Yes...........all kinds of good programs on 91. Not too much on 82. I've got my dish pointed so I can receive both sats. I can get everything on 91 except the Venus channels. I don't know why I can't get them. Sometime in the future I'm going to just point it directly at 91. Maybe they'll come in then.
bev vu and adult channels gone around 11.30 a m monday started to loose many channels. ppv,adult channels and premiums Lots of speculations out here in Toronto that CP24 (503) & HIST (522) channels are one of the two channels under new encription.... and I think by end of week we should be all black on BEV... You can add Euronews to the list now
start tapping every show& movie you like on charlie,it may be long time before a new bin comes out.I wonder which fta company will start with the drama first?If veiwsat does not come out with a bin first alot of new veiwsat owners will be pissed.Will bl come back with a new bin,I hope so.
BL first? I hardly think so. Viewsat owners were watching tv for a month and BL was still trying to complete his fix. I think he was about 99% complete and he never could manage that other 1%. Now he's going to have to start all over again. I'm betting that once again...Mr Viewsat will be on top and viewsat owners will not be in the dark for long.