"mind your own business")...U will not get any help from me...U are a comedy like your nick!...I can tell U're too young to understand and hate the truth...U are on your own,good luck! |
New member Username: DontoyPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-05 | can anyone tell me what digital lock is working right now without receive error 155 massage and where to find the diagram to build it. 301.013 with atmega. thanks |
JoeDirt Unregistered guest | My bad LK. I Read and read and try to do things with no results. I'll keep trying thanks anyway. |
LK Unregistered guest | Sorry for the harsh words but its the only way to learn. I too was once a newbee, but I read and read all the DSS forums on the internet and still I don't know all there is to it. |
JoeDirt Unregistered guest | LK I have fixed the ird but it keeps going out after an hour do I need to reprogram the card to to get it to work. Or am I using bad bun files? |
JoeDirt Unregistered guest | LK I have fixed the ird but it keeps going out after an hour. Do I need to reprogram the card to to get it to work. Or am I using bad bin files? After about an hour I get the message that there is a serious problem with your IRD. |
LK Unregistered guest | Sounds like U got an ECM...need to do the fix thats posted here..also U need to specify,EXACTLY what thw erroe message says...I have posted in here (maybe another thead)look around with ALL the error messages....and the fix,based upon your receiver.. |
New member Username: DontoyPost Number: 2 Registered: Feb-05 | do anybody know what kind of digital lock is working right now for 301.013 dish with atmega. where tofind the diagram to build it? thanks: dontoy |
JoeDirt Unregistered guest | Lk I tried the fix above where you flash the program and use hex editor to change the sa30 file. I still get error Message 153 " A seious problem has been detected with your receiver" Do I need to reprogram the card as well. I have tried everything. |
Joedirt Unregistered guest | I tried the Lutz fix on my ird it worked for about 5 hours then it got ecm.Can anybody help me with a file for my ird that works for more then a day. A file for a 3900 |
LK Unregistered guest | Joe...go to [link removed] forums and ask and post there...Much friendly help there...and much privacy and no email spamming from registering there.. |
JoeDirt Unregistered guest | I can't even get on Dsscomunity I have joined like 3 times and they say that they will e mail me back with a password and they never do. Is the web site still active. Does anyome know. |
JoeDirt Unregistered guest | I can't even get on Dsscomunity I have joined like 3 times and they say that they will e mail me back with a password and they never do. Is the web site still active. Does anyome know. |
JoeDirt Unregistered guest | I can't even get on Dsscomunity I have joined like 3 times and they say that they will e mail me back with a password and they never do. Is the web site still active. Does anyome know. |
LK Unregistered guest | Joe...U are doing something wrong...just click on the link below and register click on Forums,then click on the red navigation bar on left side,then click on either "log on or register"...U select your own nick and password...this is the FREE forums,which are great.. [link removed] And yes,the site is very active...I am there daily and an admin.. U must be trying to join the private area,if U are reading that they will "email" u back a password..and if U have "joined 3x,then U must have provided credit card info etc..if thats the case,then once U join the FREE forums,U can read about the "premium " (private) membership joining area and inquire about your 3x joining problem,and if U were even ever charged...I don't believe so,cause U would have received an email within 24 hours.. |
Bronze Member Username: Knee_grows_backPost Number: 55 Registered: Jan-05 | Don't bother...that website is a fcuking joke, there are much better sites out there. They get you sign up and then sell your emails to spam companys....if you sign up, you will be getting spam in no time...STAY AWAY FROM THESE AZZHOLES |
LK Unregistered guest | Joe and not listen to this kneegrow loser..[link removed] does NOT spam or sell email lists...EVERY member there will tell U that...go there as a guest (unregistered) and ask everyone yourself! kneegrow is just a loser cause I banned him from there..and has listed as a recommended TRUSTED site |
pharamarz Unregistered guest | I agree with LK : No problem with dsscommunity. Their fixes are pretty OK ( just take a look) All the best- Pharamarz |
LK Unregistered guest | Pharamarz...I have seen you donate many files to dsscommunity...TY |
pharamarz Unregistered guest | kneegrow sucks dick |
LK Unregistered guest | dontoy...U can get a digital tsop lock for about $20...try |
Joedirt Unregistered guest | Does anyone have instructions on how to update my blocker? |
LK Unregistered guest | go to [link removed] for latest blockers |